i. Just Wanna

Subtle Touches - A Jeongcheol Fanfic Collection

Wearing a blue sweater, jeans, black and white scarf and his favorite Outlands, Seungcheol is walking under the rain with earphones on each ear and a black umbrella on his hand held above his head to avoid the rain droplets to destroy his heavily-styled hair. He is walking towards his friend’s, Mingyu’s, coffee shop to get a cup of hot Americano perfect for the ridiculously chilly weather.

After a few minutes of brisk walking, Seungcheol finally saw the coffee shop’s sign. ‘MEANIE COFFEE HOUSE ‘it read. Seungcheol can never get how a supposedly comfy coffee shop is named like that. Like how he never get Mingyu’s over-cleanliness. Well, he never got Mingyu’s weirdness anyway.

Seungcheol pushed the door and the wind chimes annoyingly chimed. Seungcheol went to his usual place in the shop, a table for two near the window. He motioned for Chan and the kind and young waiter immediately came to his aid. After saying their greetings, Seungcheol ordered a cup of Americano and a doughnut.

While waiting for his order, Seungcheol turned his gaze into the large window beside him. Observing the people walking outside, Seungcheol felt amused as he watched a few office people scurrying to get into taxis or under bus stops to avoid getting wet due to the sudden outpour.

Seungcheol loved to watch people. Whether on coffee shops, on his apartment’s balcony or even just on the bus, he loved to observe and guess the person’s life story. He enjoyed every bit of it. Just as he was watching a young man, probably in his twenties, hurriedly run towards the bus stop and try to dry his wet polo, his Americano came.

The coffee shop is unbelievably empty today, which seemed odd to Seungcheol since it is a rainy day and normally, coffee shops like this would be jam-packed with people buying a cup of Americano or latte.

Seungcheol was about to get back to watching people run for their dry clothes when he saw him.

With long-shoulder length, brown hair that cascaded down his shoulders and a gentle face that could’ve been a face of an angel, Seungcheol had to blink twice to make sure that he wasn’t daydreaming. 

The ethereal man walked towards the counter and Seungcheol swear he could see rays of light emitting from the beautiful angel. 

Yes, an angel. Seungcheol was sure no human could ever look as beautiful as the one he is staring at now.

Completely forgetting of his scorching hot Americano, Seungcheol continued to watch as the brown-haired man quietly sat at a stool by the counter, sweeping his long hair whilst waiting for hi beverage. Seungcheol fought every urge to leave his coffee and talk to angel. 

Seungcheol reached for his coffee and sipped it, only to be burned at the tongue. He quickly spat the coffee while worrying if the boy is aware of the mishap he currently had. Wiping his chin with a tissue, Seungcheol mentally cursed at himself and decided to listen to some music. As if destiny has played its game again, the song that is currently playing fits his situation..

When I first walked in the room, I saw your face

Baby girl I was so amazed

Seungcheol looked at the man who is now sipping a cold beverage that looked like Iced Americano. Seungcheol continued to look while the long-haired man continued to sip on not knowing about the stranger that has been keeping his eyes on him since he came to the coffee shop.

Because I know you

The one I've been searching for

I know with you, my life means more

The brown-haired man suddenly checked his watch and got up from his seat.

And Seungcheol couldn't fight the urge to follow him, so he got up, leaving his half-cup of Americano and followed the long-haired guy to the door.

Seungcheol caught up with the angel only to see that the boy didn't have an umbrella with him. It was raining so bad outside and the guy looked so worried. So Seungcheol, gathering all the courage he has on his body, approached the guy.

"Er.. .Uhmm... I see you don't have an umbrella." Seungcheol can't help but stutter. The long-haired guy turned to him with a shocked face.

And Seungcheol swear he could hear angels sing when the latter faced him. He was beautiful from a far but a lot more upclose.

"Uh yeah, I ran here a while ago because it was just a drizzle but now it's raining hard. And I have to go home now." the brown-haired angel said.

Seungcheol suddenly remembered his umbrella.

"Uh.. would you like to take my umbrella?" Seungcheol asked

"Oh? How about you?" the angel said

"Uh... Er.. I'm fine." Seungcheol said

"Nonsense. Let's share it, is it okay?" the angel said

Sure why not! Seungcheol mentally answered

"Are you sure?" Seungcheol asked

The angel simply nodded. Seungcheol got his umbrella from the holder in front of the coffee shop and got ready to run under the rain with the angel.

While they were getting ready to go out, the long-haired guy said,

"It's Yoon Jeonghan."


"My name. Oh, I heard that ice creams are good for burnt tongues. Wanna get some? I know a good place just across the street."

Seungcheol blushed and nodded. 

And under one umbrella and with fluttering hearts, they walked under the falling rain.



+ + +


Yeaaaah! So I have no classes that's why I decided to post this. ^^ 

And for those who are waiting for the update of my other story, just a little bit moooore! 

I have typed the draft but it's not yet finished.

Thank you for reading!~



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Junie_Jjang11 #1
Chapter 12: C U T E !!!!!!!
Chapter 12: aww good for you!! I only have 17 Carat, haha...

Chapter 12: Classic simple story but so fluffy and lovely. So gooood
Vamps56 #4
Chapter 12: How cute jeongcheol baby
Chapter 12: Oh god jeongcheol plus mpreg the perfect thing ^^
lamahef #6
Chapter 11: Hey author-nim, I really love your one-shots!

I subscribed a long ago but I got to actually read them only today, sweet, so sweet!

I had to make a suggestion though, I think it would be better to inform in the beginning of the chapter that it's a sequel for a past one, I got kind of confused when I read them but found out that they were sequels at the end.
Good luck!
OhMy_JerMy #7
Chapter 11: Oh my God!! my feels it's overflowing!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!
Chapter 11: Yoon jeonghan why dont you refuse seungcheol first? And accept the kiss??? You must be love him so much... Ahahahaha