Chapter One

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Slash! Slash! Shield up! Slash!

Mission Success!

Kyuhyun smirked in victory as the small screen before him displayed the newly leveled-up statistics of his game character.

And they said this level would be difficult.

Scoffing, Kyuhyun pulled up a list of new missions that he could take next. He was busy deciding between two missions which had the largest money reward - his character could do with a more powerful, but expensive, new sword - when he noticed that something was amiss with his companion.

As an avid gamer who took any chances that he could to play games, Kyuhyun had become very adapt at being aware of his surroundings, even while playing a game. This was only when he was in public environments, of course. In the privacy of his bedroom he could freely lose himself in whatever fantasy world the brilliant game developers had come up with.

One prime example was what was happening right now. He and Donghae were walking towards their next class, Kyuhyun busy playing and Donghae just walking silently beside him (this was one of the reasons they're such good friends, Donghae understood his dislike for distractions when playing), when they turned around a corner and Donghae suddenly froze up.

Puzzled, Kyuhyun glanced at his friend, and seeing him looking right at a spot in front of them, he followed Donghae's gaze.

Kyuhyun mentally heaved a long-suffering sigh when he saw a couple of students about to make out in front of them.

Hormonal teenagers.

Not that he wasn't a teenager himself, but still.

His eyebrow rose, though, when he saw one of them resisting. A lover's spat, maybe?

Deciding that he couldn't care one bit, It isn't any of my business, Kyuhyun thought, he turned to his PSP to resume his game.

He didn't even get to press the OK button on his chosen mission when he saw Donghae suddenly disappear beside him. Kyuhyun looked up and he felt both of his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

Apparently, Donghae had ran and grabbed the blonde student away from the other. He had succeeded in doing so, the dazed-looking blonde still in his arms.

Although still confused as hell, (Donghae wasn't the type to get mixed up in anyone else's fights) Kyuhyun immediately headed over to the trio, anticipating trouble from the black-haired student.

When he got there, he saw the black-haired student preparing to launch himself at the two, who were still hugging and seemed to be staring at each other.

Seeing that the two didn't want to be disturbed, Kyuhyun just returned to his game, stuck out a foot, and smirked when the idiot tripped and landed on the floor.

Oldest trick in the book, and still works like magic.

"Sorry, didn't notice you there." Voice dripping with insincerity, Kyuhyun lowered his PSP to smirk at the kneeling student in front of him.

"Like hell you didn't notice me! You trying to tell me that tripping me was an accident?" the student raged, standing up and getting ready to fight.

Kyuhyun stood where he was, ready to fight back, when he saw the blonde kid punch the insolent student across the face. Hard.

Even Kyuhyun winced.

“That’s for harassing me nonstop! Don’t ever show your face in front of me again, or I won’t let you off next time.” The blonde threatened, eyes glaring down at the other student.

Holding his probably broken and bleeding nose, the black-haired student seemed to be hesitating - about what, Kyuhyun couldn't fathom - until the blonde spoke again.

"Go! Or do you want me to sic Heechul at you?" At those words, the black-haired student's eyes widened. Nodding quickly, he scurried away from the scene.

He watched with little interest as the blonde kid pumped his fist into the air. The blonde then quickly turned around and bowed deeply before them. “Thank you very much for helping me!”

Leaving the talking to Donghae, Kyuhyun returned to his game. He did hear Donghae talking, but when he heard a few moments pass by in silence, he looked up.

He saw the two staring at each other - again - and Kyuhyun was about to leave them to it when he saw the time on his PSP and almost cursed. It was almost time for their next class, and their professor wasn't the type to forgive tardiness. He didn't want to sit in detention after school when he could be playing. Or doing something else.

Kyuhyun waited for a few more seconds for the two to snap out of whatever moment they're in, but when no one budged, h

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Pilika-LastHope #1
Chapter 16: awwcute
487 streak #2
Chapter 16: Babe!!! You're not going to update this piece?!? How dare youuu 😭😭😭

I want the next chapter button 😭😭😭
487 streak #3
Chapter 12: love love love love this chapter sooooo much! The best! <3
487 streak #4
Chapter 11: I see that Yesung's mother really likes Kyuhyun XD
487 streak #5
Chapter 10: Yesung forgot about Hyukjae because of ice cream just .... XDDDDD
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Chapter 8: Why Hyukjae bit Donghae? O____o
487 streak #7
Chapter 7: I knew it! XD~
487 streak #8
Chapter 6: I think I know who Yesung's friend XD~
487 streak #9
Chapter 4: Huo! I knew it! Finally Kyu found his soulmate #cough LOL
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Chapter 3: I love Hae here!