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I touched the strawberry that was stuck on the small refrigerator inside the office as my forehead wrinkled in thoughts.

Oh this is what they called ‘magnet’ right? I pulled it off and then stuck it again on the surface. Then I pulled it again and put it on my palm to observe it.

How on Heaven this tiny stuff can be stuck on a metal?

As I was observing it, the sound of sliding door jolted me and I quickly stuck the strawberry where it was before. I smiled at the woman who came inside.

“Hong Min Hee-ssi right? Hi, I’m your classroom teacher, Choi Ji Young.” the woman beamed as she held out her hand. I shook her hand joyfully.

“Yes, I’m Hong Min Hee, the transfer student from China.”

She looked surprised. “Oh wow! Your Korean is fluent. I bet you won’t have any problems to make friends!” she praised me. I chuckled shyly over her praise. I lifted my spectacle that was about to fall from my nose’s bridge. Well, Shinigami could speak many languages. By many languages, I meant every language in the world so that we won’t have any troubles to converse with humans.

“Come! I will show you your class.” she suddenly pulled my hands. I almost stumbled but somehow managed to keep my body stabled. When we were out from the office, she let go of my hands and walked by my side along the corridor.

“May I ask why did you move to China?”

My mouth twitched into a smile. “It is because my dad was expanding his business in China. So we had to move there.”

She nodded her head over my explaination. Whew, luckily I already memorized the character I am supposed to play.

“What age were you when you moved there?”

“I was 6 years old.”

“Really? How can your Korean sounds so perfect when you lived in China more than here?”

Her words disarmed me. Damn! I gulped down my saliva.

“Err... well at home we talked Korean. Well you know my dad doesn’t want me to forget my origin.”

“Ahh...” she nodded again.

Please no more question, I prayed silently. Luckily the conversation petered out and we fell silent afterwards not until we reached a brown-coloured door.

“Here we are! Ready?”

I gave her a weak smile. I was lying if I said I was not nervous. This was my second time I got a school girl character. I would always felt anxious because I had never been to school. Heck we didn’t have school at Holy Sky City.

During my first year, I got a school girl character too and my second year was a kindergarten teacher. Third year, I got a novelist character.

The teacher went in after whispering to me to stay outside for a sec. Then I heard the students greeted their teacher. 1 minute later, I heard the teacher said something about new girl student and the students especially boys cheered over it.

“Come in, Min Hee-ssi.”

I exhaled a big breath before I went in. The cheers became more louder as soon as I stepped into the class.

“Now boys, behave. Min Hee-ssi, come here and introduce yourself.” she gestured me to walk at her direction which was at the front of the class. I was sweating like cow.

“Annyeong haseyo. I’m Hong Min Hee, the transfer student from China.” I bowed slightly after saying that. I heard a whistle from the boys at the back of the class.

Yeah I know I’m hot. Tehee

Then I was bombarded with lot of question especially from the boys. Lucky me, I managed to answer them all.

“Min Hee-ssi, go and sit beside Yu Ra.” I scanned over the class when suddenly a girl with braided hair waving her hand at me. I guessed she was Yu Ra. I made my way with her, still wearing my nervous smile. I noticed the boys

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