Chapter 11

The Ups and Downs of Life
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Chapter 11;


"Hye In!" Sehun's voice rang through the crowd just as I was looking for him. We met at the middle of the room. 

"May I have this dance?" He asked, a small smile playing on his lips as he held out a hand. "You may." I said as I placed my hand in his. He pulled me close to him and placed a hand on my back, while I placed my hand on his shoulder. Slowly, the crowd faded into the background and it was as if it was just Sehun and I in the room, I don't know why, but dancing with Sehun always made my heartbeat hasten, but I still felt safe with him. And as much as I didn't want to admit it, I only wanted to dance with Sehun. It was then, when I've decided that I liked dancing with Sehun.

The song ended and some techno music started playing, I got pulled away from Sehun by Seulgi. "Sorry sunbae, but I'm stealing your date." She stuck out her tongue. I met up with my girls and they were moving to the beat of the song with red solo cups in their hands. "Are you guys already drunk? The song literally just ended." I was amazed by how wild these girls could be. 

"The song didn't just end, sweetheart. The song got replayed because you and Sehun wouldn't stop dancing. Man, you really caught everyone's attention." Joy giggled, great she's drunk. I felt my face heat up, "Why didn't anyone stop us?" 

"Who the hell would stop someone when they're in their own world? Here, drink up!" Wendy pushed a cup with punch in it towards me. The drink obviously had alcohol in it, I was thinking long and hard if I should get drunk tonight. I was underage, but it wasn't like I've never done it. Ah, it, who the hell cares? I drank the whole thing in one go. "Let's go dance!" Yeri squeled. And so, that was what I did.



Fast forward one hour later, I found myself on the huge balcony of this enormous mansion, who even needs a mansion this big anyway? I came up here to sober up but I grabbed two cans of beer before I came out here. Great job Hye In. "What are you doing here?" A familiar voi

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Chapter 11: Its so good i like it
Please update
Please write more. Its getting interesting! Hwaiting!
blackwidowbabyaye #3
WoaaahhH!!! Good Plot >w<