Chapter 9

The Ups and Downs of Life
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Chapter 9;



"Do you want to go on a road trip?" Sehun asked me, looking up from his phone. 

I choked on my the food that Sehun so kindly prepared for me after I threatened to destroy his Jordans, what's with teenage boys with their obsession with sneakers? "Are you insane?" I looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"Oh come on, it's just a 40 minute drive, minus the traffic." 

My eyes were darting around, thinking of all the possible places we could be. What if he had a different motive? What if he plans on ditching me in the middle of nowhere? I knew it was ridiculous of me to think that but considering how selfish i've been to him it could occur to him as a possibility. "For 's sake Hye In, can't you just trust me a little?" 

Trust? Do I trust Sehun? The more I thought the deeper I went. Do I even trust anyone right now? I haven't told anyone what was going on in this messed up mind of mine in a long time. "Earth to Hye In?" I snapped out of my trance when Sehun waved his hand infront of my face. 

"Oh Thank God, I thought you were having a panic attack." He sighed dramatically. 

"Where are we going?" 

"You'll just have to find out after getting there." He smirked, knowing it was going to drive me nuts.

After him practically forcing me into my own house to pack some clothes because apparently we were staying the night. I was still afraid I would get caught by Jongin, or even worse, his girlfriend. After hurriedly packing my essentials into a duffel bag I climbed back into Sehun's room.

Sehun and I were sitting in his mum's car that we kinda but kinda didn't steal. As long as we don't crash they won't realise since they're out of the country, right? I was looking out the window watching the world pass by at every moving second while Sehun had his eyes trained on the road ahead of him while listening to some crappy pop song playing on the radio. "Do you believe in happiness, Sehun?"  I asked suddenly making him choke on his saliva.

"No," He replied after calming down from his coughing fit.

"Absolute bull, Sehun." I snorted. 

"Happiness isn't mea

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Chapter 11: Its so good i like it
Please update
Please write more. Its getting interesting! Hwaiting!
blackwidowbabyaye #3
WoaaahhH!!! Good Plot >w<