I will see you again

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Is weekend and they are both at the airport saying goodbye.. Jackson is looking very tired like if he hasn't been sleeping  well for the fact that he does not wants to leave Mark behind.. Mark couldn't  decide and he preferred to stay and continue  his trip in Taiwan.. JYP is approaching  them...

JYP: hello guys are you ready to go?

Jackson : well I guess  I am... looking sad

JYP: Mark?... Looking at him with a question expression on his face kind of dessapointed..

Mark: I am not sure I  want to do this first of all.. so.. I am not telling you to give me time because I don't know .. and I dont want to make any promises to you . Feel free to pick who ever you want..

JYP: I understand your point.. but I am still will give you the time that you need ok.. so don't worry. . They will be training  for about a year before their first debut I think that would be enough  time for you to decide..because I want you I already decide.. I GOT 7 already.. including  you..

Mark : but..b..

Jackson: Mark please. Just think about it ok..ok stay here do all the things you wanted to do and then come.. come I'll  be waiting  for you..ok.. ... touching  his face.. an looking at his eyes lainfully.. JYP : Smiles.. ok so.. we will see you soon then

Mark : nods ... thinking that they are very sure about what they are saying ..assuming  he will go to Korea..

JYP and Jackson start walking   to check in Jackson  is looking  back and waving

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Chapter 8: Let me become your Co author but how do I do that?
parkbi #2
Chapter 5: nice chapter authornim ^^