I'm into you...

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Mark's wakes up to the feeling  of Jackson  kissing his lips and going down kissing his neck and chin, bites it a little  bit, he traces his tongue  on Mark's dimples and on them a little.. .Marks moan softly and holds Jackson's hair, he sits up a little to kiss Jackson. Jackson  grab hold of his shoulders and pushes Mark back to bed. Jackson gets on top and Continues kissing and tracing Mark's abs with his tongue.. Marks moans softly to the feeling of Jackson  doing all this to him and he is getting harder and harder. Jackson  is also getting harder  just to listen Mark's  moan. He can feel it going right to his .... Jackson is short of breath.

. Jackson: Mark you are making me hard..I want to you now..  

Mark:  Jacks.... Jackson: hush...don't say anything..let me  please... whispering  in his ears . Looking  at Mark's eyes. . Both have their hands allover eachother. . They are both panting with emotions and feelings.. can't take off their mouth from eachother

.. Mark: I am ready Jackson... come on funk me now me!! ..Shouts and moans at the same time..Oh God! Jackson pulls Mark's by his hips bringing  him closer to him and pulls his boxers  off throwing them on the floor.

Jackson: Do you have lubricant?

Mark: No sorry I don't. ... condoms. .

Marks pull one out of nowhere..

Jackson: Gees you had them ready already?..

Marks: haha.... sort of. . Jackson  gives him a smile with a smirk  ..tell him

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Chapter 8: Let me become your Co author but how do I do that?
parkbi #2
Chapter 5: nice chapter authornim ^^