Fate? Or Disaster?

My Precious 'Maid'
YoungJae is so stressed up. He hasn't eaten since his arrival in Seoul and that was 2 days ago. That, and the fact that he's still jobless made him even more stressed up. Well, its his fault too for not bringing any certificate or anything to prove he's not dumb and not a 'country boy'. YoungJae searched for a toilet in the mall to take a shower as he didn't bathe for 2 days. Of course there are no showers in the toilet but he just can't stand the sticky feeling all over his body. He had to take a shower whatever it takes. He could also change to a better clothes too! After done cleaning himself, he felt great. He doesn't feel tired anymore, just hungry. YoungJae's resting on a bench when he saw someone wants to throw away his coffee. YoungJae ask for the guy's frappe and the guy just gave him the frappe. Happy, YoungJae walked out of the mall drinking the frappe. But then, YoungJae accidently tripped on a wire. He managed to keep his balance, but... "YAH!!!" yelled a guy in his tux. He seems to be working, with the briefcase and all, but his tux already stained by YoungJae's frappe. "My tux!! You-!!" glared the man to YoungJae that made YoungJae ran away. "WAIT! COME BACK HERE!! " he yelled. Looking at his tux, his blood boil and he clenched his fists, holding his anger. "I'll get you, someday..." he grumbled, followed by curses under his breath. "JaeBum-ah! I heard you yelling. What happened?" ask Jackson.
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Chapter 24: I like this story~
Please update.
Chapter 24: I read this all in one go! x3 //dying
This story is so fun to read and I've never read anything like this lol
I look forward to seeing other chapters :D
Simple-J #3
Chapter 2: Aw the chaps are so short
Happy belated Birthday!!
Kalanihouston #5
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday!!!!!! <3
Chapter 22: oh no :(
Kalanihouston #7
Chapter 22: I honestly love stories like these, but if you don't enjoy writing it then you should write something that you can be proud of. I'm not saying that i don't like this story, because i really do, I'm just saying that nobody wants to make you feel uncomfortable. This might be just me but this is one of the main stories that I look forward to everyday. You are a great author and sometimes people who do have really organized plots spend to much time on it. If you don't want to continue then no one is going to judge you for it. So just do what you feel is right. I can't wait for your new story or chapter!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: It would be really good if u could continue this fic! I really love it ;-; but if you can't u could start on the other fic that u'll be able write with the plot? Do what's the most comfortable for u! No stress! ^^ fighting author
llbwdll #9
Chapter 22: keep continuing this
If you want to write another one which ship you will write for 2jae or markjin ? Or something else
RubiKgreen #10
Chapter 19: Jajaja dirty dirty JaeBum!!!! I don't like it when he try to touch our cutie YoungJae like that iughh hahahahaha my 2Jae feelssss . Something is fishy with the whole Jaebum's dad thing... strage!! Hehehe.