Theme Park!

You are not weird,you are special:)

*Seung-Hyun POV*

"Okay class!Gather at entrance A in your small groups after 20 minutes!And most importantly,HAVE FUN!"

I dragged myself. Last night,I had training at F&C studios until 11pm...Haiz.

My group consisted of PYT. All the time,they were chatting among themselves and yelling at the top of their voices about how scary the rides were. It really ain't that bad. They kept on pestering me to win this teddy in this match. Aye,it was not a big deal for an all-rounded pro like me~ I am good at everything I say; sports,music,arts,academic. My charisma is off the chart~ Hehehe

"Oppa!Are you okay? You suddenly laughed!" Min-ro stared at me,concerned.

"Hehe~ Everything is fine",stupid me..drifting to dreamland time after time.

Aim and shoot.

"CONGRATULATIONS!You have won yourself a soft toy. You can choose whichever soft toy you want." Min-ro instantly grabbed the pale-white teddy bear.

"I will name him Seung-Hyun~ Thank you Oppa!"

My hair stand up...eee goosebumps. Laughing away,I turn around. There,I saw Chae-Young sitting there alone,just looking at the summer clouds. I started walking slowly towards her while the PYT members were talking loudly about Min-Ro's new toy.


She looked up and jumped a few steps back. Haha~ So cute!

"Are you hungry?" I asked her,mainly because I was starving too.

She shaked her head."It would be too troublesome."

Hmm..I went to the same dart game place again. Shoot and aim! As expected,I won! "Sir,you can pick another soft toy for yourself. What would it be?"the game stall vendor pointed towards the soft toys. Hmm..which soft toy would Chae-Young like.

"I'll choose that one please"

I ran towards her with the soft toy behind my back.

"Na~ This is for you! I hope you like it. I feel that you are like this turtle. Unless you come out of your shell, you will be noticed. You have yet to reach your personal potential. Be like the turtle and shine. No matter how slow you would take, I promise to wait:) One day..everything will change for the better"

She hugged me and tears started to flow down her porcelain cheeks. It felt so warm. Her innocent smile touched my heart. It felt like the last time I was with...

I pushed her away. This was going to far.. I couldn't control myself!I can't let it happen..again

*Chae-Young Diary*

Dear Diary,

The amusent park was super fun! Although my group members avoided me, it turned out well later. I got a present for the first time from my only friend,Seung-Hyun. But he suddenly left. I was so worried something happened to him. I hope it wasn't my fault...


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please update :)
vocooleva #2
Thanks for the awesome comments and I will try my best to keep the story sweet for everyone!:D Thanks for subscribing too~ :P
waah! seunghyun~ahh!
great story! can't wait for more updates! ^_^
Hajinnie #4
Yay \o/ you finally updated and it's a very sweet chapter btw. Seunghyun is so nice :>
awe that was cute :3
This is amazing! It's like a drama. Keep on writing and maybe one day someone would make this into a drama? Haha. Anyway, seunghyun is my number one Bias!!
Aha Im really starting to love this fanfic, keep up the good work :D
Sweet fanfic! And thanks so much for keeping the chapters short! Keep it up~
vocooleva #9
Thank you for all of your constructive feedback!:D<br />
Jong-hun is my baised hehe:)
vocooleva #10
@Hajinnie yup!my sister is awesome:) She inspired me to be a fan of FT-Island and also to write fan-fiction. <br />
Please support her awesome fan-fics as they are also FT-Island inspired fan fics.