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You are not weird,you are special:)

*Chae-Young POV*

"Okay class!Next Wednesday,we are going to the theme park for our annual class gathering!"

The class cheered~! Everyone was looking forward for this day.This year would be our final year and our last time we can spent time together..After this gathering,we would study for our examinations and before we know it,we would go our separate ways..

"I would place a sign up sheet in-front. It will happen after school hours so please inform your parents ah~ Have fun!"Mr Kim spoke with a little excitement in his voice.

Yay!It's gonna be so fun!

During break time,I shuffled my feet slowly to the board. I turned and scanned the whole class.Yes,no one is here. Now,it's my time. So,I hurry to the board and wrote my name. Suddenly, the PYT club came to class and started giggling!

"Silly! She would scare the crap out of everybody! Clowns would be even scared of her. Dang,I want to cancel my name already. I can't stand her presence~"the leader cracked up and her friends around her started to laugh as well.

As I lifted my pen to cancel my name, Seung-Hyun grabbed my wrist and smiled to me. "Don't worry,I will protect you. Come and have fun with us! I think it would be a pleasure if you could come and play too!"

"Seung-Hyun Oppa! What are you doing here? You know what she can do right? She can summoun and possesed the rollercoaster rides in broad day-light."

"STOP IT! SHE IS INNOCENT!" The pupils of his eyes widened.

For once, I did not know why he was doing this to me..I never felt so enlightened~

The PYT started to stared at me in disgust and bewilderment but I didn't care. I had my friend with me:) Seung-Hyun Oppa just smiled and scruffled my hair before walking back to his seat.

*Chae-Young Diary*

Dear Diary,

I am so excited!!I'm going to the theme park and spend time with my friends,especially Seung-Hyun Oppa.Hehe~


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please update :)
vocooleva #2
Thanks for the awesome comments and I will try my best to keep the story sweet for everyone!:D Thanks for subscribing too~ :P
waah! seunghyun~ahh!
great story! can't wait for more updates! ^_^
Hajinnie #4
Yay \o/ you finally updated and it's a very sweet chapter btw. Seunghyun is so nice :>
awe that was cute :3
This is amazing! It's like a drama. Keep on writing and maybe one day someone would make this into a drama? Haha. Anyway, seunghyun is my number one Bias!!
Aha Im really starting to love this fanfic, keep up the good work :D
Sweet fanfic! And thanks so much for keeping the chapters short! Keep it up~
vocooleva #9
Thank you for all of your constructive feedback!:D<br />
Jong-hun is my baised hehe:)
vocooleva #10
@Hajinnie yup!my sister is awesome:) She inspired me to be a fan of FT-Island and also to write fan-fiction. <br />
Please support her awesome fan-fics as they are also FT-Island inspired fan fics.