
You are not weird,you are special:)

*Chae-Young Point of view*

Sigh,it is monday again.How I hate school...

"I heard that Chae-Young father can speak to spirits and uses her as an offering to communicate with the dead!"

"That explains her dark aura.Omo I am so scared of her!Maybe she is not a human!"

I stared...and they hurried back to their seats. Yes this has become a regular routine ever since I was in kindergarden. My pale white skin made my classmates think that I was a ghost. My silky long black hair and dark gloomy eyes resulted in a pressumtion that I was working with the dark. But actually,I am just a normal girl. Only thing that was adnormal was that I didn't have friends. The fact that everyone started spreading nasty rumors about me,I chose another path. Not the path of acceptance but the path of loneliness. I felt so hurt and didn't feel like going to school. I would attempt silly excuses only to find myself being dragged to school.

So I engaged in unique hobbies to pass my time away. I sat alone in class during recess. This encouraged more rumors but I didn't care. I was sastified with being alone.

My name is Yoon Chae-Young,a sophomore in Seoul District 4 High School. My looks..well you can say they are really creepy but I couldn't be bothered. I love collecting bottles caps,pebbles and bread clips. No one knows but I love singing. It was the only way I could escape from reality. These beautiful songs created came from the heart and soul of many singers and producers for us to enjoy. I spend most of the time alone because I never had a friend in my whole entire life. Why is that so you may ask? For no particular reasons, my classmates shuns away from me,making it impossible for me to say hi.

This is my life and I will continue living it this way.



Dear Diary,

Today, Ajuma passed me 5 bottle caps! I was so delighted. I heard people gossiping about me. They said that ajuma was my mother and that she gave birth to me in a rubbish-bin. I wondered why they are so mean to her. A lot of people confessed to their love ones today because they said that today was a special. Song Seung Hyun had a lot of confessions. He merely laugh and rejected them.Sigh,that is for being Mr popular. He is so heartless,breaking the heart of so many girls.

Well,they said if you wish for something on this special day, your wish will come true. Diary, I really wish that I will have a friend. Just one will do.


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please update :)
vocooleva #2
Thanks for the awesome comments and I will try my best to keep the story sweet for everyone!:D Thanks for subscribing too~ :P
waah! seunghyun~ahh!
great story! can't wait for more updates! ^_^
Hajinnie #4
Yay \o/ you finally updated and it's a very sweet chapter btw. Seunghyun is so nice :>
awe that was cute :3
This is amazing! It's like a drama. Keep on writing and maybe one day someone would make this into a drama? Haha. Anyway, seunghyun is my number one Bias!!
Aha Im really starting to love this fanfic, keep up the good work :D
Sweet fanfic! And thanks so much for keeping the chapters short! Keep it up~
vocooleva #9
Thank you for all of your constructive feedback!:D<br />
Jong-hun is my baised hehe:)
vocooleva #10
@Hajinnie yup!my sister is awesome:) She inspired me to be a fan of FT-Island and also to write fan-fiction. <br />
Please support her awesome fan-fics as they are also FT-Island inspired fan fics.