
You are not weird,you are special:)

*seung-hyun POV*

What was I thinking?I gues that was the only I could get close to her and protect her. Why? What exactly is this strange feeling stirring in my heart. It seems so crazy but the only thing that revolves in my mind is her,my dear Chea-Young.

Wait,no Seung-hyun! Stay focus. Right after my national examination, I  would debut as a star. As much as I think I am crazily head over heels for her,I must..must..

"Hey!"Her sheepish smile and slightly downcasted eyes looked brighter than usual. For a change, she wore a sky blue headband on her silky black hair. Gosh she is so beautiful.

"Hey! How're you?"grinning at her.

"Erm.I'm fine. Really excited since you are now my friend!" she chuckled in a cute way."Oh. I made you some cookies!Hope you like it."

She had a pair of dimples that went perfectly well with her sparkly white teeth.

"Thanks!" I hugged her petite body.

YIKES!WHAT AM I DOING?! She simply stepped back and scratch her head while bitting her bottom lips. Why is she so cute...

I started to bite the snow-man looking cookie. She kept glaring at me,aniticipating for my reaction. I didn't mind at all.

*Crunch* Bleh,it was gross. But I can't let her know or it would break her heart. Never would I want her to upset like she always did.

"It's delicious!"

"Really?!" She giggled again. That's what I want to see:)

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please update :)
vocooleva #2
Thanks for the awesome comments and I will try my best to keep the story sweet for everyone!:D Thanks for subscribing too~ :P
waah! seunghyun~ahh!
great story! can't wait for more updates! ^_^
Hajinnie #4
Yay \o/ you finally updated and it's a very sweet chapter btw. Seunghyun is so nice :>
awe that was cute :3
This is amazing! It's like a drama. Keep on writing and maybe one day someone would make this into a drama? Haha. Anyway, seunghyun is my number one Bias!!
Aha Im really starting to love this fanfic, keep up the good work :D
Sweet fanfic! And thanks so much for keeping the chapters short! Keep it up~
vocooleva #9
Thank you for all of your constructive feedback!:D<br />
Jong-hun is my baised hehe:)
vocooleva #10
@Hajinnie yup!my sister is awesome:) She inspired me to be a fan of FT-Island and also to write fan-fiction. <br />
Please support her awesome fan-fics as they are also FT-Island inspired fan fics.