
-not edited and in rush-


@worthless: i just feel so ing empty sometimes& it's exhausting to feel nothing and everything at the same time

you are the epitome of perfection. they- your parents said.  you have the brain of your father, the beauty and grace of your mother and the dignity of the family of the Min to care of. you're often pressured by your parents to do this. to do that.  no, that's dangerous alice! no, you need to do it this way, alice! blah blah etcetera.

you were basically your parents' toy. a prize for display. 

truth to be told, your parents don't even know that you like the rainy days much more than the sunny days. or how you easily get scared of the sound of thunder cracking. or how you'd like your egg yolk half fried. 

the only person or it- that truly cares about you is your pet dog marnie. she is a maltese, the brown one. it's very cute, the way her eyes are so round and big. and when she is too active, her tongue would stick out. so cute. she always keep your company no matter where you went or what you're doing. she is just there. is it weird to say that you like your pet's company more than your parents? 

punk rock music is blaring through the speaker of your phone as you sprawl on the bed with marnie lays flat on your stomach. a beeping sound cut the music for a while. you reaches out for your phone and see that you received notifications from twitter.
@anonymouse liked your tweet
@anonymous retweeted your tweet.
curiousity is overflowing through your vein. 

you unlocked your phone, automatically @anonymous profile popped up. you tap the follow button.

scrolling through @anonymous timeline, you figured out that @anonymous is a male and somewhat very into music.

you threw the phone on the bed and yawn in a very ugly manner, that shrek himself would be grossed out.

it is a lazy day for you. the only productive thing you did was watching netflix and maybe jog downstair to get some more food. that is considered a workout isn't it? 

you are half-way through insurgent when you heard another beep. 

it was a dm notification from... 

@anonymous ?  

him:  hey 

you hesitated to reply him but out of pure politeness. you did anyway. you are weirded out. you don't even know each other and he could possibly be a e and you might be his victim. that'd be creepy. but then you are no fool. besides, you don't judge a book by its cover. 

you: hey 

him: how are you? 

you: honestly, i feel like .  you? 

him: life is a .  

you: mhm. 

him: you think we should be    friends? 

you:  i dont know¿ maybe 

him: what why not :   (

you:  i need to know one tging tho

you: thinf 

him: what

him:  typist queen!!1!1!

you:  thing

you:  lol 

you: do you like btob? 

him:  i've heard a couple songs. its okay.  

her: i guess we are friends then ♡

you smile. maybe he's not that bad after all. 



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i should clear some thing with the girl name sighs


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HauntedFlautist123 #1
Dude this is so gooddddd. Please update whenever you can (but you probs never will because it's been 2 years *cries*)
Chapter 19: I'M ACTUALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I REALIZED I GOT CAUGHT UP. I want more! I love this so much!
Chapter 11: That was hilarious when he was talking about the 2 kids and the cat.
Chapter 18: screams.
seaspray #5
Chapter 18: Yay! Update! I don't approve of Hyuna. She sounds like a b . Have a good day^^
seaspray #6
Chapter 16: It's okay just don't abandon the story entirely.
cawree #7
cawree #8
Chapter 14: omg this is dedicated to me thank you so much!
Chapter 15: this is the best kind of s i have ever read-
cawree #10
Chapter 13: um i dont mean to be annoying and all but you havent updated in a long time so im just wondering are you ok?