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"How about you go to US with me? At least I know that Myungsoo won't be around and you're safe with me. You still have two weeks of leave before you get back to work. So how about it? Would you like that?"

I shift away from Taemin as I thought about his idea. I would be lying if I said I was not worried about Myungsoo finding me when Taemin is away. Knowing Myungsoo, he might have his guys spying on my every move. But at the same time, I didn't think it would be appropriate if I were to tag along on his work trip and having to take care of me when he has work to do there too. "I don't know, I'm just bothering you aren't I? You can't even go on your work trip in peace without having to worry about me." I fumbled with my hands as I gave him an apologetic look. "It's no worry at all, Naeun. You're under my responsibilty at the moment. If anything were to happen to you while I was away, I'll never forgive myself." Taemin reassured. "So, let's not think too much. Just come along, alright? I'll let my boss know." I shook my head, the stubborn side of me emerging. "It's ok. I'll just lock all the doors and windows and stay home. I won't even leave the house. I promise!" I tried reasoning with Taemin, as I felt guilty of always troubling him. "Don't be so stubborn! Why can't you just listen and agree to me for once? Jeez, you're always trying to fight me." I stifled my laugh at his cute whining. "If I follow you, it will make me feel even more burdened. I've already owed you a lot!" I reasoned, reaching up to pat his shoulders, in hopes that he would understand my plight. "That's a waste then. My boss did asked me to bring someone to help me over there." I turned the look at him with a raised brow. "If that's the case then why did you ask me then? I'm not even working there. How would bringing me be helpful to you?" I countered. "It would be a great help, trust me. Let's see, you can help me type out my reports. Plus, you'd be helping to keep my brain and emotions in check. I would not have to go crazy for five days thinking if you'd be alright on your own here." I sighed. "And besides, you get to explore the area when I'm at the conference. Go shopping, I'll bring you sightseeing when I'm free, doing touristy things. How does that sound? A vacation before you start work?" Taemin sure know how to use his sweet words to entice me. "I don't know about this..." I started. Even before I could continue, he cut me off. "Ahhh, I might have to find someone else to enjoy the USA with me then since you're so hard to please." He teased. "Go on then. Go bring that shortie...what's her name? Minah? Yeah, go bring your clingy koala bear with you!" I rolled my eyes and shifted more to the other side of the couch. Taemin looked at me with wide eyes before he smirked at me. "Aish, what is this pungent smell I'm smelling all of a sudden? It smells like...jealousy?" He burst out laughing when I threw a pillow towards his face. "Yah! Lee Taemin! I am not jealous. Why should I be jealous of that shortie?!" I was embarassed and fuming at the same time. "You're not? It sure seems like you are. Why? Why are you jealous of Minah?" Taemin teased me more as he laughed while clapping his hands. "Is it that funny?" I retorted as I gave him a punch on his arms. "Hey! Don't play rough, you jealous freak!" I screamed as I began to slap his arms in embarassment. "You don't like seeing another girl flirting and touching me don't you? You like me that much? Aww, that's so sweet!" He continued to taunt me. I stopped with the slapping as I buried my face in my hands. I did not want to show him how red my face was. "Ah, why? Don't be shy, Naeun. I like you too." He put his hands around my shoulders and pulled me in for a side hug. 

At that moment, I couldn't handled the flusteredness any longer. I stood up all of a sudden, causing Taemin to fall back on the sofa. "Aah, I don't know! Don't talk to me. I want to sleep!" I pouted as I walked towards my room. "Naeun-ah, don't be angry! We still have not finished watching the movie." I could hear the teasing tone in his voice. "Go and watch it yourself! I lost my mood!" I slammed the door to my room, not before hearing Taemin's loud guffaw. I threw myself on to my bed and screamed into my pillow. Taemin was right, I am jealous of having another woman being so close to him. So you know what? I made up my mind to follow Taemin to USA. Just that, I am not going to tell him just yet.



I hung around at the corner of the living room, not wanting to aggravate Taemin's PMS-y mood any further. He had thrown a fit when his continuous efforts to persuade me to go the US with him fell on deaf ears. I thought it would be fun to let him wait a little longer before I gave him my answer but seeing his sudden blow up and his weary face made my heart ache a little bit. He's going to leave the next day on a late morning flight and seeing him so flustered and worried made me spoke up. "Why are you so angry anyway?" I softly muttered. I cringed inwardly when the words that I had formed in my head came out totally different and defensive. I prayed that he didn't hear what I said. He looked up from the sofa with narrowed eyes, and I realized that it would be a good time to retreat to my room. "Don't you dare take another step!" His cold voice froze me in my steps

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hiiragizawa13 #1
Chapter 11: Please! Update this story! It is so greaaaat!!!
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 6: Please update...
amaramazaya #3
Chapter 11: Always waiting for update❤️
Chapter 11: The last chapt is lovely, i wish you'll continue ㅠㅠ
Ishhhc #5
Chapter 11: Hatts of to Author!!! Who wrote beautiful and realistic story. I hope you can continue ...
Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️
Taeun ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting for your update ^^
authornim.... update please :D
Chapter 11: Hi, authornim! I really love this kind of plot. Hope you will keep writing it may not be so soon but I sincerely hope that you will continue this story. It's beyond awesome!!! I actually relate to naeun's character here at some point...like being over independent that some people around tend to be really annoyed about it...it will really be nice to continue seeing naeun's character development :)
Anu_Taeun #9
Chapter 11: Update please
Chapter 8: Please update :( I love this so much author-nim