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Four days. That is the period of time that I haven't been seeing Taemin. It's not like I was avoiding him, but it seems like he was busy. Either that, or he's avoiding me. Every morning when I woke up, he was already gone. And when I got back from work, the house was always dark and dead silent. Today is the fifth day of no-show Taemin. Not that it mattered to me. I was humming to myself, preparing a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast when I heard the front door opened. "Good morning, Naeun." Taemin walked towards the fridge and grabbed a bottle water. I  noticed his sweat soaked outfit. "Morning. You went jogging?" He nodded his head as he finished his drink and headed for his room. I raised my brows at his lack of response and brushed aside the negative thoughts that was beginning to form in my head. 


I was halfway through breakfast when I heard his footsteps approaching. "Hi." He greeted as he took a seat opposite of mine. I gave a small smile before resuming eating my breakfast. "Sorry, I had a big project to settle the past few days. I didn't get to see you much." I shook my head. "It's fine, I know you're busy. I can take care of myself anyway." "That's good to know. I felt bad cos you know, I left you all alone in this house and without having proper conversations for days..." I cut him off before he could say any further. "Taemin, it's fine. I'm fine by myself. I am a big girl already." Taemin chuckled while holding his hands in surrender. "Ok, ok. Fine. So, are you going to make me some breakfast?" He asked while eyeing my almost empty plate. I gave him one of my infamous eye roll. "I actually cooked extra. I'll get them for you." I stood up to get his share of the breakfast.


We sat down and eat our breakfast in silence. All the while, I could feel him stealing glances at me which made me uncomfortable. "What?!" I finally snapped. "Stop looking at me like a creep. It's so unnerving!" Taemin covered his mouth and chuckled. "You caught me, my bad." He grinned and stared a while longer. "What is it? Do you have something to say?" I sighed in defeat, giving him my attention. He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, just that you have a little jam over here." He leaned over and gently swiped the corner of my mouth. I pulled away from his touch. I was shocked beyond words. Rather than getting caught off guard by his gesture, I was surprised by the tingling feelings I felt when he touched the side of my mouth. "Why'd you do that?! I could have done it myself if you just told me." I chided as I stood up to deposit my empty plate into the dishwasher. "It wasn't like I gave you a kiss! Chill babe!" He retorted. "Don't call me babe!" I gave him a death stare as I shudder at the thought of him calling me that as a term of endearment. "What if I want to?" He challenged. I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued on, "You know, these past few days, I've missed you." 


I choked on my saliva as I looked incredulously towards the main suspect who caused it. "What? I am just telling the truth." He shrugged his shoulders once more as he went over to the sink to wash his plate. "Why..why do you even mi...miss me? I'm just a nobody." I stuttered as I tried to calm my beating heart. ", Naeun! Don't stutter!" I mentally scold myself. Taemin dried his hands and walked nearer towards me. "Of course I would. We've been living together for over a month now. I see you everyday, and when I don't, I realised that I missed you. You don't feel it too?" He asked as he placed a hand on top of mine. "What? Of course not!" I retaliated as I withdrew my hand from his. "Stop this, Taemin! I'm just a tenant here. I've got no other feelings for you!" I shouted as I stared him in the eyes. I saw the look of hurt across his face but he was fast in regaining his composure. "Why are you being so closed up and cold, Naeun? All I've been trying to do is try to get closer to you by being friendly. There's nothing wrong to open up to me, you know!" He combed through his hair in frustrstion." "I don't go around making friends, Taemin. I'm not that sort of person." I retaliated. "Well, I'm sorry if I thought otherwise." He exited the kitchen and I heard the slam of his bedroom door. "Uurggghhh!" I vent out in frustration as I held onto my chest. Without permission, a bead of tear rolled down the corner of my eye. I harshly wiped it away as I walked towards my room. "You can't feel this way, Naeun! Don't fall for him!" I whispered to myself as I tried to erase the look of hurt on Taemin's face as well as the dull ache in my chest.




Life goes on after our little "inc

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hiiragizawa13 #1
Chapter 11: Please! Update this story! It is so greaaaat!!!
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 6: Please update...
amaramazaya #3
Chapter 11: Always waiting for update❤️
Chapter 11: The last chapt is lovely, i wish you'll continue ㅠㅠ
Ishhhc #5
Chapter 11: Hatts of to Author!!! Who wrote beautiful and realistic story. I hope you can continue ...
Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️
Taeun ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting for your update ^^
authornim.... update please :D
Chapter 11: Hi, authornim! I really love this kind of plot. Hope you will keep writing it may not be so soon but I sincerely hope that you will continue this story. It's beyond awesome!!! I actually relate to naeun's character here at some point...like being over independent that some people around tend to be really annoyed about it...it will really be nice to continue seeing naeun's character development :)
Anu_Taeun #9
Chapter 11: Update please
Chapter 8: Please update :( I love this so much author-nim