I Kissed Him

How I Met My Husband
Remi POV
- Previously on How I Met My Husband - 
I bought them a pop
" Remi, we have to get going soon ." Diego said
" I know but I want to know more about them ." I said
They look tired.
" How long have you've been abandoned ?." I asked
" Nearly three days now ." Kyungsoo said
My eye twitched in anger.
" Ok, it's decided ." I said
All of them look at me strangely.
" I'm gonna take you guys in ." I said
" Remi ." Diego said
" What ! I'm alone in my house ever since my brothers have their own places and the only thing I have to talk too is my cats and it makes me look crazy ." I said
" Pero ya estas loca en la cabeza ." He said in Spanish
" Yah !." I said
" Que ." He said
" Diego, I'm gonna hurt ya ." I said
He shut up
" That's what I thought now let's go home, tell them MDE and U-kiss to come my house after school ." I said to Diego
He nod as I paid for our stuff as we walk to the car to go to my home because I don't feel so hot yet I feel like I'm gonna get some bad news soon though I hope not.
- The Present - 
I'm on my way to the grocery store by myself because I like the peace and quiet all to myself that's why. If MDE comes along with Ukiss then the twins. It's a noisy disaster happening. 
I think I'm gonna make chicken alfredo today, I haven't it in awhile also I'm in the mood for it. Where's the alfredo sauce at ?.
" Oof !." I exclaimed as collided with someone's body 
" I'm so sorry ." He said 
" It's okay I'm fine ." I said as I turned around 
Lee Joon ! 
" Joon !." I said 
" Remi ." He said 
" What happened to you ? You just disappeared without a word this morning ." I said 
" I had to go to work this morning ." He said 
" Oh, well why don't you come over to my house and I'm making dinner for my friends ." I said 
" No, no, no there's no need for that ." He said 
" Joon, your mouth maybe saying no now but your eyes are truly saying yes ." I said 
" I see that I'm not gonna win this with you am I ?." He said as he scratched the back of his head 
" Nope, I'm stubborn like that ." I said as I took his hand in mine  
I have a feeling that Lee Joon is not his name. 
" Joon, what's your real name ?." I asked as I grabbed the sauce 
" How did you know ?." He asked 
" Intuition ." I said  
He breathed in deeply 
" Trust me ." I said 
" My name is Lee Chang-seon ."
He said 
" Chang-seon. I like it ." I said as I smiled at him 
" Really ." He said 
I nod with a smile
" I don't lie about things that I like ." I said 
He stood walking with me 
" Chang-seon, do you like music ?." I asked 
" Ne, I do ." He said 
" What kind ?." I asked 
" Pop or Hip-Hop sometimes R&B ." He said
" Chang-seon, do you have any talents ?." I asked as I paid for the for stuff 
" I do ." He said
" Really ? Like what ? Tell me ." I said happily 
" I'm good at singing ." He said
" Heol ." I said as I grab the bags 
" But I'm not idol good ." He said 
" How can be so sure of that ? Why don't you go and audition to be an idol ?." I said 
He stood silent again 
" That's ok you don't have to answer if you don't wanna I won't force you too ." I said 
He nod as he did a small smile 
" How about this then, why don't you sing me something ." I said
He looked at me kind of shocked
" What ? I won't laugh at you ." I said
" Ok ." He said
" Let's sit first then sing to me ." I said excited
I looked and looked then I saw bench I grabbed Joon by his hand and I kind of dragged him to the bench as I sat him down as I sat next to him, facing him with happniess.
" I'm gonna keep it short ." He said
I nod
He cleared his throat then started
My eyes widen at his singing because it was so smooth, it's something that I can listen to it nearly all day but it also makes me calm in my soul which I like.
" What ? Is it bad ?." He asked
" Ani, it was wonderful Chang-seon believe it or not you made me felt better lately a lot of things that have been weighting heavy on me and whenever I see you you seem to make it better ." I said
" You're just saying that to make me feel better ." He said
" No, I'm not it's true Chang-seon lately since things are weighting down on me heavily I'm gonna take more risks than usually ." I said
He nod as he understood every word that I was saying.
" Oh really ." He said
" Yup, which means finding me a man that would become my husband ." I said
He looked at me weirdly
" You're probably like what seventeen ? Why would be thinking about marriage already ." He said
" Chang-seon, I'm actually eighteen years old and I'm tired of being lonely I've been alone already for nearly half of my life and my older brothers weren't around for have it because of their jobs then my parents died in the war that America still has going on other than that I've been going through life like an adult basically but yeah I do want a husband already ." I said
He smiled
" Also, I'm sorry about this fore I'm writing my fate for the better until it's too late ." I said softly
I leaned into him and kissed him softly as I poured everything to kiss, It's the most amazing thing in the whole world. It took my breath away, it feels so great to touch him slowly and then he holding me, as my lips slowly pressing onto his and slowly and gently kissing him. Everything in the world seems to disappear-everything bad is gone, everyone I'm mad at go away, everything I regret goes away, everything I've ever wanted comes to me and I feel safe, loved, and happy.
I'm kind of loving this
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