Diego Knows The Truth

How I Met My Husband

Remi POV

- iously on How I Met My Husband - 
" For real !." I said 
" Yup ." Robby said 
" Damn ." I said 
" And they're after some of the Kingkas too and one co-teacher ." Johnnie said 
" Seriously ." Eli said 
" Yeah, they're like obsessed with you guys and the other dude ." Jordan 
" Then they're going to be disappointed to find that Eli and Dongho are married ." Kibum said 
" You know what that means guys ." I said 
" What ." Dongho said 
" Get your running shoes ." I said
They began laughing their asses on the awhile, I was being deadly serious about it. 
" Oh, wait you're were serious ." Alexander said 
I nod as I head for office.
" Wait ! Remi, we're sorry ." They said as they chased after me 
That's for not taking me serious, jerks ! Yet I love them. 
- The Present - 
" Remi, it's almost time for appointment ." Hoonmin said 
" Really ?." I said as I looked at the clock and it say 12:29 pm
I gasped at how the time flew by. 
" Do you want one of us to go with you ?." Eli asked 
" No, last thing for you guys to get involved scandal ." I said 
They nod as the bell rang, I walk outta of class with Eli and Hoonmin together. I soon bumped into Diego maybe he'll go with me.
" Diego !." I said 
" Remi, what's up ?." He asked 
" Will you come with me to appointment today because I'm kind of scared of meeting my new team of doctors ." I said 
" Sure, I'll go with you because my best Oppa ever ." He said 
I'm guessing he's already accustomed to Korean slang.
" Thank you, but if we leave now we can make it ." I said 
He nods as we went to his car which was a dodge charger in midnight black.   
About twenty minutes later, we arrived at the hospital and I'm scared of meeting new doctors because its making more friends even mostly likely I can leave this place.
Which means more heartache for everyone to deal with it, when I'm gone. That's the last I wanna do to them is make heartache for them. 
" Remi ?." Someone said 
I look to find beautiful woman with long brownish red hair but the looks of too. She seems to have to a baby bump too. Something, I'll never have. 
" Yes, that's me ." I said 
" I'm new doctor Dr. Shin Hye ." She said 
" Hello ." I said as I gave 90 degree bow
" And is this your boyfriend ." She said 
" No ." I said 
" Husband ?." She guessed 
" No, ma'am he's just one of my friends that knows of my condition  ." I said 
" Oh, ok ." She said 
I nod 
" Let's go in to my office where we'll meet others and we'll overlook at our file then we'll chemo after all that you're good to go ." She said 
Hmm, I guess Diego is gonna find that I only have five months to a year left on earth.
" Ok ." I said 
We walked with her to her office where there's five doctors waiting for her and me. 
" Hello, I'm Remi ." I said as I bowed 
" Hello, we are new team of doctors ." One of them said 
" I'm Dr. Lee Jong Suk ." He said 
" Hi, I'm Dr. Moon Geun-young ." A girl said short black hair 
" I'm Dr. Kim Joon ." He said with a smile 
" Hello I'm Dr. Ahn Jae Hyun ." He said 
" I'm Dr. Goo Hye Sun ." She said 
" It's a pleasure to meet all of you ." I said smiling 
I'm feeling weird and I don't feel so good. 
" Diego, I need you to promise me something ok ." I said 
" Remi, what's going on ?." He asked worried 
" Just promise me !." I said sternly 
" Ok, fine what is it ." He agreed
" Promise me that you won't tell my brothers and our friends because Ukiss already knows but beside the point the point. Just promise me, you won't tell me ." I said 
" Ok, ok I swear on the heavens I won't tell them ." He said 
" Thanks Diego ." I said 
" Now tell me ." He said
I took a deep breath and was on stand by for anything.
" Seven months, I went for a check up and for my chemo treatment, but after the chemo I had some news from my primary doctor ." I said 
" And that was what ? I'm mean it can't be that bad right Remi ." He said 
I stood there silence
" Remi, tell me what the doctor said ." He said 
I said nothing 
" Remi ." He said worried 
My eyes starting to well up with tears 
" Remi, please tell me ." He demanded 
I looked at him with such sadness I even saw tears in his eyes too.
" Remi ." He said choked 
" Five months to a year ." I said too softly as I looked down
" What ! I can't hear speak louder ." He said still choked 
" He said five months to a year ." I said louder 
" For what ?." He asked as he came closer to me 
" For me to live my life ." I said 
He then grabbed me into soft bone crushing hug and began sobbing to his heart content. His legs started to buckled as we both fell to the ground.
I'm sorry you had to find this Diego because the last thing I want was to cause heartache for you. Also, I hate seeing you cry in pain of losing you; your best friend that's been through all. 
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