Can't Fight This Feeling

Love Sick

When the security guard was finally able to get the frantic girl out into the hallway, a small murmur broke out throughout the room. The first out of the members to actually break the silence was Soonyoung, with an very eloquently put, “Well, that was intense.”

That's when the staff decided to cut the fan meeting short. They quickly made an announcement, causing the rest of the room to interrupt in disappointed moans. The staff quickly reassured that the remaining fans would be fully reimbursed for their tickets, plus given both a free ticket into the next fan meet along with signed posters. This settled the group a little bit, but not by much. The remaining security started ushering the rest of the fans out.

During all this, most of the members eyes swiveled over to Wonwoo, who was the last guy to interact with the girl. By then, Wonwoo was able to break his stare away from Mingyu, all the while twisting the cap back onto his water bottle. When he noticed everyone was looking at him for answers, all he could do was shrug. He wasn't completely sure himself as to what set the girl off. When that didn't seem to satisfy every ones need for information he then said, “I'm not sure what happened. One second she was pleasant, then next she was screaming.”

“But what was it that she said? Something about him not looking at her?” The voice came from Chan, who was a few seats down the table. “What's that suppose to mean? Were you not paying attention to her?” Wonwoo could tell that he didn't really mean anything bad out of the statement, but he couldn't help but feel a little like he was implying it was his fault she went crazy.

Before Wonwoo had time to retort, Mingyu spoke up. “Was she mad that I was showing off the headband I have on? That's all I can think off that could have caused her to get upset.” He took said headband off while talking. A swirl of nerves swam through Wonwoo stomach at Mingyus words. It wasn't even what he said, more of the fact that he was defending Wonwoo, in some slight obscure way by not blaming Wonwoos actions, but his own. That had to be it, the reason why he became so nervous when Mingyu was speaking. Mingyu then looked over at Wonwoo, maybe for an confirmation as to what he said was probably true. A flash of butterflies hit and Wonwoo couldn't bare looking back into his eyes.

During this whole time, Jihoon couldn't keep hes eyes off the water bottle that sat innocently in front of Wonwoo. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. He wasn't quite sure what he was suspicious of, but he was slowly putting things together in him mind. The girls strange acts with both her behavior and with the bottle are what led to Jihoon quickly saying, “Hey Wonwoo, would you mind passing me your water? It looks like I'm all out of mine.” He held up his empty bottle by the top and swung it back and forth to emphasize the fact that his was empty.

Soonyoung quickly shoved his own bottle in Jihoons face, trying to get him to take it. “Here Jihoon! You can have mine!” The sentence was punctuated with a wide grin. Jihoons only action was to send a quick glare at Soonyoung. Before he could say something nasty to Soonyoung, which would have probably been along the lines of Soonyoung having germs, Wonwoo passed his over to Jihoon. He was just happy for a distraction from the weird feelings he was getting for Mingyu.

Jihoon gave the bottle a quick once over, looking for something. Anything to make it in any way out of the ordinary, and to confirm why he was so troubled by this.

Seeing nothing right away, he reached down to his backpack he had under the table and stored it away. He planned on studying it in more detail once they got back. He heard a small huff coming from Soonyoungs direction followed by grumbling that sounded something along that lines of, “Why ask for water and not even drink it...”

Soon after that, staff came over to help usher the members of Seventeen back into the van that was waiting outside. Mingyu leaned into Wonwoos side while they were walking and lightly said to him, “Well that was an experience. Never thought we would get one of those kind of fans this early on in our career.” Wonwoo was all too aware of the little distance between his ear and Mingyu mouth. Trying to not seem too obvious that all Wonwoo could focus on was Mingyus mouth, he replied with a, “Yeah, who knew.” Mingyu looked over at him with a slightly concerned face.

“Hey, you okay? That must have rattled you a bit, having been the one interacting with her when it happened.” Mingyus concern touched Wonwoo a lot more then it should have for such a simple gesture. Wonwoo then sent him one of his signature smiles and placed his hand onto Mingyus shoulder in a reassuring manner. “Don't worry, I've almost completely forgotten what happened anyways.” How could he focus on some loud girl when he was having such intense emotions towards Mingyu? Mingyu sent him back a smile, happy to see that his friend didn't look as shook up as he could have been.

Just before exiting, Jihoons gaze traveled to see that the original security guard that took the girl return to the room. The guard headed straight to were Wonwoo was sitting and began looking at the water bottles that were sitting there. Jihoon realized then that his gut feeling was correct, that there must have been something in the bottle that the guard was privy to, and let a small smile slip onto him face. At least he hadn't gone crazy yet.

The small satisfaction from his genius was quickly taken from him when Seungcheol came and slung his arm around his shoulders and belted out a loud, “And what are you so happy about?” Jihoon just ignored the leaders antics and started to formulate a plan in his head, to figure out what exactly was in the bottle.



Two days after their fan meeting, all members were back to their intense daily regimen of hard work. Today, they started working on some new choreography that Soonyoung had put together. They had just finished running thought it the first time with formations and it was nothing but a huge mess. Soonyoung allowed for a small break but wanted everyone back on their feet as soon as possible.

Wonwoo was sitting off to the side with his back up against the wall. Why did it seem like their dances were just getting harder and harder? He didn't really need to actually get an answer for that though because he knew Soonyoung would just say that they needed to step up their game with every new dance. Wonwoo just let out a deep sigh at the thought.

Only a few seconds later Mingyu showed up with a wet towel hanging around his neck and two bottles of water, one in each hand. The towel hadn't been properly wrung out so it was still dripping water, causing Mingyus shirt to have several large wet spots. It didn't help that he was wearing a white wife beater that day. The shirt showed off his arms and man, was it hard for Wonwoo to tear his gaze away from both his arms and his now slightly see through shirt that was sticking to him in all the right ways.

Wonwoo shook his head slightly. When did he start to have such intense thoughts towards Mingyu? Sure, he use to have a small crush on the boy, but that was way back in their pre debut days. And he was able to squish those thoughts into nothingness a long time ago. He knew it would lead to nothing but heartbreak.

But even back then, it was nothing compared to how he viewed Mingyu now. Almost anything he did, Wonwoo found endearing. The way he twisted his ring when he was having a conversation that he was really into. They way Mingyu would slightly throw back his head when he laughed at something particularly funny. Even now, with Mingyu waving his hand in front of Wonwoo face to get his attention was viewed as cute in Wonwoos eyes.

Wonwoo redirected his gaze up to Mingyu, who was now holding out a water bottle for him. He took it and Mingyu shifted to Wonwoos right so he could sit next to him up against the wall.

“You were thinking pretty deeply just then. Where was your mind?” Mingyu took a sip of his own water at that time. Wonwoo felt a rush of affection at the fact that Mingyu went out of his way just to bring him a water bottle. He took a large drink from his own bottle first, then gathered his wits about him. He was acting kinda ridiculous, he was acting like a boy in love.

And with that thought, all his wits went spilling onto the floor. Love?? Was he really in love with Mingyu? But how could he go from just friends to in love with the boy in such a short period of time?

Mingyu stared over at Wonwoo, who was only wearing a blank face, giving no hints to the internal crisis the boy was having. Mingyu waved his hand in front of Wonwoos face again, but even then he didn't respond. Mingyu shrugged and thought, desperate times call of desperate measures. Mingyu then leaned over a little bit, putting all his weight onto his left arm and blew softly into Wonwoos ear.

Now that caught the boys attention. Wonwoo covered his right ear as quickly as he could and gave Mingyu a disbelieving look. Mingyu just let out a laugh and said, “Dude, you looked like you were trying to figure out the meaning of the universe. Whats got you so lost in your head?”

Wonwoo had no good answer for the boy. He could feel his cheeks heat up as both his thoughts and Mingyus actions took a tole on him. Mingyu noticed the dark shade of red come over the boys face. Curious, he lifted his hand up and cupped Wonwoos left cheek with his right hand. “Wow, your face is so warm. You look cute.”

And there went the last bit of Wonwoos sanity onto the floor to intermix with his wits that were left scattered about. Wonwoo pushed himself up off the floor, causing Mingyus hand to fall away from Wonwoos face. Wonwoo then walked away as fast as he could without seeming too suspicious and let out a small, “I gotta go pee.” in his wake.

Mingyu just stared after the boy, slightly confused. None of his slight teasing had ever gotten him such a reaction.



Late that night, Jihoon was clicking away on his computer. He leaned back into his chair when he felt like he found a proper stopping point for the night. He glanced over to the clock that sat in the bottom right corner of his computer screen. Urm, well, more like morning now. Jihoon brought up his hands to rub at his eyes with the heels of his palms. Letting his arms fall heavy at his sides, he remembered he probably still had a granola bar in his backpack from earlier. He grabbed said bag off the floor and fished around inside for the bar. He grasped one of the first things he got his hand and on and pulled it out. It was the water bottle from a few days ago.

Jihoon quickly forgot his slight hunger at the sight. He placed it high up on the desk, not really wanting it too close. Even though he had no idea what really was in there, he still wanted to be cautious. He should maybe ask Wonwoo if he actually took a drink from it.. It looked like he did though, if the level of liquid in the bottle was anything to go by.

Jihoon then decided to pull the bottle back to him and unscrew the lid. Careful not to spill, he brought the top up to him so he could smell into the bottle. He almost did end up spilling it with how fast he wrenched it away from his face. It almost smelt exactly like a cheap perfume, but the scent wasn't very obvious at first. It could be easily passed off as water if not inspected like how Jihoon was doing now. He screwed on the lid and placed it back in the spot he had it in originally on the desk. He could feel a headache coming on and he didn't really want to deal with it right at the moment. So he just stood up, stretched his arms high above his head, and left it to be dealt with another day. All he knew for sure was whatever was in that bottle, it wasn't water.



Two weeks had passed and they were busier then ever. They were having a comeback soon, so they needed everyone up to their best performing abilities. Which was just fine by Wonwoo, because it meant he didn't have to focus on the fact he might have maybe fallen in love with his best friend... Which is something he does NOT want to think about right now. Their busy schedule made it perfect for the fact that Mingyu had no time to get Wonwoo on his own.

Wonwoo could tell that Mingyu knew he was avoiding him. Wonwoo wasn't exactly very discrete about getting himself around others when Mingyu was present. Wonwoo felt like a horrible friend, but it was all he could do at the moment. He didn't know what he was going to do about his recent revelation.

During those two weeks, Wonwoo could feel his feelings getting more intense. It was almost like how that one saying went, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe. All Wonwoo knew was that the more he avoided Mingyu, the stronger the pull was to get closer to him. So being busy was the perfect distraction.

But Wonwoo knew that something had to give. It was only a matter of time before either Mingyus patience or Wonwoos control would give in.



It turned out that both ended up giving in at the same time. It was about a week into their new promotions when Mingyu cornered Wonwoo in the dance practice room. He didn't look all that happy.

“Okay, so I want to know whats up with you and avoiding me. Did I do something to offend you?” Mingyus body language gave off a huge alpha male presence and Wonwoo liked everything about it.

Wonwoo tried to sweep away the over whelming urge to just get as close to Mingyu as he possibly could. He never felt so little control over his emotions before.

Wonwoo tried to take the easy way out and deny everything. “I don't know what you're talking about.” Wonwoo couldn't meet Mingyu intense stare.

“Oh come on, don't give me that bull. We both know you've been going out of your way to not be alone with me. So what gives?”

Mingyus tone of voice started to create a little attention from the other group members that were scattered around the dance room to the little corner the two were standing in. Seungcheol kept a close eye on the two, but didn't want to step in unless it went too far.

Welp, Wonwoos initial plan was a complete dud. He finally looks up into Mingyus eyes, his tone in his last sentence gave way from anger and held a more pleading sound. Wonwoo instantly felt bad for what he'd been doing. And now that he was looking into Mingyu eyes, he couldn't for the life of him remember why he was avoiding him in the first place.

Wonwoo became instantly captivated by all that was Mingyu. It looked like he became much more handsome over the three and a half weeks he had been avoiding him. He even looked like he had a little bit more muscle on him. Wonwoo let his gaze lower and come back up, definitely appreciating what was in front of him.

“Did you just check me out?” Mingyus anger instantly dissipated after what Wonwoo just did.

The words kinda just went into one of Wonwoos ears and out that other. Now that he was finally close, the feelings and longing that had been building up seemed to finally gush over. To Wonwoo, it was almost like he no longer had control over his thoughts and movements. All there was was Mingyu.

Wonwoo easily stepped forward, wrapped his left arm around Mingyus slim waist, and pulled Mingyu in to close off the remaining space in between them. They were now pressed up to each other and Mingyu was just getting more confused by the second.

Wonwoos right hand then slipped up and cupped onto Mingyus neck, just under his jaw. During this whole time neither of the two broke eye contact.

“Mingyu, I need to tell you something.” Wonwoo felt in a daze, like he had no control over what was happening. The only thing he knew what that he had to tell Mingyu this.

“Yeah?” Mingyus voice came out as weak, slightly in a daze himself at Wonwoos actions.

“I love you.”

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet