When Doing Whats Right Makes You Sick

Love Sick

After 6 business days, Jihoon was ecstatic to see that his package had finally arrived in the mail. Luckily, he had been the one nearest to the door, and was the one to accept the package from the courier. When he finished signing the little machine for the man, he carefully tucked the package under his left arm and left to go open the package immediately.

When he spotted Seungcheol, with his always present love struck boy connected, Jihoon made a bee line for the two. Not even stopping to explain, he grabbed Seungcheols arm and tugged him along after him.

Jihoon was then pulled to a halt by the person he tried to tow along. Scowling, Jihoon turned back to see that he was now in a make shift game of Tug-of-War with Seungkwan over Seungcheol. Not wanting to be bothered with this, Jihoon lifted the arm that was holding the package into an awkward upwards position to send a dismissive hand wave at the boy. “Shoo! I don't have time for this.”

Seungkwan only sent a pout in Jihoons direction, still unrelenting with his grip on Seungcheols arm. Seungcheol then let out a deep sigh at both the boys antics. Seungcheol then pulled his arm out of Jihoons grasp so he could put a comforting hand on Seungkwans shoulder. “It'll only take a minute, I'll be back soon.”

Seungkwan didn't look happy at the request, but none the less slowly released his hold on Seungcheol. All the while sending Seungcheol a kicked puppy look. Seungcheol then sent him a grateful smile and quickly turned his back to the boy to face Jihoon. The second Seungkwan could no longer see his face though, the smile morphed into a exasperated look. His features seemed to lighten though when his eyes fell to the package under Jihoons arm.

The two boys then started to fast walk in the direction of Jihoons work room. “Is that it? It finally came?” Asked Seungcheol enthusiastically. He was getting quite tired of Seungkwans attention and wanted things to return to how they were before.

Jihoon just nodded his head, also understanding Seungcheols exasperation with the situation. Jihoon had been unanimously elected to deal with Soonyoung and Seokmin. He had to pretty much babysit either boy 24/7. And if both boys had disappeared from sight, Jihoon knew he had to go break up whatever was happening in whatever hiding spot the two could find. Jihoon had confronted Seokmin about this once, for he wasn't the one who had taken the potion. Seokmins only response was a shrug and a, “Just having a little fun with the situation.” Jihoon could tell his off handed comment was anything but with how Seokmin couldn't make eye contact with him when explaining.

They had reached Jihoons closet of a work space in record time. Making sure to completely close the door behind them, they then fixed their attention completely on the small brown box that Jihoon had placed on his desk. Jihoon was quick to grab a pair of scissors he had at the corner of his desk and tear into the package.

When they finally opened it, the only thing they could immediately see inside was a lot of packaging popcorn. Seungcheol then reached around Jihoon to dig his hand around inside, sending a few popcorn pieces out and onto the floor. He returned with a small bottle in tow. It looked rather normal, to say the least. Seungcheol placed it to the side of the box, making sure it wasn't about to fall over. He then began digging around again, asking a, “Any directions?” which gave away his reason to returning to the box.

Jihoon ignored Seungcheols actions and went to pick up the bottle, turning it over in his hands. “I think all you need to do is have someone drink it. Our only problem is figuring out a way to get it to them without their knowledge.”

By then, Seungcheol had given up on searching the box for instructions. When he leaded down to pick up the discarded popcorn pieces off the floor, he asked, “But why do we have to do it secretly?”

Jihoon sent him an incredulous look at that. “Do you really think they will be willing to take this knowingly? Soonyoung and Seungkwan are having too much fun.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right. But we don't have to be secretive with Wonwoo though. He doesn't even know he was affected by the potion.” Said Seungcheol as he righted himself, dropping the popcorn pieces back into the box.

Jihoon sent him a stunned look at that. With all the craziness going on, he had just then realized that they had never explained to Wonwoo what had happened. But then he realized something. “No, we need to be secretive with him too.”

It was Seungcheols turn to send Jihoon a confused look. “But why?”

“Him and Mingyu actually started a real relationship. We can't let them know that everything Wonwoo was feeling was fake. They have been doing pretty well if I remember correctly...” Jihoon was now cursing himself for not letting Wonwoo know right away that his feelings were created for him the second he realized what had happened. But now he had to make sure to keep it a secret, it would only break both their hearts if they were told what had really happened.

“Damn... You're right.” Came Seungcheols confirmation. He had seen himself how well they had been getting on, like a real couple in love. Unlike Jeonghan and himself, Mingyu had not known that the affection they were suddenly getting wasn't real. The only people they would probably get to take the reverse potion willing was Minghao and Jisoo. Minghao hadn't told anyone or acted on any of the feelings he got from the potion, making Seungcheol feel like he would probably be happy to get the remedy. As for Jisoo, nothing had happened, but they might as well give him some too as a precautionary.

Seungcheol rubbed his face out of exasperation. “Alright, So we have to get Soonyoung, Seungkwan, Hansol and Wonwoo to take the potion without them knowing. How are we going to do that?”

Jihoon stared down at the liquid as it swished around in the bottle in his hand. He then looked up at Seungcheol with a determined face. Seungcheol was confident that Jihoon would know the answer.

All hope was shattered though when Jihoon answered with a, “I have no idea.”



Wonwoo and Mingyu found themselves in the room they had been previously trapped in by Jihoon. They tended to gravitate here to work now a days. Maybe because it held some sort of sentimental value for it had been the place the couple had shared their first kiss.

Wonwoo was sitting on the floor, with his right shoulder leaning up against the wall, laptop in his lap. Mingyu was sitting in front of him, mirroring Wonwoos position. Mingyus left side rested up against the same wall, his legs tangled in Wonwoos outstretched ones. They were both typing away at their computers, busy writing lyrics. The Hip Hop team took pride in writing all their own stuff, but it took up quite a lot of time, for most the stuff they came up with was usually unusable. It either didn't fit the image of the song they were writing for or didn't work well with the beat given.

They had been at it for about 45 minutes before Mingyu slammed his laptop shut violently. He then let out a loud yawn, punctuating it with a big stretch of his arms above his head. Wonwoo flicked his gaze up to Mingyu, mildly distracted by the sliver of skin exposed on Mingyus stomach from the action.

Wonwoo then returned his attention back to his screen, asking an offhanded, “Done?”

Mingyu then brought his hand up to shake out the hair on the back of his head. “Yeah, at least for now. My is starting to fall asleep.” Mingyu then moved his laptop off his lap, allowing him to then flop onto his stomach, giving his the rest it needed after such a long sitting session.

This had once again captured Wonwoos attention. He saw that Mingyu was now pillowing his head up in his arms, eyes closed. Wonwoo then let his gaze drift from Mingyus face to his , an idea forming in his mind. As subtly as he could manage, he leaned his body forward over his laptop, tying not to arouse suspicion from his target.

A loud smack then filled the room, followed quickly by a yelp from Mingyu. Mingyu scrambled to his feet, trying to put distance between him and Wonwoo as quickly as he could. He then turned back when he was out of reach, rubbing his , trying to dissipate the pain. “What was that for?” Pouted Mingyu.

Wonwoo just chuckled as he typed away on his computer, acting like nothing had just happened. “Oh, you know. The opportunity presented itself.” Said Wonwoo flippantly.

A smirk then formed on Mingyus lips, an idea at revenge coming to mind. Mingyu then returned to Wonwoos side, on his hands and knees, face near Wonwoos. “Does that mean that you'll hit it every time the opportunity presents itself?” Breathed Mingyu into Wonwoos ear. He even wiggled his a little bit, to illicit an even bigger reaction from Wonwoo.

Mingyu liked this. This kind of teasing had always been his favorite. Even before forming a relationship, he had teased Wonwoo. Maybe not to this level, for he tried to keep it a least at a lower rating. But now that they were in a relationship, all bets were off.

Wonwoo tried to keep his cool, only allowing his eyes to flick to Mingyu for a split second before it was back on the computer screen. But Wonwoo wasn't an amateur, he had grown callouses towards Mingyus teasing. He just let out a calm, “Maybe.”

Mingyus face fell a little at the response. That wasn't the reaction he wanted. Which meant that he just had to up the ante. Mingyu then slide forwards a little bit, and sat close to Wonwoo. He threw his right arm around Wonwoos shoulders, pulling him close. Wonwoo tried his best to keep typing, even though it was no doubt nonsense.

Mingyu then went in for his endgame, putting his face up under Wonwoos chin. He nudged Wonwoos chin up with his nose, causing Wonwoos head to tilt back, revealing much more of his neck to Mingyu. He then breathed hotly onto his neck, right before going in and a long strip up Wonwoos neck right up to under Wonwoos ear.

Wonwoo threw his torso back at the action, quick to clamp a hand over the now damp spot on his neck. He wasn't able to get far though, for Mingyus arm stayed clamped over Wonwoos shoulder. Sure, they had shared a few heated kisses, but they had yet to go any farther then that. Wonwoos heart was beating fast, not sure how to deal with what had just happened.

All Mingyu could do was laugh, happy to finally get a reaction out of Wonwoo. Wonwoo then pouted at Mingyu, letting his hand fall away from his neck.

Mingyu just flashed him a charming smile. “Aww, come on. Don't act like you didn't like it.” Wonwoo sent a glare at Mingyus direction. He was a little miffed by how Mingyu was willing to take his teasing to such a level, for they hadn't even gotten there when being serious.

Mingyus smile faded from his face when he realized that Wonwoo wasn't taking his teasing very well. It left a cold feeling in his chest when he realized that he might have actually upset the boy. Wonwoo had turned his attention back to his computer, his mouth formed into a slight frown.

“Hey.” Said Mingyu softly, trying to get Wonwoos attention. When that didn't work, he lifted his left hand to turn Wonwoos face in his direction. Wonwoo let it happen, but didn't try to hide his frown from Mingyu.

Mingyu then leaned in, placing a small kiss to Wonwoos nose. “Sorry. If you don't like the teasing, I'll stop.” Mingyu gazed into Wonwoos eyes intently, trying to show that he was taking this seriously and was genuinely sorry.

Wonwoo let out a small sigh. “It's not the teasing...” Trailed off Wonwoo. He offhandedly thought about how this was their first fight as a couple. Which wasn't much of a fight, more of a conflict of feelings. Mingyu had immediately apologized the second he realized Wonwoo wasn't on board, which Wonwoo was immensely grateful for.

Mingyu sent him a questioning look at that, waiting for Wonwoo to elaborate. When Wonwoo didn't start up right away, he started to rub his thumb on Wonwoos cheek in a comforting manner.

The action seemed to remind Wonwoo that Mingyu was here and willing to listen to his concerns. Wonwoo let out another small sigh before saying,“I just, I dunno, am a little upset that you would take that step in our relationship while joking around when we hadn't done so when being serious.” Said Wonwoo calmly. Mingyu was a little surprised at how direct and honest Wonwoo had been with his answer. He was grateful for it though.

Mingyu then leaned in close again, but this time just pressed their forehead together, still letting his thumb lazily make circles on Wonwoos cheek. “Okay. I promise not to do something like that again. But it's not like I wouldn't want to do such things with you...” Trailed off Mingyu. When Wonwoo pulled away a little bit, he could see a playful smirk on Mingyus face, which changed the atmosphere from seriously to playful.

Wonwoo slapped at Mingyus shoulder lightly. He then rolled his eyes, which then landed back on the gibberish that was on his computer screen. He groaned internally at how little work he had actually finished. “Come on, we still have work to do.”



Jihoon and Seungcheol swiftly moved past a group made up of Soonyoung, Jun, Minghao and Chan. They were surely talking about a new routine, with how intently Soonyoung was talking. Jihoon and Seungcheol slid behind a wall, leading into a hallway, out of direct sight of the group.

They needed to get Soonyoung alone so that they didn't raise suspicion and implement the plan. Earlier, the pair had switched the liquid from the bottle it had arrive in to a bottle of juice. Jihoon dead panned at the idea Seungcheol had came up with, which was as simple as, “Why don't we put it in something else and tell them that we get this new juice or something and ask them to try it?”

The unamused look Jihoon sent Seungcheol at the idea made Seungcheol defensive. “Hey! If you can think of anything better, I'd love to hear it.”

Which is where they ended up, with an emptied juice bottle now fulled to the brim with reverse love potion, and nothing more then their acting skills to get the plan to work. They ended up tearing off the wrapper on the bottle, not wanting people to question them on how it could be a new type of juice, for they had just retrieved it from the refrigerator.

Jihoon then turned to Seungcheol, pressing the bottle into his palm. “Alright, so all you need to do is get Soonyoungs attention, lead him away from the group, and get him to drink this.” Said Jihoon seriously. He then patted Seungcheol on the shoulder, sending him off with a, “Good luck.”

But Seungcheol wasn't going easily. “Hey wait! Why am I the one who has to do it, let alone by myself??” Came Seungcheols frantic question.

Jihoon just narrowed his eyes slightly at the boy. “Because he's going to be suspicious if I ask him to go somewhere with me. Plus, he's already avoiding me sense I keep him and Seokmin apart.” Came Jihoons easy explanation.

Seungcheol hated that he made sense. “....Alright. But the next one is all you.” Seungcheol then turned away from Jihoon, stuffing the juice in his back pocket, so no one would question him about it before he could get Soonyoung alone.

Jihoon watched from behind the corner, as Seungcheol talked animatedly to Soonyoung. But not before long, Soonyoung was stepping away from the group to follow Seungcheol of out the room. Jihoon then let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. If everything went smoothly, Seungcheol would be back soon.

After about 2 minutes of waiting, Both boys returned into the room. Soonyoung had came into sight first, wearing a confused look. But he quickly returned to the group, and started up where he left off. Seungcheol then appeared, looking quite proud of himself. He then made his way directly to Jihoon before proudly slapping the juice bottle into Jihoons waiting hand. “Your turn.” Said Seungcheol, which a hint of challenge.

Without replying, Jihoon then quickly walked out of their hiding spot. Leaving out any pleasantries, he grabbed onto Minghaos arm, and dragged him out the same way Seungcheol and Soonyoung had earlier went. Jihoon reappeared after what seemed mere seconds. A confused Minghao following not long after.

Jihoon was greeted by a huge pout. “Aww, Come on! That was cheap, you didn't have to use any tact like I had to.” Jihoon only put a reassuring hand on Seungcheols shoulder. He then patted it, making the action seem a lot more sarcastic then reassuring. “Hey, you're the one who insisted that I went next.” Said Jihoon with a shrug.

Jihoon then left to go find their next target, a sad wail coming from his companion behind him. “That's not fair!”



Next was Seungkwan, who ended up being quite easy to find, for he was also looking for them. The second he rounded a corner and saw Seungcheol, his features lit up. He then practically skipped to Seungcheols side, taking up his usual spot hanging off his arm. “Where were you?? You said you'd only be a minute...” Pouted Seungkwan.

Seungcheol sent him an apologetic look, adding on a, “I'm sorry, It took longer then expected.” Seungkwans eyes narrowed at that, not happy with the news.

“Did you guys go have ?” Came Seungkwans blunt question. Neither boy had been prepared for such an intense accusation. Jihoon had nearly dropped the juice bottle in surprise.

“Wh- what!?” Sputtered out Seungcheol. “No way! Why would you think that?” Jihoon then started to eye Seungcheols arm leach wearily, worried at what Seungkwan was about to say.

Seungkwan then directed his attention to Jihoon, glaring the whole time. “Don't think I don't see the looks you give him.” Jihoon did not like the direction this was heading. Before Seungkwan could say anymore, Jihoon put on the nicest smile he could muster and smoothly changed the subject.

“So me and Seungcheol bought this new type of juice that is crazy good. We thought of you and came to share!” Said Jihoon as enthusiastically as possible. He then lifted the bottle in Seungkwans direction, letting the boy look at it.

Seungkwans eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Oh, did you now?” The sarcasm behind the sentence was unbelievable. Seungcheol picked up where Jihoon had left off. “Yeah! I especially thought you would enjoy it.” Seungcheol brought his hand up to hold Seungkwans face, to use the love potions reactions to his advantage. Seungcheol felt bad to seemingly lead the boy on, but he needed to get Seungkwan to drink the reverse potion.

Seungkwan then looked up at Seungcheol, slight hope on his face. Seungcheol just smiled down at the boy hoping he wouldn't see his bluff. Seungkwan then redirected his attention back to the bottle Jihoon still had presented. “Alright. I will. On one condition.”

Relief spread throughout Seungcheols body. He relaxed a little, not having realized he had tensed up. All Jihoon could do was narrow his eyes at Seungkwan in suspicion. He didn't like the look on Seungkwans face. “Of course. Anything.” Came Seungcheols easy answer.

“I want a kiss.” Came Seungkwans request. “I've wanted one for a while now, but you always change the subject.”

Both boys tensed up at that. Seungcheol sent a frantic look in Jihoons direction. He wasn't ready to do such a thing. He already felt horrible for leading the boy on as much as he already had, but now a kiss? He was too much of a romantic to do it with someone he didn't love, let alone with someone who only had feelings for him because of a love potion.

“A k-kiss?” Seungcheol couldn't keep his nerves out of his voice. Seungkwan just nodded up to him enthusiastically.

Before Seungcheol could get a word in, Jihoon spoke up. “Do you promise to drink some if you get a kiss?” Asked Jihoon calmly. Seungcheol sent him a frightened look. He didn't know if he could go through with it and he especially couldn't have Jihoon making promises for him.

Seungkwan just nodded another enthusiastic nod, his grip on Seungcheols arm getting tighter out of excitement. He was finally going to get his kiss!

Before Seungcheol could even open his mouth to express the thoughts hes been having, Jihoon was swiftly moving forward, surprising both boys with him.

And before anyone knew what was going on, Jihoon had his lips connected with Seungkwans.

Seungcheol let out a high pitched squeak at the what was happening right in front of him. Seungkwan then wretched his body violently away the second the shock had worn off. He then brought his hand up to rub off the kiss Jihoon had left there. “You weren't the one I wanted the kiss from!” Said Seungkwan, highly offended.

All Jihoon did was shrug at that. “You didn't specify.” Came Jihoon off handed answer. He then pushed the juice bottle into Seungkwans hands. “Now drink up.”

Seungkwan was not happy. He looked at the offending bottle, very tempted to just throw it down on the ground in anger. But then he looked up and saw Seungcheol watching him. He couldn't blatantly dismiss a promise in front of him. Seungkwan then swallowed down the knot that had formed in his throat from the disappointment. Quickly, he untwisted the lid and took a large gulp of the 'juice'.

Jihoons shoulders sagged, happy that Seungkwan kept his promise. Seungkwan then shoved the bottle back at Jihoon, not able to look him in the eyes.

When Seungkwan looked up at Seungcheol, he was surprised at what he felt. Or more of what he didn't feel. Seungcheols presence no longer gave Seungkwans the urge to get as close as possible, or get the attention he so badly wanted beforehand.

The confused look Seungkwan sent Seungcheol was all Jihoon needed to confirm that it ended up working. He let out a deep sigh and turned around, ready to go find the remaining boys. Seungcheol turned to watch Jihoon walk away. Before he followed after, he turned back to Seungkwan and pulled the boy into a hug. “No hard feelings, alright?” Came the comforting words of their leader.

Seungkwan didn't hug back, but he didn't push him away either, which was good enough for Seungcheol.

Seungcheol then jogged a little bit to catch up with Jihoon. The air between them seemed to hold a bit of awkwardness, as both boys seemed to have been thinking back to what had taken place. Seungcheol was the first to break the silence with a, “Thanks for doing that for me back there.”

Jihoon only scoffed at the boys words. “Who said I did that for you? I just wanted Seungkwan to drink the damn thing.” Came Jihoons dismissive words.

Seungcheol was in a much better mood though, now that he realized he no longer had to deal with clingy Seungkwan. “Hmm?? Are you sure it didn't have to do with 'the looks you give me'?” Said Seungcheol playfully.

The hit Jihoon landed on Seungcheol was anything but playful. “Ouch!” Came the pained cry of Seungcheol.

“Say something like that again and your smiles won't be so pretty.” Threatened Jihoon.

“Wait, you think my smiles are pretty?” Asked Seungcheol as he rubbed where Jihoon had just hit.





Another 30 minutes had passed when Wonwoo finally decided that he needed a break. The words were starting to bleed together and he hadn't gotten any good lines out for the past 15 minutes. He rubbed at his eyes with clenched fists, trying to uncross them from how long he had been staring at the screen.

He looked up to see what Mingyu was doing, who had earlier returned to his spot opposite of Wonwoo. He was staring at the screen intensely, seeming lost in his work. Wonwoo decided against bothering him right away, not wanting to break Mingyu out of his flow.

After another 5 minutes, Mingyu was still hard at work. Wonwoo was becoming impatient though. He set his laptop off to the side and crawled over to Mingyu to see how much he had gotten done in such an intense state.

Wonwoo let his mouth fall open in disbelief when he saw a tab to a clothes store open. When Mingyu realized he was caught in the act, he looked up at Wonwoo sheepishly.

Slowly, Wonwoo stiffly reached for Mingyus laptop. Confused, Mingyu let him grab the object off his lap and set it to the side. When it was out of harms way, Wonwoo then proceed to tackle Mingyu to the ground.

“Why didn't you tell me that you gave up on working already!?” Came an undignified cry from Wonwoo mid tussle. Mingyu was too busy laughing and defending himself from Wonwoos attack to properly explain anything. They rolled a few times, each one trying to one up the other.

When Mingyu was finally able to pin Wonwoo down, they were both tired and out of breath. Mingyu broke out in a huge grin though, and proclaimed a loud, “I win!”

Wonwoo just stared up at the boy who was now sitting on his waist, still trying to catch his breath. When he was finally able to reply, he scoffed off a, “It's only because you got weight on me.”

Mingyu looked offended at that, but in a playful over exaggerated way. But instead of defending himself, he just lifted himself slightly off of Wonwoos waist, only to promptly drop back down onto it. Wonwoo let out a loud, “Hmph!” and curled his legs up a bit at the action.

Mingyu then stared down at him again, as if to dare Wonwoo into calling him heavy again. Wonwoo stared back, almost tempted to do just so. But he had a pretty good self preservation sense and decided to let it go. He then brought his hand up to pat Mingyus thigh while saying, “Alright. Alright. You win, now get off before you crack one of my ribs.”

Mingyu then rolled off the boy, satisfied with the admission to defeat. “I thought you would know better then to challenge me, I never lose.” Came Mingyus victory speech. Wonwoo just waved his hand dismissively, still laying down in his spot on the floor. They had ended up around the middle of the room, a few feet away from where their laptops lay abandoned.

Mingyu sat besides Wonwoos laying form, looking down at the boy he now called his boyfriend. An odd swell of affection grew as he watched Wonwoo. Mingyu wasn't sure where it had came from, or really what to do with it. Wonwoo finally sat up, swinging his arms above him to give him some momentum. That was when he noticed Mingyu hadn't moved yet from where he sat next to him. He looked at Mingyu curiously, for the look he was giving him seemed to be full of thoughts.

Wonwoo expected something offhanded or dismissive, but instead he got a soft, “Do you really love me?”

When Wonwoo looked into Mingyus eyes, he saw a sort of hesitance. Like he was really worried as to what the answer was going to be. And the longer Wonwoo looked, the more it morphed into a scared look.

Wonwoo had never been good with words, for he usually let his actions do more talking. Content to watch as other more talkative members took initiative. And Wonwoo recognized how dangerous of a question this was. Sure, they were still new to their relationship, but Wonwoo was the one who started it off by confessing his love.

He knew he had to tread lightly, and think over every sentence carefully before he said it.

Wonwoo reached out for Mingyu, who was just out of arms reach. Mingyu could tell when he was being beckoned though, and scooted closer so he was within Wonwoos reach.

Wonwoo then gently held the back of Mingyus neck when he said, “Of course I do. I wouldn't have said so in the first place if I didn't.” Wonwoos thumb then started to rub just under Mingyus jaw, still worried by the look in Mingyus eyes.

Mingyu leaned into the reassuring touch, happy to have a sort of reconfirmation to Wonwoos words. Mingyu wasn't fully convinced yet though. “How do you know for sure?”

Wonwoo could see the vulnerability in Mingyu. Wonwoo hadn't seen this look on Mingyu ever sense the filming of Seventeen Project, where their wills and emotions were over worked and tested. Wonwoo let a small smile form on his lips. He then looked down, recalling all the emotions he had experienced when loving Mingyu.

When he collected his thoughts, he brought his gaze back up to Mingyus own, “Well, its kinda hard to explain. The easy and dumb answer would be that I just know. The more complicated one would be that when you walk into a room, I get the feeling of excitement. You are all I can focus on. The only one I want attention from.” Wonwoo scooted closer himself, placing himself right in front of the sitting Mingyu.

“When I see you happy, I'm instantly happier. When ever you touch me, I still feel it even after you pull away. I just want to be close to you at all moments. When ever we kiss, I feel like I'm floating and all I can focus on is you. My thoughts are always preoccupied with you.” Wonwoo can feel the slight tinges of embarrassment flare up from what he was saying, but he wouldn't let it get in the way of his explanation. During this whole time, Mingyu didn't break eye contact, seemingly entranced by Wonwoos words.

“And even now, I'm embarrassed that you know all these things. But I'll do anything for your happiness. I know that I'd put everything aside for you. Except maybe my career.” Wonwoo said the last sentence with a hint of teasing, trying to lighten the thick mood they were in.

Wonwoo then leaned in to punctuate all that he had just said. He left a light kiss on Mingyus lips, and Mingyu seemed to unfreeze, for he instantly kissed back. Wonwoo then leaned back, smiling at Mingyu.

“Does that answer your question?” Wonwoo wanted to make sure he covered all his bases. But he knew there was much more to his feelings, but it was hard to put it to words. Mingyu blinked at the boy, then allowed a small smile to form on his face. “...Yeah. I think you did.”

Wonwoo then broke out in a huge grin. “I'm glad!” Wonwoo then slid so he was now next to Mingyu. He laid his head on his shoulder, happy to get all that off his chest, without screwing anything up.

“Why do you ask in the first place?” Asked Wonwoo as he snuggled a bit into his place next to Mingyu, making himself comfortable.

Mingyu shifted a bit nervously next to Wonwoo before answering with a, “Well, It's kinda embarrassing.”

All Wonwoo could do in response was send a dead panned look at Mingyu from his spot, easily conveying the fact that Wonwoo thought whatever Mingyu was going to say couldn't compare to how embarrassing Wonwoo had just been.

Mingyu then let out a light sigh at that, knowing that Wonwoos feelings were justified. He started to fiddle with his fingers before finally being about to get out a, “I just. Think. That I l-love you too.....” came Mingyus very hesitant reply.

At the words, Wonwoo froze. A rush of feeling swept through him, leaving him both breathless and brain dead. Mingyu then suddenly felt the weight of Wonwoo leave his side. He looked over in time to see Wonwoo flop onto his side onto the floor.

Mingyu scrambled up, a flash of fear coursing throughout his body. When he made it to Wonwoo side, he put a hand on his waist and said a quick, “Oh god! Are you okay?!”

When he finally got a good look at Wonwoos face, there was a large smile plastered on it. Wonwoo then looked a the boy, happier then he had ever been. “Of course. I'm just happy.” Wonwoo then didn't give Mingyu any time to prepare himself before he hooked his hand behind Mingyus neck to pull him down for a kiss.



Jihoons and Seungcheols quest continued quite easily. They were able to run into Jisoo and get him to take a drink, no gimmicks required.

Hansol was also easy to find, and luckily alone, so Jihoon unceremoniously shoved the bottle in his hands with a, “Here. Drink this.” Hansol then did so, no questions asked. But it might have been out of slight fear if his trembling hands were anything to go by. Jihoon could be quite scary when he wanted to be.

Seungcheol and Jihoon then checked the dorm rooms in search of Wonwoo. They ended up being empty, which left only one spot left. The two were also privy to the fact that the new couple had become attached to a certain work room.

When the pair had made it, they stopped right before the door, hearing laughing coming from inside. Jihoon was about to open the door when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Jihoon looked back at Seungcheol, only to see him wringing his hands in worry. Jihoons expression softened at the obviously worried boy. “What's wrong?”

Seungcheol just shrugged at that, but then proceeded to answer. “I just don't know if this is a good idea. You hear them in there, happy. We can't just go in there and ruin it for them.”

Jihoon sighed, he should have seen this coming, with how much Seungcheol had been a cheerleader to their relationship. “I can see where you're coming from, but we can't just leave Wonwoo in there with fake feelings.” Seungcheol didn't seem happy with the answer though.

Jihoon then rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think of a better way to describe it. “Well, what do we do when either one of them hears about what happened? It's bound to be brought up. And then all they are going to do is question if their relationship is even real. Which will only end up with them breaking up. The only way I can see them still having a good relationship is if we go in there, get rid of the love potions effects, and let Wonwoo decide for himself if he likes Mingyu back.”

Seungcheol rubbed his arm, still seemingly uncomfortable with the idea. “I know, I know... I'd just hate to see them get hurt.”

Jihoons expression soften even more at that. Sometimes, Seungcheol really did prove as to why he was their leader. He genuinely cared about every one of them. Jihoon then walked back to where Seungcheol was standing and put his hand on Seungcheols arm.

“Hey. I can't guarantee that this wont create some problems for them. But this is the only way to give them a chance at a real and healthy relationship.” Jihoon then rubbed his hand up and down on Seungcheols arm once, before pulling away. He didn't want to seem like he was getting too touchy-feely.

Seungcheol nodded his head at that. He then quickly slapped both his cheeks, startling Jihoon. “Alright then! Lets do this.” Seungcheol then brushed past him, leaving a stunned Jihoon in his wake. Once again, he could see the initiative in Seungcheol that all leaders needed. It made his chest swell a little in emotion, but he quickly pushed that feeling out of his mind, not wanting to deal with that right now.

Seungcheol opened the door to the couple sitting side by side, laughing at something Mingyu was showing Wonwoo on the internet. Both quickly looked up when they heard the door open.

Jihoon came up beside Seungcheol right when the leader started his excuse. “Hey Wonwoo, can we talk for a second?”

Mingyu sent Wonwoo a confused glance. All Wonwoo could do was shrug before standing up, replying with a quick, “Yeah, coming.”

When Wonwoo reached the two at the doorway, they turned so Wonwoo could follow them out, leaving a confused Mingyu behind.



They walked a fair distance away, not wanting a concerned Mingyu to come up behind them and over hear them. Wonwoo had a sense of deja vu, for only a little bit ago was he making the same sort of walk with the two. But before, he at least knew what they were probably going to ask him about. But now, Wonwoo had no clue.

Wonwoo was starting to feel his fingers twitch from anxiety, the same feeling that would build up when ever he was away from Mingyu. He just wanted to get this over with so he could return to Mingyu as soon as possible.

When they got to an acceptable distance, Jihoon turned and extended the juice bottle to Wonwoo. “So we found a new juice brand that we thought was good and wanted to share it with you.” Said Jihoon, initiating the plan.

Wonwoo looked down at the extended bottle in disbelief. “You brought me out here. To try some juice?” Asked Wonwoo, offended. “Why couldn't we do this back with Mingyu?” This time though, he wasn't able to hide the slight anger seeping into his words.

Wonwoo couldn't believe they went through all that, just to get him to drink some damn juice. Jihoon and Seungcheol shared a worried look at Wonwoos tone.

The anxious feeling was building up even more, which was the main cause to Wonwoos anger. Wonwoos fingers twitched almost continuously. The anxiety fueled the anger, which in turn fueled his anxiety.

Seungcheol and Jihoon were both at a loss of words, for they hadn't expected that sort of reaction from Wonwoo. All Jihoon could do was answer with a short, “Yes.”

It was Wonwoos turn to be stunned. His anxiety was getting to a breaking point, beginning to overflow, only making him angrier and angrier by the second. But he knew he would feel better the second he got back to Mingyu. Wonwoo set the two a glare before muttering a quiet, “You gotta be ing kidding me.” before sharply turning around to head back to Mingyu.

Both boys stared in disbelief at what Wonwoo had just said and done. Jihoon just stared after the boy, almost willing to let the boy go, but Seungcheol wasn't having it. He quickly stepped forward, sharply tugging Wonwoo to a stop with a hand on him arm. Wonwoo turned angrily, ripping his arm out of Seungcheols hold in the process.

But before Wonwoo could spit out a snide remark, he was stopped by Seungcheol clamping his hand around Wonwoos wrist, almost to the point of being painful. Wonwoo looked up at Seungcheol sharply, about to go off, when he was frozen by the look he found.

Seungcheol was livid. Wonwoo had never seen such a look on their leaders face. Wonwoo was then pulled forward sharply, almost causing Wonwoo to stumble from the power behind it. Then Seungcheol was right in Wonwoos face. When he had Wonwoos full attention, Seungcheol hissed out a, “Don't you ever try to pull something like that again. I don't ing care if you just had the worst day of your life, you do not speak to me like that.”

Seungcheol then put out his palm, indicating he wanted the bottle. Jihoon was quickly pulled out of his stunned state from what he just witnessed. When Jihoon put the bottle in Seungcheols hand, he then put it in front of Wonwoos face. “Now drink before I get more angry.”

Wonwoo was also starting to break out of his stunned state. Still feeling defiant, Wonwoo ripped the bottle out of Seungcheols grasp before throwing back a quick gulp. He then slapped it back in Seungcheols hand with a sarcastic, “Happy?”

But suddenly, Wonwoo could feel his anxiety seep out of him. It almost felt like it was extruding itself from every one of his pores, and with it went his anger. As suddenly as the feeling came, it was gone, leaving Wonwoo in a drained state.

Both Seungcheols features and grip softened when he saw the change come over Wonwoo. Seungcheol then rubbed his face, also feeling drained from what he just had to do.

Afterwards, all Wonwoo felt was embarrassment from his earlier actions, not quite sure why he had gotten so angry now that the constant anxiety wasn't bearing down on him.

He then quickly bowed to Seungcheol, sputtering out a embarrassed apology. “I-I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking...” Trailed off Wonwoo. Seungcheol was quick to accept.

“Just go get some rest. I know I need it...” Said Seungcheol with a pat to Wonwoos shoulder. Wonwoo just nodded, still confused as to what had just happened to him. Jihoon and Seungcheol watched as Wonwoo turned and left.

Jihoon then placed himself next to Seungcheol, who asked a, “Do you think he will be okay?” All Jihoon could do was shrug, not being about to give Seungcheol a definitive answer.

Jihoon then eyed him wearily before asking, “The real question here is, are you going to be okay?”

Seungcheol just turned and flashed Jihoon a huge smile, leaving Jihoon surprised at his quick mood swing. “Aww, you know how it is. Gotta keep the kids in check sometimes.”

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet