Making A Mountain Out Of A Molehill

Love Sick

Mingyu wasn't sure where he was going, or what he was going to do with himself. All he knew was that he needed to move, to get away from that room and the boy who was in it. The tears blurred his vision, but he knew the building well enough to navigate with only minor bumps.

This was stupid. He was stupid. How could he have allowed himself to even agree to the relationship in the first place? Sometimes his curiously got the better of him. All he wanted was to see where they could go with it, but he was stupid and fell too hard too fast.

Maybe there was always a part of Mingyu that liked Wonwoo, and was only hidden from him by the fact that Wonwoo was a boy. And the second he opened himself up to the idea, it was all downhill from there.

Mingyu was blinded by both his tears and emotions, which lead him to finally bumping into something. But after a quick glace, he found out his interference was actually a someone.

And possibly the last person he wanted to see. Well, second to last person.

Seungcheols hand came up to steady Mingyu, worry evident on his face.

Mingyu tried to unlatch his arm from Seungcheols grip, to no avail.

“Let me go.” Pleaded Mingyu. He wasn't in the mood for one of Seungcheols famous 'dad peptalks'.

“No. We obviously need to talk.” Came the stern words of Seungcheol.

Mingyu rubbed his face hard out of frustration. He ended the motion by wiping the remaining tears off his face.

“Alright alright... I have some questions to ask you too.” Mingyu was slowly reeling back in his emotions. Maybe talking with Seungcheol will actually end up being a good thing.


Mingyu found himself at one of the tables in their front lobby. Seungcheol always seemed to gravitate to this place.

By now, Mingyus head felt a little clearer. He was beginning to feel a little embarrassed that someone had actually seem him in that state, but at least it was only Seungcheol. At least he hoped only Seungcheol had seen him.

“So. Where do you want to start?” Asked Seungcheol. “I take it you found out?”

Mingyu dead panned at Seungcheol. As if the emotional wreak he found him in wasn't a big enough clue.

Mingyu shook out his hair in frustration, the only question he really wanted to know was, “Why didn't you tell me?”

Seungcheol looked upset that he had to answer that. “Honestly? In the beginning, everything was going crazy. Jihoon was busy trying to figure out what had happened in the first place. And by the time we found out what actually happened, you two were already pretty far into your relationship.” Seungcheol glanced off to the side before muttering, “And you guys were being super cute....”

Mingyu glared at him, it was not the time to be gushing about his - most likely - past relationship.

“So you didn't tell me because you liked the idea of our relationship?” Accused Mingyu.

“No. We didn't tell you after we found out so that we didn't hurt you. We were hoping neither of you would find out. It was the best bet for your relationship to work out.” Consoled Seungcheol. He didn't appreciate Mingyus attitude but he was letting it slide, for now.

Mingyu just lowered his gaze. He appreciated that fact that Seungcheol was trying to protect him, but he couldn't see how hiding the fact that Wonwoo didn't really love him would have helped in any way.

“But what I wanna know is, how did you find out? Did Wonwoo tell you?” Asked Seungcheol.

“No, I over heard your meeting.” Explained Mingyu.

Seungcheol pursed his lips, mad with himself. He should have covered his bases and made sure Mingyu was busy so something like this didn't happen.

“Well, did you go tell Wonwoo after you over heard?” Seungcheol was trying to piece together what had happened between the meeting and now, which wasn't much of a time gap.

Mingyu sighed, not happy thinking back to what had happened. “Not exactly. Before I over heard you guys, Wonwoo was acting flighty. Didn't seem to want to be around me. After hearing what happened, I went and.... tested out if what you had said was true.” Mingyu was happy to tell the truth to Seungcheol, but that didn't mean he had to admit to the whole truth.

Seungcheol nodded in understanding. He didn't need Mingyu to tell him that Wonwoo had probably told him that he no longer loved him.

Seungcheol then looked over expectantly at Mingyu, who was still busy moping. When Mingyu caught sight of Seungcheols look, he sent him a dirty look. “What.” Spit Mingyu. He wasn't in the mood for this.

“Well, what are you going to do now?” Asked Seungcheol, not letting Mingyus harsh words effect him.

“What do you mean?”

“About dating Wonwoo?” Asked Seungcheol, who seemed a lot more enthusiastic then Mingyu thought he should be in this situation.

“Obviously we're going to break up.” Muttered out Mingyu. He tried not to dwell on that fact, it was going to make him an emotional wreak again.

Seungcheols loud gasp scared Mingyu out of his brooding state. Mingyu sent him a panicked confused look, not sure what Seungcheol was doing.

“What! That's literally the last thing you guys should do!” Seungcheols face showed utter shock.

Mingyu had no words for that, all he could do was send Seungcheol a disbelieving look.

Seungcheol sighed at the look he was getting. “Don't look at me like that. You do like Wonwoo, right?”

Mingyu could only nod at Seungcheol, if the feeling of having his heart ripped out of his chest was anything to go by, he really liked Wonwoo.

When Seungcheol didn't elaborate on his own, Mingyu asked, “So? Wonwoo doesn't like me, how could we stay together...?” Mingyus words trailed off, sorrow etched in his words.

Seungcheol was a little disappointment that it seemed he had to spell out everything for Mingyu. “Yeah. And did you like Wonwoo romantically when he asked you out?”

“Well. No. But.” Mingyu wasn't sure what he was trying to tell Seungcheol. That he might have had feelings for Wonwoo before, but had yet admitted it to himself? That Wonwoo couldn't ever actually like him like that?

Seungcheol decided that this was probably a good time to leave and let the boy think for himself. Seungcheol rested a comforting hand on Mingyus shoulder before standing up. “Hey, just don't be so sure that it's all over. Maybe you're just going to have to do what Wonwoo had initially done for you.”

Mingyu looked up at Seungcheol, slightly moved by his words. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Seungcheol was the oldest and wisest out of everyone, with how fun and carefree he usually was.


Mingyu stayed where he was after Seungcheol had left him, too busy with the thoughts Seungcheol had left him with.

Sure, Wonwoo had lost his feelings for Mingyu, but they were best friends beforehand. And his feelings for Wonwoo hadn't changed. He had learned to love the boy over the small amount of time. Who said that Wonwoo couldn't do the same for him?

But right when his thoughts started to become hopefully, he remembered back to how he had treated Wonwoo when he had learned about the love potion. A loud groan filled the room. How in the hell was Wonwoo going want to continue a relationship after that.

Did Wonwoo even remember anything that happened before he was effected? Mingyu figured that was probably a yes, Wonwoo would have never allowed Mingyu to have done any of those things in the work room if he didn't remember that they were suppose to be in a relationship.

Mingyu began to steel his nerves, if he was still going to try and be a good boyfriend, he should start to figure out a way to apologize.


Wonwoo once again found himself laying on his bunk. Once again trying to gather his thoughts. He thought that maybe he should have followed Mingyu out, but decided to let the boy work out whatever problems he was dealing with on his own.

Wonwoo sure wished he knew what was going on. This was literally the weirdest day of his life.

Maybe a good nap would help him out? He kinda wanted a break from the roller coaster of a day it had turned out to be.

Right when he rolled over to get more comfortable, the door to the dorm room opened. When he looked over his shoulder to see who it was, he was slightly surprised to see Soonyoung making his way in.

The boy looked like he was having an even rougher day then Wonwoo. Wonwoo sat up, to make his presence known to the boy. Soonyoung jumped a little, having not noticed Wonwoo when he walked in.

Soonyoung let out a sigh, and walked over to Wonwoo. “Hey, can we talk? I think I need to talk to someone who was also effected...” Mumbled Soonyoung.

Wonwoo looked over to Soonyoung, confused. “Effected? By what?”

Soonyoung stopped dead in his tracks. He had completely forgotten that Wonwoo wasn't suppose to know!

Wonwoo saw the scared look that came over Soonyoung. “Hey, if you know something, I would love to be let in on the secret. Today has been pretty crazy...” Trailed off Wonwoo.

Soonyoung looked over at Wonwoo, debating if he should really tell him. But it didn't take him long to decide, he knew that if he was in Wonwoos place, he would have loved to know what had happened to him.

Soonyoung finished making his trek over to Wonwoo, then sat on the bunk opposite to him. Wonwoo waited for Soonyoung to talk first, he seemed a little worse for wear.

“I'm right there with you with the craziness...” Agreed Soonyoung. “But sit tight, I have quite the story for you.”


Wonwoos head was spinning with all the info Soonyoung had just unloaded onto him. A love potion? Had that really been what had happened to him?

But the more Wonwoo thought about it, the more it made sense. Both his sudden attraction and falling out made total sense if what Soonyoung was saying was true.

“And you really believe it was a love potion?” Questioned Wonwoo.

“Oh, not only do I believe it, I experienced it....” Soonyoungs sentence gave off the hint that he hadn't said all he could have, but Wonwoo let it go for now.

“I'm glad I know what happened now. I was driving myself crazy trying to understand what was wrong with me.” It also seemed to clear up what had happened with Mingyu. He was starting to feeling responsible for starting their false relationship.

“So what are you going to do now? About you and Mingyu I mean?” Asked Soonyoung. Maybe he could get wisdom from Wonwoo, with how to deal with his own problem.

Wonwoo just sent him a shrug. “I guess I'll see what he wants to do? Like he did admit to me that he did have feelings for me now, and I guess I can say I'm not really opposed to the idea of dating..” Wonwoo glanced off to side, trying to hide the slight blush that spread on his cheeks.

Soonyoung just nodded at that. He did think that their relationship was pretty cute. “But hey... Would you mind giving me some advise? Since you've also experienced how the love potion effects you.”

Soonyoung had slouched in on himself when he asked, looking much more vulnerable then he did 5 seconds earlier.

“Yeah of course.” Came Wonwoos easy words.

Soonyoung didn't know where to start. He wasn't even sure what he was trying to get from asking Wonwoo for advice.

“So, I'm pretty sure you remember me and Seokmins extra curricular activities?” Wonwoo was surprised at how Soonyoung was referring to it, but yeah he did.

He nodded, waiting for Soonyoung to continue.

“Well, that only happened because I was effected too. And. I'm a little upset Seokmin let me do those things... He knew! He knew I was effected and let it happen anyways.” It was evident that Soonyoung was more then just a little upset, if the quivering in his voice was anything to go by.

Wonwoo looked off to the side, not able to look Soonyoung in the eyes, the pain he found there was too hard to look at.

“Well, have you thought about why he did it?” Came Wonwoos reply.

Soonyoung looked back at Wonwoo, his eyes now burned with what looked like malice. The look was erased quickly though, it wasn't meant to be directed at Wonwoo.

“What do you mean?” Spit Soonyoung. He was trying to keep his anger in check, but it was getting harder to do so when he realized Wonwoo was going down the sensible road. A take on the situation Soonyoung didn't exactly want.

Wonwoo narrowed his eyes at Soonyoungs tone. He pressed on anyways, if Soonyoung wanted someone to sympathize for him, he came to the wrong person.

“Well. Why do you think Seokmin went along with your so called, 'Extracurricular Activities'?” Wonwoo tried to keep the sarcasm out of the last part, but unfortunately failed.

“To take advantage of the situation..?” Came Soonyoungs brooding response. He heard the warning in Wonwoos words, one that told him, 'Back off, you're the one who came to me for advice'. Which was true, but he didn't have to be happy with what Wonwoo was going to tell him.

“Yeah, but why do you think Seokmin took advantage of the situation? There has to be more to it then just him wanting some easy .” Wonwoos words were callous, but he decided to take up the same harsh but truthful tone that Soonyoung had started himself.

Soonyoung seemed to be taken back by what Wonwoo just said. A reason behind it? He never thought to think father then the first step. Soonyoungs body seemed to crumple even father into himself. The look on his face showed he wasn't ready to throw in the towel yet. He wanted to be mad.

Wonwoo sighed when he realized that fact. Soonyoung never actually wanted real advice, and now that he got it, he was being resistant to listening.

Wonwoo stood up and started to walk to the exit. Soonyoungs bewildered gazed followed him as he went. “Where are you going?”

Wonwoo didn't even look back before saying, “I can tell you don't really want the advice I'm giving you. So I'm giving you time to ride out your anger.” He stopped at the door, and looked back before making his exit. “I also have my own problems to take care of.”


Wonwoo was now conflicted. Sure, he had just told Soonyoung that he was going to go take care of his problems, but he wasn't sure if he had given Mingyu enough time to ride out his emotions.

Maybe he should give Mingyu more then just an hour to figure things out. Wonwoo wouldn't have been anywhere close to understanding what had happened if Soonyoung hadn't came in and filled him in.

Wonwoo checked the clock on his phone to see that it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. Too much had happened in his day for it to only be early afternoon.

He remembered that they were going to be gathering at 5 to do a dance practice video for the Seventeen Youtube channel. Wonwoo pulled at the front of his shirt, not satisfied with it. He would like to change before hand, but he would rather wear the shirt he had on before going back to Soonyoung just to grab a new one. Wonwoo figured he would go back around 4:30, surely Soonyoung would have left the room by then.

Wonwoo rounded a corner on his trek to who knows where, only to see Mingyu sitting not too far away. Luckily, it hadn't looked like he noticed Wonwoos entrance. Wonwoos then scrambled to hide in the corridor he had just came through. Only when he was fully hidden did he dare to peek around the corner. Mingyu looked like he was frustrated. His hair was a mess and he had a tenancy to mess at it when frustrated.

Wonwoos heart pounded as he watched the boy seem to fight a losing fight against himself. Wonwoo then turned back around, so he no longer had his head peeking out. Now he had a dilemma. Did he go out there and confront Mingyu or turn back and act like he never even saw him?

Before Wonwoo could make a couscous choice, he was scared out of his thoughts by someone whispering a, “You'll forgive me soon.” followed by a harsh shove. Wonwoo stumbled to catch his balance, but soon realized what had happened. He watched in horror as a smiling Seungcheol made his escape, sending him an over exaggerated wink as he went.

And now, Wonwoo was standing in the open. He had his back to Mingyu, but he would be an idiot to think Mingyu hadn't noticed the scene he created while trying to keep himself from falling.

Slowly, Wonwoo turned to face Mingyu. They both carried a deer in headlights look. Mingyu was sitting straight up in his chair, one hand braced against the table, like he was about to get up in a hurry. To come help Wonwoo or to escape, Wonwoo would never know.

Wonwoo decided to break the silence first. “Um, hi.” He wanted to punch himself for how stupid he sounded. This was his best friend for petes sake! And apparently his boyfriend. But he was still trying to get use to that fact with his returned original feelings.

“Hi.” Came Mingyus reply. He sounded as nervous as Wonwoo did.

Wonwoo sighed then. Well, he was here now, might as well do what he should probably do. He started to make his way over to the table that Mingyu was sat at.

Mingyu watched him wearily, like a scared animal that was ready to run at any wrong move. Wonwoo sent him a small smile, to try and relax Mingyu. He wanted him to know that he wasn't mad at him.

“I think we need to talk.” Said Wonwoo as he took his seat. Mingyu could only nod in response.

“So lets skip the formalities, and let me cut to the chase.” Said Wonwoo confidently. Now that he was here, he was having a pretty easy time getting his words out.

“So Soonyoung told me everything that happened with the love potion. And I want to tell you that yes, I'm upset that our relationship was started under such circumstances. But I do want to let you know that I still want to continue to date. Only if you want to though!” Wonwoo said the last sentence hastily, he didn't know Mingyus stance on all this but he thought it best just to get everything out in the open.

Mingyu looked a little hesitant though. “So you're not mad at me? For what I did?” Wonwoo didn't need Mingyu to explain himself, he knew that he probably would have done what Mingyu had if the roles were reversed.

Wonwoo nodded happily, a smile on his face. Only then did a smile break out on Mingyus. He even laughed, like a huge weight was just taken off his shoulders. He then stood up and pulled Wonwoo with him. Wonwoo was too surprised to resist when Mingyu pulled him into a tight embrace. He didn't think he would have anyways even if he had known what was about to happen.

Mingyu then pulled his face away a bit to look Wonwoo in the eye, arms still tight around Wonwoo. “See? This is why I love you Wonwoo. You were never one for drama.”

Wonwoo felt his cheeks heat up at both the embrace and Mingyus words.

Mingyu then pulled his face in, to cuddle deeply into Wonwoo neck. “And I was even thinking of a huge apology speech. But then you had to come and take all the glory.” Pouted Mingyu. Wonwoo could only laugh at Mingyus cute actions.

Mingyu then pulled away again, a serious look back on his face. “I want you to know that I really am sorry for what I did.” Mingyus voice couldn't have been more genuine if he had tried.

Wonwoo smiled back at the boy. He then leaned his head forward so their foreheads rested together. “I know. Thank you for apologizing.”

“So I take it you still want to be boyfriends?” Asked Wonwoo needlessly. He mainly wanted to just hear Mingyu say it.

“You wouldn't be able to keep me away.” Said Mingyu playfully. He then looked at Wonwoo meaningfully. Mingyu eyed Wonwoos lips, before going in to try and kiss him. Before he made it though, he stopped and saw how nervous Wonwoo looked. He then redirected his route to kiss Wonwoo lightly on the cheek. Wonwoos hand came up and held the spot, all the while a huge blush spread on his face.

“But it looks like we might have to take things a little slow.”

Wonwoos only nodded in response, too embarrassed to look Mingyu in the eyes.

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet