What Comes Around, Goes Around

Love Sick

A few days had passed since Wonwoo and Mingyu started an official relationship. Of course they knew they needed to keep it private, a life as idols came with both positives and negatives. The negatives being that your every choice was scrutinized and if anything was remotely not to the high standards set, they could easily get destroyed by the press and fans alike.

They had a very busy schedule, still being in the middle of promoting their recent comeback, which gave little time to let the couple do anything, well, couple like. They had agreed to keep their distance in public, not wanting to give off any sort of vibe that could be interpreted as more then friends by the fans. Which left Wonwoo feeling slightly empty on the inside. He never thought of himself as a clingy significant other, but now that Mingyu knew and reciprocated his feeling, all he wanted to do was be close to the other.

It was strange to Wonwoo, but it felt like he physically felt calmer when ever he was around Mingyu. Any sort of distance for a long period of time left Wonwoo feeling twitchy and anxious. The second he was back to being around Mingyu, he calmed considerably. It had gotten to the point where Wonwoo didn't want to be away ever, for the feelings he got were almost unbearable.

Amazingly though, Mingyu had adjusted quite well to their new relationship. Exceptionally well actually. For someone who had never even considered dating a boy, he was doing quite well with the idea. Maybe it was because it wasn't much more of a step up from what they had been before they started their relationship. Mingyu had always been quite touchy when it came to Wonwoo, so the small touches that meant a little bit more now that there was actual romantic feelings behind them came naturally.

As they finished recording for a music show, they all stood and bowed to the camera crew and workers present. They were all breathing a little heavy, for they had put their all into that last 3 minutes so the performance would look exceptionally good. Wonwoo found his gaze easily finding Mingyus, who was a little behind him to his left, where they ended after their performance. Mingyus gaze had connected with his easily. Mingyu gave him a wide smile in response, showing off his canines that the fans so loved. Butterflies were set free in Wonwoo stomach and he vaguely wondered if that feeling would dissipate the more he got use to Mingyus returned affection. He really hoped not.

As they started to walk off stage as a group, Mingyu found his hand on Wonwoos lower back. To anyone looking, it looked like he was slightly guiding him, in a friendly manner. But Wonwoo could feel Mingyus thumb rub little circles on his back, giving the gesture a more intimate factor. Before it could get suspicious though, Mingyu let his hand fall away and they continued on with their day normally.


It had been a week into their relationship and Mingyu was slightly surprised to find himself actually really enjoying it. If he was completely honest with himself, he would say that he did end up starting their relationship on a whim. He found himself thinking back to that day, only a week earlier. Mingyu had come to the decision that if Wonwoo found something in him, then he could probably find something in Wonwoo. Admittedly, he had no earlier feelings for Wonwoo, but since the prospect of the relationship had surfaced, Mingyu found himself curious. He have never really found himself ually attracted to Wonwoo before but he had kinda came to the conclusion of, why had he not? Wonwoo could be y as hell if he so choose to be, and Mingyu had found himself on the receiving end of that charm a few times now, and he found himself excited at the prospect of what the looks offered.

The secrecy factor also gave Mingyu a thrill he never knew he wanted.

They had just finished their schedule for the day, and the members of Seventeen had found themselves having the rest of the day off. A rare luxury. And Wonwoo wanted to make the most out of it.

Mingyu had saw Wonwoo scurry off the second they had made it back to the dorms. Mingyu was curious as to what the boy was doing, for he had yet to find Wonwoo going off on his own without him since their relationship had started. Mingyu gave chase, curiosity getting the better of him. He had easily tracked Wonwoo to their dorm room, where Wonwoo was retrieving his laptop.

When Wonwoo had seen Mingyu enter, his face lit up. Mingyu easily gave into the sudden need to coo at how cute Wonwoo had just been. Mingyu easily crossed over to were Wonwoo had sat onto one of the lower bunks. Wonwoo was typing away at his keyboard while saying, “I was hoping on having a movie night with our afternoon off. If you were willi-” Wonwoos sentence was cut off by Mingyus warm hands coming up and cupping his face. Mingyu had tilted Wonwoos face up, to get the distracted boys eyes off the computer screen and to get his attention fully on him. A small blush had formed on Wonwoos cheeks from the action, but his expression was mainly a confused one.

Mingyu easily leaned down and gave Wonwoo a quick peck on the lips. But he pulled away quickly, not letting the kiss last. Wonwoo just watched as Mingyu then shifted to sit besides Wonwoo and tilt his head to see what was on the screen.

“What was that for?” Asked Wonwoo. He had yet to go back to his earlier task of movie searching, Wonwoo only watched as Mingyus eyes scanned over the computer screen.

Mingyu casually answered with, “Because you were being cute. And because I wanted to.” The sentence made Wonwoos heart soar, happy that Mingyu had wanted such a thing. He was still getting use to the fact that they could easily do such things, being boyfriends and all.

“And I would love to watch a movie. But only if it's something scary.” Wonwoos eyes narrowed at that. He actually loved scary movies, but knew that Mingyu wasn't as privy to them as he was. Wonwoo was slightly suspicious that Mingyu was trying to pull the stereotypical 'person A gets scared and clings to person B' tactic. But Wonwoo wasn't about to say no to the scary movie idea.

He quickly pulled up one that had recently been released. It didn't have very good reviews, but no scary movie actually did. While Wonwoo was finishing up with the set up, Mingyu had decided to make himself comfortable by scooting up the bed so he back was up against the wall, he legs stretched out comfortably in front of him on the bed.

When all was set on the laptop, Wonwoo got up and turned off the light, adding to the atmosphere. A small amount of light was still shinning through the curtains of the window, but that would soon fade as the afternoon grew late.

Wonwoo then carefully made his way back to the bed Mingyu was laying on, not wanting to hit his shins on any of the other beds that were in there. When he made it bedside, he placed the laptop onto Mingyus lap and shifted to sit next to Mingyu in the same manner as the other boy. When his didn't completely fit onto the bed, he shoved Mingyu a little to the side with his hip, not asking beforehand.

Mingyu just eyed him and playfully said, “You could just ask, you know?” Wonwoo ignored him as he reached for the laptop, having it so it balanced on one of each of the boys legs.

A few minutes into the movie, Wonwoo could already tell he wouldn't be comfortable sitting completely upright the rest of the movie. Wonwoo then shuffled a little bit, causing the laptop to rock precariously. Mingyu flashed him a quick look to see what Wonwoo was doing as he gripped the side of the laptop, giving it the support it had lost. As he finally made it to his desired spot, which was now a little father down the bed, Wonwoo found himself in the optimal spot to lay his head onto Mingyus shoulder, which he took advantage of right away. All Mingyu did was his head to the right, letting his head rest on top of Wonwoos.


Unfortunately for Jihoon, he would not be spending his afternoon off like he would have liked. Which probably would have still had something to do with work, but that wasn't the point. Instead, he found himself back in front of his computer, delving deep into the internet to find all the answers he could on any love potions that could be found.

Jihoon couldn't allow things to stay the way they had ended up. Surprisingly, nothing had yet to go horribly wrong. Except if you count the time Soonyoung and Seokmin had slipped into an empty changing room at one of the music shows. But no one outside of their group knew what had happened, so Jihoon didn't count it as a horrible occurrence. But he couldn't allow such actions to happen again, which was why he found himself looking up anything to reverse what had happened.

Jihoon figured the quickest way to find a way to reverse the love potion was to find the website where they offending object had come from. Many sites boasted to have the best one, some saying that theirs would have the strongest love connection or had the highest percentage of happy couples. But none described theirs as activating upon only looking at someone. Most needed to have a hair of the person they wanted effected sit in the liquid for 'Only 24 Hours!' before having said person drink the potion.

Jihoon was about to give up, having almost exhausted all the websites he had initially found, but then he seemed to had hit the jackpot. This site claimed to be the only one on the market that allowed you to only need to have the person who drank the potion look at you. The website was quite flashy, with phrases like, “PERMANENT EFFECTS” and “BEST ON THE MARKET” rocked back and forth at the top of the page. Jihoon figured the color scheme was also suppose to be 'romantic' in a way, with its splashes of pinks and purples.

Jihoon wanted answers as soon as possible though, and quickly clicked on the link to the FAQ. The page held many questions like, “Can you fall in love with inanimate objects?” or “Will they for sure love me?”. Under the second question was the answer, 'Unfortunately, we had not been able to get our 'One Look, One Love' potion to have both the qualities of only needing to look at someone to work and the strength that some other potions may come with. But rest assured, if the possibility for love is there, it will happen.' Huh, I guess that's why everyone had such varying love strengths. Thought Jihoon offhandedly.

Jihoon then quickly scrolled to the bottom of the page where he finally did find the answer for his question. A nicely put, “But what if I want to reverse the potion?” was at the very bottom, probably so customers wouldn't be able to find anything that could be detrimental to sales easily.

The answer underneath read, 'Fortunately, we have recently released a reverse potion for our 'One Look, One Love' potion line.' It continued to say some other junk Jihoon wasn't interested in. All he noticed after reading the first line was the link to purchase the reverse love potion.

When the new page was loaded, Jihoon took note of the 6 pictures, showing off the 'Stylish Bottle Shape'. The next thing he noticed was the ₩50,000 price tag on it. Jihoon rubbed his face in frustration. He definitely didn't want to be spending his hard earned money on something like this. He grumbling the whole time about how much he gave up for the sake of the group as he went to put the item in the check out cart.

Jihoon then quickly filled out all the required info needed. He couldn't have pressed enter quick enough, wanting this whole fiasco to be done and over with.

Just as he was settling back into his chair, there was a small knock on his door. Before he could tell the visitor to come in, the door opened to reveal Seungcheol. Jihoon swiveled in his chair to face the doorway, just as Seungcheol slipped all the way into the small room. He silently closed the door behind him as he came over to Jihoon side.

“What's up?” Asked Jihoon, wondering as to what had caused Seungcheols sudden visit. Seungcheol had leaned a little over next to Jihoon, closing off most of the distance between the two, to see what was on Jihoons computer screen. “Nothing much, just coming to see why you cooped yourself up in here when we have the afternoon off.”

Jihoon looked up at Seungcheols profile, just then noticing how close Seungcheol had leaned in. Jihoon had taken the moment to examine the boy. Seungcheol was busy scanning the page Jihoon had left up on the screen listing off the confirmation number and tracking number to his recent purchase. Jihoon had realized long ago that he was attracted to Seungcheol to some measure. He had easily gravitated towards Seungcheol because of his charismatic ways and hardworking tendencies in their predebut days. But he never seemed to be able to kick the slight attraction he got when ever the two were alone together.

Seungcheol moved his attention from the screen to Jihoon, curious as to why Jihoon hadn't replied to his question yet. He only turned his head to the left when doing so, causing their faces to be quite close. A thick tension seemed to fill the room as the two stared at each other. Jihoon easily let his eyes scan all of Seungcheols face, taking note all the small details. Jihoon found himself wondered what it would have been like if Seungcheol had somehow fell in love with him when the potion was wreaking havoc before.

Seungcheol seemed to have broken out of the small spell that fell over him after seeing how close he had accidentally gotten. He straightened his back and let out an awkward cough, not sure what had just happened. Jihoon handled the situation much better and just answered Seungcheols previous question with, “Just finally ordering a reverse potion. At least soon we will be able to put this whole thing behind us.” Jihoon then sent him an amused glace. “I bet you'll be happy to get rid of your leach.”

Seungcheol easily took a hold of Jihoon subject change. “Yeah... Its been a little hard with all of Seungkwans advances. You'd be surprised at how creative he can get...” Seungcheol trailed off, seemingly remembering back to an earlier incident. He then shivered at the memory.

Jihoon just let out an amused snort and stood up from his chair. “Yeah, and I'll be able to finally relax, no longer having to fight him off for you.” He was at the door now, but paused before he opened it. “Unless, you want me to stop and let him have his fun.” Jihoon sent a devilish smirk in Seungcheols direction.

Seungcheol let out an embarrassed sputter at what Jihoon was insinuating. He then threw his body forward and easily gripped Jihoon in a weak headlock. “And what does that mean!? You going to leave me to the wolves?” Seungcheol then squeezed Jihoon closer to his body as he tried to get a better grip on the boy.

Jihoon just let the older boy do as he pleased, knowing that if he resisted it would only make it worse on himself. “Nothing, nothing... I just wanted to make sure I wasn't putting effort into something that was unnecessary.” Jihoon waved his hand dismissively up near Seungcheols face so he could see the action.

“You little brat, I should give you a punishment!” Before Jihoon had time to retort, Seungcheol leaned down and blew a raspberry onto Jihoons neck. Surprised by the sudden action and spurred on by being tickled, Jihoon began to flail about, trying to dislodge Seungcheols mouth from his neck. He finally succeeded to slip out of Seungcheols grip, leaving a laughing Seungcheol behind.

Flustered, Jihoon held his hand up to his chest as he tried to catch his breath. He hoped that Seungcheol would interpret the slight redness on his face as exertion from escaping. Jihoon then huffed a loud breath as he shoved Seungcheol through the door before he could try anything again. “Come on, I'm sure everyone's wondering where you went off to.”


Both Wonwoo and Mingyu continued to stare at the laptop as the credits began to roll up the screen. Neither made a move to click out of the page yet though, both in a sort of aw at the movie. Finally, the silence was ruined by Wonwoo. “Well, that was.....” Before he could finish his thought, Mingyu provided him with a, “Different?”

Wonwoo then finally reached for the laptop and exited out of the page. “Yeah, different is a good way to describe it.” Wonwoo took note of the time, which read '7:47', meaning that the others were probably gathering for dinner soon. He shut his laptop and leaned over to place it underneath the bunk so no one would accidentally step on it.

When he righted himself on the bed, he was surprised by Mingyu, who easily wrapped his arms around Wonwoos waist. He then leaned his chin on top of Wonwoos shoulder. Wonwoo tried his best to look over to the boy, but found it difficult with the angle provided.

Mingyu then closed his eyes and nuzzled deep into the junction between Wonwoos shoulder and neck. Wonwoo then heard a very muffled, “This is nice.” Wonwoo didn't need any explanation as to what 'this' was. Wonwoo then lifted his arms to lay his hands on top of Mingyus own. All he could do was hum in agreement. Who knew in such little time they would be this comfortable together? But maybe Wonwoo should have expected it, with how clingy Mingyu had been before.

Mingyu then untucked his head from where he had nestled it, an idea forming in his head. He then leaned a little ways away, causing his arms to unwrap from Wonwoos waist and escape Wonwoos grasp. Wonwoo turned his body towards Mingyu, curious as to where his was going. When he looked, he found himself face to face with the boy. Wonwoos breath caught in his throat, not expecting the sudden proximity.

Mingyu then easily leaned in to kiss Wonwoo, but this time it wasn't quick like the earlier one they shared. At first it was just a press of lips, giving Wonwoo time to adjust to the sudden affection. Wonwoo was quick to want more thought, moving in more to give the kiss more pressure.

It was slow and lazy, but everything about it gave Wonwoo flutters throughout his body. His sense of touch seemed to have heighten for Wonwoo was much more aware of every little movement that happened. The slight adjustment from Mingyu to steady his balance and the slightly added pressure to the kiss didn't go unnoticed.

Right when Mingyu had brought his right hand up to the back of Wonwoo neck, to add a little more passion to the kiss, Wonwoo felt a small wetness on his lip. Right before Wonwoo was about to slip his tongue out to connect with Mingyus, the door to the room swung open, lighting up the room considerably from the dark it had become from the evening getting late. Unlike before, when their first kiss had been interpreted, they did not jump apart. This time, they just broke the kiss, not wanting to give their interrupter a show.

“Hey you two! Dinner is ready and Seungcheol won't less us eat until everyone is there! So hurry your asses up.” Came the sharp words of an unfazed Seungkwan. Not waiting for a response, he sharply tuned on his heel and left the door wide open behind him.

Mingyu and Wonwoo rested their foreheads together, small puffs of heavy breaths mingling in between them. Wonwoo was the first to break away, with a wide grin on his face. The distance that was created between them caused Mingyus hand to fall from where it had been on the back of Wonwoos neck. Mingyu watched as Wonwoo stopped in front of the door, causing a silhouette to be created around him from the brightness of the well lit hallways. As Mingyus chest tightened with emotions created from what just happened, he stood to make his way to the waiting Wonwoo.

When Wonwoo reached out and intertwined his fingers with Mingyus, a sudden pang of nerves hit him. In that moment, Mingyu realized he had fallen for Wonwoo a lot faster and a lot harder then he initially intended. Deep in Mingyus gut he felt like he might have gotten himself into a very dangerous situation, one he didn't know if he could get out of unscathed.

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet