Self Control: Nonexistent

Love Sick

A hush fell over the dance room when Wonwoo finally returned. He could feel a flush of embarrassment raise up on his cheeks but was saved from having to explain any thing when Seungcheol spoke up with a loud, “Alright you guys, stop goofing around. We all got work to do. And I'm especially talking to you Hansol. Weren't you just complaining about being behind on lyrics?” Seungcheol sent a pointed glare in Hansols direction at his last statement.

Hansol sent a pout over to their leader at the call out. He grumbled a small, “Yeah but everyone didn't need to know that...” as he got up and started to walk out along with everyone else who scattered to do what Seungcheol said.

Mingyu made a bee line over to Wonwoo after Seungcheols dismissal. “Hey, what did Seungcheol want to talk about? He wouldn't tell me anything when he got back.” Wonwoo peaked over Mingyus shoulder at Seungcheol, how sent him a super over the top thumbs up and a wink. Wonwoo rolled his eyes at the leaders antics and switched his attention back to Mingyu. He gave him one of his best smiles, the one that they were trained to do while still in pre debut.

“Oh you know, He had some questions about the lyrics I showed him the other day.” Said Wonwoo casually while shrugging one of his shoulders. Mingyu gave him a puzzled look at his explanation.

“Really? He seemed like he was pretty serious when he pulled you out. Even Jihoon went with him.”

Damn, why did he have to be so curious and cute? Wonwoo started to panic a little as he tried to think of a good excuse. Wonwoo pulled out the first thing he could think of which went along the lines of, “Oh well, you know. The lyrics I showed him weren't exactly our image. Kinda bordered on a higher rating if you know what I mean.” Wonwoo nudged Mingyus side with his elbow, all the while lifting one of his eyebrows suggestively.

Mingyu shook his head and rolled his eyes at Wonwoos actions. But there was a smile on his face when he did so. “Wow. I didn't think you had it in you to write those kind of things. Let alone suggest it to Seungcheol. You surprise me everyday.” He then started to head off towards the exit, expecting Wonwoo to follow him out.

The second Mingyu wasn't looking in his direction, Wonwoo started to lightly hit himself on the head with his fist. Stupid stupid stupid! Now Mingyu thinks he's some teenager!

Mingyu looked back at Wonwoo, who froze his actions the second he realized Mingyu turned back to him. “But hey.” Mingyu said seriously. “We're good, right?”

Wonwoo let his arm fall back to his side and looked back at Mingyu. “Yeah of course.” Mingyu sent him a wide grin at that, sending Wonwoos heart soaring.



Seungkwan walked down the hallway, following after the duo as they continued to talk. Seungkwan didn't really completely understand what was happening, but he got the basic idea that there was something in the water bottle that shouldn't be. Which meant that Seungkwan needed that water bottle.

He started to formulate a plan in his head, which was something that went along the lines of hitting either one of the boys over the head with something heavy. Whoever was the unfortunate soul who had the bottle at the time was going to be his victim.

Seungkwan had just started to think about what his weapon of choice was going to be and where he was going to get it when he happened upon the two boys in the hallway. Seungkwan was too lost in his thoughts to realize that the boys had stopped walking. But when he did come up to them, he found them in a rather compromising situation.

Soonyoung had Seokmin trapped up to the wall kabedon style. Soonyoung had a rather large smile on his face, bordering on predatory. Seokmin was shrinking down the wall, making himself as small as he could, but Soonyoung was getting closer by the second.

All Seungkwan could do at the sight was let out a loud, “Um.”

Both boys heads whipped over to Seungkwan, neither had heard or seen him come up to them until then. Soonyoung sent Seungkwan one of the nastiest glares he has gotten from the boy, not happy with being interrupted.

“Oh god. This isn't what you think it is.” Came a horrified Seokmin.

Seungkwan himself didn't really know what he thought was happening so he just called out a, “I'm just here for the bottle.”

Without warning, the bottle was quickly tossed from Soonyoung to Seungkwan. He barely had time to bring his hands up before the bottle hit Seungkwans cheek with a loud smack. Luckily though, he was able to catch the bottle after it ricocheted off his face. Seungkwan then quickly his heel, desperate to get away from the two now that he had gotten what he had came there for. All the while rubbing his cheek and muttering something along the lines of how his face was too beautiful for all the pain it had gone through today.

Soonyoung then turned back to Seokmin with a wide grin now that the disturbance had left. “Now, where were we?”

Seungkwan ignored the the loud “SEUNGKWAN!” that came from Seokmin.



Seungkwan was heading back to the dance room, water bottle in tow, when he ran into Seungcheol. Seungkwan was delighted at this and grabbed Seungcheol by the arm and starting to tug him off in the opposite direction he had been going before while saying, “You were just the person I was looking for!”

Seungcheol allowed himself to be tugged off with the smaller when he asked, “What? What about?”

All Seungkwan did was wave the water bottle over his shoulder in Seungcheols direction and say, “I have a secret that we aren't suppose to know about.”



Wonwoo and Mingyu were heading in the direction of their dorm rooms when they heard a loud yell resound throughout the building. Both boys exchanged a mixture of confused and curious looks.

“Was that Seokmin?” Asked Wonwoo. Mingyu just shrugged and said, “It sounded not too far though, we will probably run into who ever it was.”

Wonwoo agreed with a slight nod.

It didn't take them long to make it to the dorm room, but instead of Seokmin like they originally expected, there was Jihoon. And he was furious.

He had just finished slamming the door to the dorm room when he turned around to find the two boys blocking his path. He came storming up to the both of them, leaving loud stomps in his dust. Wonwoo quickly moved to the side to let the angry boy go past, but instead of walking by them as what Wonwoo originally excepted, Jihoon had clamped his hand onto one of Wonwoos arms. Jihoon then reached out and grabbed onto Mingyus arm with his other hand and pulled them away from the dorm room.

“What's going on?” Questioned Wonwoo. When he didn't get an immediate answer, he looked up to Mingyu. Mingyu had even less answers and just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

They arrived at one of the side rooms that was usually used by any of the members as a quiet place to work. Jihoon quickly checked to see if the room was empty before shoving them hard into the room. Both Wonwoo and Mingyu went stumbling in, but Mingyu had found his balance faster then Wonwoo and had grabbed Wonwoos elbow to help steady him.

Before either could question what the hell Jihoon was doing, Jihoon pointed at them accusingly and said, “Don't leave this room before I come back to get you. is hitting the fan and I need to get everything together before its a full on storm. So. I need to keep people where I know they will be.”

Jihoon then strided back to the door without waiting for a confirmation from either of the confused boys. But right before he could fulling close the door behind him, he turned back and pointed at Wonwoo threateningly. “And for the love of god, please don't do anything stupid.”

Then he was gone, only leaving the sound of the door shutting in his wake. Both boys looked back at each other completely confused with what just played out. The first to break the silence was Wonwoo with a, “So are we going to do what he says and stay here?”

Before Wonwoo could even finish his question, Mingyu was already heading back to the door. “Hell no, why would we do that?”

Mingyu reached the door and went to open it, but couldn't. He let out a small curse under his breath and started to jiggle the doorknob harshly.

“Whats wrong?” Asked Wonwoo as he came to stand next to Mingyu by the door. Mingyu just turned back to Wonwoo with a dejected look on his face and said, “He locked us in.”

No wonder he didn't worry about getting their approval.



Jihoon was practically storming through the building at this point. After the scene he had come upon in the hallway, Jihoon knew he could no longer hope that he could rely on anyone elses help.

Jihoon had headed to the source of the scream right away. He had a bad feeling about it, especially since he recognized the scream to belong to Seokmin, who he had sent on their mission not more then 30 minutes ago.

What he found was going to haunt his nightmares for years to come. Both boys were splayed on the floor, which could have almost been mistaken for a wrestling match, if not for the intense lip lock the boys were in.

“What the -” Jihoon pretty much ran over and shoved Soonyoung off of Seokmin, who looked like he desperately needed air.

“Oh, thank god you're here!” Seokmin quickly scrambled up off the floor and started to straighten his clothes with a slight blush on his face. Soonyoung continued to lay where he was shoved onto his back on the floor, pouting up at the ceiling.

“What happened.” Jihoon was not in the mood for playing games. He quickly looked between the two and realized something that made his stomach drop. “Where is the bottle?”

Seokmin had finally caught his breath and recollect himself. “Soonyoung was a huge idiot and took a drink from it.”

Jihoon looked back at him incredulously. “So it really is a love potion?!” He didn't really need Seokmin to answer. The scene he had come onto had been answer enough.

Seokmin continued as if Jihoon didn't have his outburst. “As for the bottle, he gave it to Seungkwan.”

Jihoon was just getting madder and madder by the second. “Seungkwan has it!?!” Oh god. No good could come if Seungkwan had it.

Jihoon quickly shoved both of the boys into the dorm room they had ended up in front of and turned away quickly, leaving with a quick. “Stay here.”

He tried to pretend he didn't hear a “With pleasure.” from Soonyoung and a small squeak from Seokmin as he turned away.

Jihoon had ran into Hansol and Dino, who quickly got to the edges of the hallway when they saw the look Jihoon was wearing. “Have you seen Seungkwan?” He asked the two in passing.

Dino quickly nodded his head and said, “Yeah! He was heading back to the dance room with Seungcheol.”

Jihoon felt his headache worsen at the news. How could this situation have gotten so horrible in such a short amount of time??

He mumbled a quick thanks to the youngest and ran to the dance room. He busted through the doors of the dance room for the second time that day to see Seungkwan and Seungcheol standing close together in the far corner of the room, both looking down at the bottle clasped in Seungkwans hands.

“Seungkwan! Hand that over!” Jihoon started walking quickly towards the duo, not giving Seungkwan time to actually reply.

When the boys had looked up to see what the loud noise had been, they were met with a very mad and red faced Jihoon. All Seungkwan knew was that he wasn't going to what Jihoon had demanded.

In an act of defiance, still mad about being left out of something like this, He started to unscrew the lid of the bottle.

At the sight, Jihoon began to run. He couldn't allow him to do that.

When Jihoon started to run towards him, Seungkwan started to panic. Frantic,he quickly turned his back to Jihoon and took a gulp of the liquid.

Jihoon practically collapsed at the sight. Why did everyone have to be so stupid?!?

When Jihoon was able to lift his gaze back to the pair, he saw Seungkwans gaze seemingly glaze over as he stared up at Seungcheol.

Seungcheol, who was immensely confused, looked over to Jihoon for answers. “What going on? Why did Seungkwan say that you said I couldn't know about the bottle? What's the big deal with the water bottle?” Seungcheol started to walk over to Jihoon, but was stopped by a firm grip on his arm. It was Seungkwan holding him back. When Seungcheol looked back to the boy to ask what he was doing, he was interrupted by Seungkwan sliding easily up into Seungcheols side and practically nuzzling himself into that spot.

“Why bother yourself with Jihoon when you have me to keep you company~?” Seungkwan practically purred out the sentence up to Seungcheol.

“Or better yet, I can keep you company for the rest of the night if you prefer.” Seungkwan had started to walk his pointer and middle finger up Seungcheols chest while talking, only stopping when he reached the top of his throat. When he made it to right under Seungcheols chin, he then slide just his pointer finger back down his throat, punctuation the action with a purred out, “Daddy~~

Seungcheol gulped at both the actions and name. Before he could do anything else, Jihoon was right next the two, gripped both of Seungcheols arms and practically ripped him away from Seungkwan. When he had Seungcheol at a far enough distance, Jihoon put himself in between the two and growled out a threatening, “Back off.

Seungkwan just sent back a smirk. He then raise his hands in mock submission, his facial expression screaming sass. “Fine. For now. But you know who he'll be seeking out later to see tonight.” Seungkwan sent a suggestive wink to Seungcheol then his heel and headed for the exit. But before he left, he blew a kiss in the direction of Seungcheol before shutting the door behind him.

“Oh please, for the love of god Jihoon, tell me whats going on.” Pleaded Seungcheol. Jihoon just let out a deep sigh and let himself sink to floor. When Seungcheol just started down at him, Jihoon then patted the spot next to him. “Sit. Its a long story.”



Wonwoo paced the room as Mingyu watched him go back and forth with his eyes. Mingyu then brought his hands up to his eyes and rubbed them hard while asking, “Can you please stand still? Or sit down? You're making me dizzy.”

Wonwoo stopped his pacing and looked over at Mingyu sheepishly. “Sorry.” He was able to stand still for about half a minute before his legs started moving on their own again. Mingyu just dead panned at him from his seat.

“Why you so antsy anyways? You know someone's going to have to come let us out eventually.” Reasoned Mingyu. He lent back in his seat a little bit, making himself more relaxed.

“I dunno, just feels like I need to move around a bit.” But truth was, he did know. He could start to feel the same pull in his chest as he did just a few hours earlier that day. He was scared that if he let himself settle down, he was going to loose himself again and do exactly what Jihoon warned him against; something stupid.

Mingyu let out a small sigh at the still pacing Wonwoo. He then stood up fluidly, and caught Wonwoos hand as he was walking away from him. This caused Wonwoo to jump at the action. His gaze quickly flicked from Mingyus hand on his own up to his face. Mingyu just gave him a charming smile and said in a soothing voice, “Just come, sit. Your pacing isn't doing anything besides raising your blood pressure.” 'No, that's you.' Thought Wonwoo. He felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest at the intimate contact. But in reality, it was nothing of the sort. It just felt like it was because of Wonwoos state of mind.

Mingyu lightly tugged at Wonwoos arm when he didn't start to head over to the chairs right away. Wonwoo let himself get guided to the chairs, all the while staring at their connected hands. It wasn't like their fingers were intertwined, but it still made Wonwoo feel the butterflies go crazy in his stomach.

When they reached the chairs that were lining a wall, they both sat down simultaneously. Mingyu then went to release their conjoined hands, but Wonwoos only strengthened his grip. Mingyu gave him a slightly confused look at that. Before even Wonwoo knew what was happening, he blurted out a, “You know, I really do love you.”

Mingyu started to pull his hand away again, but this time Wonwoo let him go. With the same hand that he just pulled out of Wonwoos grip, Mingyu waved the air dismissively. “Okay Wonwoo.. You know you can drop the act. I get that you were upset over my teasing, but there is such a thing as taking something too far.”

Wonwoo couldn't hide the hurt expression that came over his face. “But. I'm really telling the truth here.” But then Wonwoo remembered his decision he made from earlier. If words won't convince Mingyu, then he needed his actions to.

Without warning, Wonwoo swiftly stood up and swung his right leg over Mingyus legs and plopped down onto Mingyu lap, facing the boy. If Mingyus stunned face was anything to go by, Wonwoos actions completely took him off guard. But then, Mingyu was able to recollect his wits. He then brought his hands up and easily rested them onto Wonwoos hips.

“What's this?” Asked Mingyu. He then started to rub little circles with his thumbs onto Wonwoos waist. “Are we playing gay chicken now?”

Wonwoo wasn't sure when it had happened, but all the earlier nervousness had dissipated. All that remained was the Bold Wonwoo from earlier in the day. It made him feel good, powerful even, and Mingyus accepting actions was only encouraging him.

Wonwoo then brought both his hands to come up and hold Mingyus face in between his hands in a gentle grip. “No. I'm showing you how much I love you.”

Mingyus face broke out in a smirk at that. “Oh, really now?” Said Mingyu teasingly. It was almost like he was taunting Wonwoo, to see how far he was really going to take this. Maybe because he really did think they were playing gay chicken. Maybe because Mingyu really did want a confirmation that Wonwoos words rang true. Whatever it was, Wonwoo wasn't going to waste the opportunity that was so graciously given to him.

“Yeah, really.” Said Wonwoo breathlessly. During that whole time, he had been letting his face drift closer to Mingyus. He did so slowly, as to give Mingyu the chance to either back away or back out if he wanted. But Mingyu just continued to keep eye contact, all the while keeping his lazy smirk in place.

Wonwoo subconsciously scooted a little more forward on Mingyus lap, causing their torsos to now be pressed up to each other, making it all the more intimate. Mingyu too seemed to subconsciously make himself more comfortable by both leaning back a little more in his seat and making his grip on Wonwoos waist a little tighter, making sure Wonwoo didn't accidentally go teetering off.

Well, It's now or never thought Wonwoo. That's when he finally made the the distance between their lips close. Wonwoo immediately let his eyes close upon contact, but Mingyus shoot wide at the feeling of Wonwoo kissing him.

Mingyus body had become rigid at first, but was slowly relaxing into the kiss. Both were so caught up in the kiss that they didn't hear either the lock on the door un-clicking or it being swung open to Wonwoos right. Right when the kiss was starting to go places, they were interrupted by a loud, “God ing damn it!”

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet