Highs and Lows

Love Sick

Both boys pulled away from each other as fast as they could the second they heard Jihoon yell. At the same time, Mingyu threw his arms as far away as he could from Wonwoo, trying to hide the fact that only seconds earlier he was holding the boy in place on his lap. From both the loss of Mingyus support and him wrenching his torso as far as he could from Mingyu, Wonwoo found himself losing his balance and fell off Mingyus legs and landed hard on his tail bone. From his spot on the floor, he could see Mingyu send him an apologetic look for what had just happened. That's when both boys finally redirected their attention to their sudden visitors.

All Jihoon could do at this point was rub tiny circles on his temples to try and keep his headache from reaching astronomical levels. Seungcheol just seemed slightly happy at what he had just witnessed, like a proud father. The four stayed in silence, not really knowing how to handle the situation. The one thing that finally broke everyone out of the spell that seemed to be over all the boys was Seungcheols sudden thumbs up at Wonwoo and Mingyu. Wonwoo let out a loud groan at the sight and flopped onto his back in defeat.

Jihoon then cleared his throat, in a way that finally dissipated the rest of the tension that was hanging in the air. He was the first to speak up with a, "Alright, so that actually wasn't the worst thing I've seen today. So rest assured, you will find no judgement here." Jihoon then sent a sharp jab with his thumb in Seungcheols direction and continued with, "And you're obviously aren't going to get any from this this guy over here. He's giving you guys encouragement for Petes sake.." Jihoon trailed his sentence off, making it clear he didn't really agree with the idea of encouraging the behavior.

That was when Wonwoo finally decided to pick himself up off of the floor. He looked over to Mingyu to see how he was reacting to all this. Wonwoo was worried that he was going to start regretting what had just happened between them. Mingyu just continued to look over to their visitors, giving no physical indicators to confirm or deny Wonwoos fears. He seemed to sense that Mingyu was avoiding looking back at him though by keeping his attention on the two other boys.

"I'm glad you remembered to come free us though. I was afraid we were going to miss dinner." Said Mingyu casually.

Jihoon waved off Mingyus comment with his hand. He then reassured them with a, "I knew you would never have let me live it down if you missed a meal Mingyu. So this is why I came back to get you guys as soon as the situation got under control."

Wonwoo took a few steps towards the two, who were still dwelling in the doorway. "What was the situation anyways?"

Before Jihoon had time to think of an excuse to give Wonwoo, a thought entered Seungcheols mind which caused panic to flare up inside him. He quickly scanned Jihoon and found his worries to be confirmed. Trying not to seem too conspicuous, Seungcheol leaned diagonally down towards Jihoon, while still keeping his body faced forward towards the other two boys in the room. He then stage whispered a, "Um Jihoon. Try not to freak out, but I think Seungkwan still has the bottle."

At the news, Jihoon almost broke down and just wanted to go it, and just let Seungkwan keep the bottle. The liquid was bound to be be completely used up soon anyways.


While Jihoon was too busy trying to keep the boy as far away from Seungcheol, he hadn't realized he was letting Seungkwan leave while he still had possession of the bottle. He was mad at himself for allowing himself to make such a grave mistake. "Well, lets go find the little brat then." Said Jihoon under his breath, trying to not arouse too much suspicion from Wonwoo and Mingyu who was watching their exchange happen. Jihoon then turned to exit, fulling expecting Seungcheol to follow him out. Seungcheol then also left with a quick wave to Wonwoo and Mingyu, not offering an explanation to where they were going.

"Hey wait! You didn't explain... anything..." Wonwoo trailed off his sentence when he realized that they were too far to hear him anyways.

This was when Mingyu decided that it was time for him too to leave and quickly stood up from his chair and made his way to exit. Before Mingyu could make it very far, Wonwoo caught him by the wrist. Mingyu hesitated to look back at Wonwoo, but ultimately did so after a few seconds of deliberation.

"Hey..." Wonwoo saw the hesitation in Mingyu. "I'm sorry if I took things too far but I don't take back my actions." Mingyus eyes had flicked to the door in the middle of Wonwoos sentence, seemingly uncomfortable with the topic at hand and wanting to escape.

Wonwoo kept his grip firm on Mingyus wrist, not wanting Mingyu to try and escape before anything was actually settled. Mingyu then let out a deep sigh at the situation. He seemed to realize he wasn't going to get to leave without at least explaining to Wonwoo what was on his mind. "Wonwoo.... I just. Don't know how to take.. this." He motioned between them with his free hand to indicate what he was referring to.

Wonwoo felt hurt, but kinda understood in a way. He didn't know what he would do himself if the roles were reverse. Even though his body was screaming at him to just pull Mingyu close, he knew he needed to give the boy space. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Asked Wonwoo. He wanted Mingyu to at least know that he wanted to be there for him.

"No. Just. Please give me some time to think." Said Mingyu, his tone indicating that the conversation was over. Mingyu then pulled his arm out of Wonwoos grasp and quickly made his way out of the room, not wanting to be stopped by Wonwoo again.



By the time Jihoon and Seungcheol had found Seungkwan, he had collected the rest of their group and convinced them to form a circle on the floor. In said circle sat first Seungkwan. To his right was Jeonghan and to his left Chan. To Jeonghans right was Hansol, who was cuddled up to Jeonghans arm. He didn't seem like he was taking the skinship badly though, and just left Hansol to do his thing. Continuing to the right was Junhui, Minghao and then Jisoo, who competed the circle. Minghao seemed to be a nervous and wouldn't lift his eyes from his lap, where his hands were laying. The bottle lay on its side in the center of the circle, completely empty.

At the sight, Jihoon could feel himself seemingly transcend to a different plane of stress. In this plane, he seemed to have found stress nirvana and had came back a new man. A man who no longer cared about what had happened. All he knew now was that he had to fix the horrible situation that had been created. Seungcheol seemed to have noticed the far off look Jihoon was giving the wall. He then decided to take the initiative and asked, "So what happened here?"

At the sight of Seungcheols arrival, Seungkwan quickly jumped up to his feet and grabbed onto Seungcheols arm, making himself comfortable. He then began the story, happy to oblige any request form Seungcheol. "Well. When I left, I felt like I should share the good fortune I had come upon. I found everyone that I could and we started a game of spin the bottle. Who ever the bottle landed on had to take a drink. Unfortunately, we only had enough left for three rounds." A very prominent pout on his lips when he said the last sentence.

At the news, Jihoon seemed to snap out of where ever his mind had been. He then turned to Seungkwan and demanded, "Who were the ones who drank it?"

All Seungkwan did was hide slightly behind Seungcheols arm and send a glare in Jihoons direction. Jihoon then looked up at Seungcheol, exasperated. Seungcheol figured that was his cue to take over again. "Hey.." He lifted his arm to reveal Seungkwan. "Could you tell me who drank out of it? We need to know so we can help." Said Seungcheol in the nicest voice he could muster. Seungkwan seemed to shine at the attention. "Oh it was only Hansol, Minghao and Jisoo who did."

Both looked over to the group that were still in the circle. From the looks of it, they could have figured out that Hansol and Minghao had on their own from the way they were acting. But Jisoo seemed no different. When he sensed their gazes, he looked up at them, a question in his eyes.

"Did you really drink some Jisoo?" Asked Jihoon. Jisoo nodded and said, "Yeah, I don't really get what was suppose to happen though." He punctuated the sentence with a shrug.

Jihoon and Seungcheol exchanged confused looks at the news. Then Seungcheol shrugged and suggested, "Maybe he's too pure?"

Jihoon just looked back to Jisoo, a suspicious look on his face. "Maybe... I don't really know how the thing works." All he knew was that people fell in love with who ever they saw first after taking a drink of it. All information had been gathered from what he'd seen happen, but he had no real proof.

Jihoon then walked over to the now empty bottle and picked it up. While looking at it to make sure it was really empty, he said. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about this anymore..." He then walked over and tossed in a near by trash can, as a sort of finality that it really was over with.

Seungcheols next words ruined the small sense of accomplishment Jihoon had gotten from having the love potion completely used up. "But how are we going to fix this?" Seungkwan picked that time to snuggle deeper into Seungcheols arm, seemingly in a why to boast that they still had problems to deal with.

Jihoons face fell at the implications. All he could say was, "I'll get on that."



Unfortunately for everyone, they still had responsibilities to take care of for the rest of the day. They were called together to get them to start working on some more choreography, which meant that all had to be stuck together in a room. Amazingly though, if an outsider had looked at the group of boys, they wouldn't have suspected such strange occurrences had taken place. Soonyoung seemed thoroughly sated after what ever had happened between him and Seokmin and was back to his normal self. Except for maybe the intense glances he would send Seokmin at times, which were replied with either a heavy swallow or quickly adverted eyes. The only big difference was both Seungkwans and Hansols sudden clinginess to Seungcheol and Jeonghan respectfully.

Seungcheol wasn't taking to his new leach very well, but Jeonghan was doing swimmingly. But it may have had to do with the fact that Hansol was easier to handle in the fact that he wasn't making ual innuendos at every opportunity. Hansol just seemed to take more of a liking of being close to Jeonghan, and was content with not having to say anything to Jeonghan. So Jeonghan just treated Hansol like he usually would, just at a closer proximity.

Sadly though, it seemed that Wonwoo and Mingyu had switched roles. Mingyu was now the one keeping his distance from Wonwoo.

To say Mingyu was confused would be an understatement of a lifetime. When it came to his relationship with Wonwoo, he could easily say that Wonwoo was one of his closest friends. But he had never took the time to ever consider them becoming anything more. Sure, Wonwoo was a great looking guy, and their personalities complimented each other very well. The only thing he could say was keeping him from ever having thoughts of them becoming something more was the fact what Wonwoo was a guy.

But now that they had shared something as intimate as a kiss, something that would never had happened if they had only kept to friendship roles, he starting taking note of Wonwoo in ways that he wouldn't ever have if they hadn't overstepped the boundary set as being just friends.

The first things he noticed were physical things, like how nice Wonwoos jaw structure was. Or how tall and lithe his body was. Or how Wonwoo would cutely play with the sleeves of his shirt, to give his hands something to do. His mind wandered to how they interacted with each other, back to all the fun times they had together. He enjoyed being with Wonwoo. Then he started thinking back to how they acted together, mainly to how Mingyu had already overstepped the friendship roles with all his teasing. In a sense, he felt guilty. What if he was just leading Wonwoo on with all the small touches and compliments he had given him? Maybe Mingyu had this coming...

But the next steps his thoughts were taking were to if he even felt comfortable with the thought of Wonwoo in a romantic role in his life. And he surprisingly found the idea not horrible. Actually kinda pleasant. Wonwoo would make a wonderful boyfriend, with all the small gestures he always did for other people.

Mingyu shook his head at those thoughts, trying to dislodge them physically. Had he really just considered Wonwoo good boyfriend material just then? He knew those were very dangerous thoughts, because if he continued to head in that direction, he knew he would somehow convince himself that yes he would want a relationship with the boy.

But that was no easy step to take, a lot of risks were brought forward if he did decide to accept Wonwoos confession. Wonwoo was his best friend, he can't just go ruining that because he got curious. He needed to know for sure that he was fully on board before any sort of actual action could be made.

While Mingyu was having his inner monologue, he hadn't realized that he had been staring at the object of his thoughts the whole time. Mingyu only realized after Wonwoo had caught him staring. Wonwoo sent a small smile and a shy wave over to Mingyu when their eyes locked. All Mingyu could think was how cute the gesture had been... Damn it Mingyu, you can't form a crush just because the opportunity is presented to you! All Mingyu did was look away, not wanting to encourage Wonwoo to come over.

A frown formed on Wonwoos face. He really hoped he hadn't gone and messed up his friendship with Mingyu just because he couldn't seem to control his emotions.



Much later that day, they finally were released to go get ready for bed. Everyone got up from where they had been resting on the floor, and quickly made their way to the exit, all wanting to get in a shower before bed. And they all knew that the last ones there were going to be cursed with cold water.

Wonwoo also made his way towards the exit, albeit a lot slower then everyone else, dejected with how the day had turned out. He had come to the realization that he probably wasn't going to get anything out of Mingyu any time soon. With those thoughts finally setting in, he started to pick up his pace, ready to put this day behind him.

He was stopped in his tracks by Mingyus voice calling him.

"Hey Wonwoo."

Wonwoos heart seemed to be trying to escape his rib cage, enticed into action at Mingyus unexpected beckoning. He realized that he was probably wearing a stupidly happy expression, so before turning around, he schooled his expression to be something more neutral. He couldn't seem to keep everything concealed though as he still had small tinges of hope on his face when he finally did turn towards Mingyus direction. He took a quick note that they ended up being the last ones in the room, leaving them alone.

Mingyu didn't say anything afterwards, he just stared at Wonwoo, expression remaining unreadable. Wonwoo stayed silent, letting Mingyu decide on his own when he wanted to talk. Wonwoo was ecstatic, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. The odds were that this was more likely a rejection call then Mingyu telling him that his feeling were reciprocated.

After what seemed like an eternity to Wonwoo, Mingyu finally did something other then just watch him. Mingyu started to walk towards him, easily closing off the space that was between them with his long strides. When he reached Wonwoo, he brought his hand up to lightly hold Wonwoos upper arm. Wonwoo almost broke eye contact to look at Mingyus hand, but he quickly forgot anything else when Mingyu asked, "Can I kiss you?"

Wonwoo felt like he was about to pass out with how fast his heart was racing. He searched Mingyus eyes, trying to find an answer to where this had came from, but found none. Wonwoo wasn't about to deny him though and quickly answered with a breathy, "Of course."

Wonwoo couldn't remember anything in his life making him feel happier then when Mingyu leaned down and closed off the distance between their lips.

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet