Of Sasaengs and Potions

Love Sick

Two girls hopped along as they returned home from school, both seemingly without a care in the world. Suddenly, one girl quickly unstrung one of her arms from a strap on her backpack, all the while saying, “You'll never believe what I got my hands on. A real, live Love Potion!”

The second girl who had been bouncing along with her friend shifted her gaze over to the first girl, seemingly uninterested. “You know those kind of things don't actually exist, right?”

“No, you don't understand. I got mine from a reliable source.” By now she had gotten the zipper ped and was now digging around for said 'Love Potion'.

“How can there be such a thing as a reliable source when love potions don't exist.” Her friend wasn't even close to buying it.

The first girls face lit up when her hand finally found the object she'd been looking for. She quickly produced a bottle from her backpack. Nothing about the shape of the bottle gave off any sort of suspicion, but the face the girl was wearing definitely showed that what was inside was anything but innocent. The bottle was about the size of her palm, and was filled to the brim with a clear liquid. It could have easily passed off as water, but so could vodka. Her friend still wasn't convinced though.

“What gives you the right to say that it's really a love potion in there. How do you know it's not just water? I hope you didn't pay a fortune for that.” Her friend was nice, but could be quite gullible sometimes. “Where did you get it from anyways?” Her tone definitely showed she was skeptical, but she was curious none the less.

She went to reach for it, trying to get a closer look at it. She held it in her palm and examined it. Nothing about it was special, even the bottle was just an ordinary bottle. “How do you know how it works anyways? Did it come with instructions?” Even though she didn't believe that it really was a love potion, she was still curious.

The first girl quickly put the bottle back into her bag, where it was safe. “The guy I got it from said that you just have the person that you want to fall for you drink it. But you have to make sure that you are the first person they see, because that is who they will fall in love with.” She then clutched said bag tightly to her torso. “And for where I got it from, what makes you think I'll actually tell you? I know that you'll just want to go get your own and use it on your precious DK and make him fall for you.”

Even if it seemed impossible, the seconds girls face went even more skeptical. “Wait. This is what this is all about? You think you're actually going to get Wonwoo to somehow drink that and fall in love with you?” She started to shake her head in disbelief. “I knew you seemed a little over the top, but this is a new level. How are you even going to get near him, let alone drink something from a stranger?”

“Oh don't worry your pretty little head.” She even patted her friends head for emphases. “You know how there's going to be a Seventeen fan meeting next week?” The first girl was starting to get excited, thinking about her plan. “Well, guess who's going?” Even though it was obvious that she was talking about her self, she still pointed her thumb at herself, with a huge grin on her face.

Her friend then face palmed and let it slowly slide down her face. “Oh no... You know you can't give them anything like that. Its against the rules.”

“Who said I was going to give it to him, I'll just sneak it to him.” None of the second girls words could ruin this for her. She knew this was going to be a flawless plan.

“And how the hell are you going to do that.” It didn't come out as much of a question, more of a statement. She was finally convinced that her friend now was at least marginally crazy.

“Well now, I can't give away all my plans now can I~?” She then started to skip out of joy, causing her to pull ahead of her friend on the sidewalk.

“Yes. Yes you can.” Dead panned her friend. She then started to pick up her pace a little to catch up with her.



It was the day of the fan meet and the girl was starting to get excited. Nervous butterflies were going crazy in her stomach as she waited in line.

Earlier when she first arrived, she quickly made her way up to were staff held a bunch of supplies, including the water bottles they passed out to the members of Seventeen to keep them hydrated. She grabbed one as discreetly as she could and slipped it into her purse. She then quickly shuffled off to the closest bathroom, dumped all the water out of the water bottle and replaced it with the liquid from her bottle. She did so very carefully, making sure not even a drop didn't make it into the water bottle. She then screwed the lid back on the water bottle tightly so there was no chance of it coming open in her purse.

After putting both bottles back into her bag, she quickly checked herself in the mirror, replacing some of her misplaced hair, and strutted out of the bathroom and into line.

This is where she had been waiting for the past 20 minutes. She couldn't believe she was finally going to meet the love of her life, Wonwoo. And unknowingly to Wonwoo, where he was going to find his too.

She observed him as he sat between Mingyu, who was to his left, and Hoshi to his right. Every now and then, when ever Mingyu got an over the top headband to wear, he would turn to Wonwoo to show it off. Almost every time Wonwoo would laugh at his appearance. It made a small seed of jealously grow in her stomach as she watched. The only thing that made it so it didn't grow any bigger was knowing that soon she was going to be his lover. The thought put her back at ease as she settled back down in line.

Soon though, she was at the beginning of the line and started her interacting was S.Coups, the leader of Seventeen and first in line at the table. She didn't care all too much about the other members but she made it seem like she was interested, if only too keep up the act and seem unsuspicious to security. She quickly made her way past the next two people in line, who happened to be Vernon and Jun. Her nerves were starting to heighten for Wonwoo was only two people away now.

She didn't even remember what happened between her and Woozi as she stepped to her right to be right in front of Hoshi. Woozi gave her a slightly surprised look, but she completely ignored it as she started her fake interaction with Hoshi. Woozi kept an eye on her for a few seconds but then quickly forgot about the strange girl to turn to the girl that had just stepped in front of him, not wanting to be rude to any of their fans.

Even before the allotted time was up, the girl was done with Hoshi. He wasn't the reason why she was here.

When the girl in front of her in line finally stepped to her right, she quickly stepped to be right in front of Wonwoo. And wow. Was he amazing up close. He made eye contact and smiled his perfect smile right at her. She started to feel her legs give out from under her, but no! She wouldn't let herself get pulled into his charm just yet. She had a mission to complete.

His water bottle was just a little ways up on the table to her right, within reach. And as if the gods were smiling upon her, the level of water in the bottle looked to be around the level of liquid that was in hers. She reached down into her purse and produced first a strange looking necklace. It had about 3 different clasps on it. It was the most ridiculous thing she could find and it was about to serve as the distraction she would need.

Wonwoo gave it a very curious look as he held it in front of him. “Um, How does this go on?”
His voice was so low and deep and she found her self falling again but she gripped her hands on the front of the table, gritted her teeth, and implemented her plan. “Well, I think it clasps both in the back and the front. I think you'll need help putting it on.”

At her words, Wonwoo turned to his right towards Hoshi, who seemed to be not doing much with the girl in front of him. Hoshi, also hearing her say those words, also turned towards Wonwoo and grabbed the crazy necklace from Wonwoos hands and started to mess with it. Wonwoo was also trying to help. But in doing so, his gaze was set downwards to the necklace.

The girl took the opportunity she created for herself and grabbed both the bottle on the table and the bottle in her bag and switched them as fast as she could. In her haste to get the bottle out of her bag and onto the table, she hit the bottom of the bottle full of love potion into the side of the table, causing to both shake the table a little and send a small thud into the air. Most ignored the sound, except for Woozi. His gaze casually lifted to the source of the sound. He almost missed it but he saw as the strange girl from before took her hand away from the bottle that was now placed on the table.

He was slightly confused at what he saw, but nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. Wonwoos bottle didn't seem different in any way, so Woozi figured that in the process of the table shaking the bottle must have fell over and she was just righting it back into place. He slightly shrugged to himself and redirected his attention back to his fan once again.

Unbeknownst to everyone at the front of the room, a security guard at the very back of the room had seen it all go down. He pushed away from the wall and started making his way to the front to confront the girl.

Wonwoo and Hoshi were still struggling with the necklace when the girl decided that was enough. She then spoke up. “Oh if your having too much trouble with it, you don't need to keep trying. My times almost up and I would rather spend the rest of my time talking with you Wonwoo.” The girl was quite impressed with herself, being about to execute her plan so well. There was only one step left.

Wonwoo looked back to the girl with a sheepish expression on his face. “I'm so sorry about that.” He then handed the necklace back over to the girl.

“Oh no worries!~” She was about to say something about how he must be thirsty from the effort the necklace put on him, but it turned out to be unnecessary.

Wonwoo reached out for the water bottle, unscrewed the lid and brought it up to his lips. A commotion broke out a little bit behind them, about half way down the room, but it wasn't loud enough to steal anyones attention from the tables. She held her breath during the whole process. All she needed to do now was make sure the first person he saw was her after he was done taking a drink. She opened , about to ask any sort of question she could think of, anything to keep his attention on her when suddenly,

“Oh man, Wonwoo.”

The girl watched in horror as Wonwoos gaze casually slipped over to Mingyu, who was now wearing a headband that held a huge pink bow in the top of his head. Wonwoo was still mid drink when he moved his attention over to Mingyu.

Trying to act quickly, the girl then slammed her palms hard onto the table. Loud enough to startle both Mingyu and Hoshi, but not Wonwoo. The bottle slowly lowered from his moth, his eyes still on Mingyu. Only on Mingyu. The girl realized she was too late.

Just then a firm grip was now on her upper arm and a voice next her said, “I'm going to have to ask you step out of line with me.” She completely ignored him as a overwhelming dread spread through her body. It seemed to then manifest into her stomach then out into a long and loud wail that had the whole room silenced. Fat tears started to roll down her cheeks as as she screamed, “NO! No! This can't be HAPPENING! I worked so hard! He was suppose to look at ME!” The guard quickly realized this was getting out of hand. He then started to pull her away from the table and into the hallway, her tears and screaming going with her. Everyones eyes were glued to the scene that was happening. All except for Wonwoos, whos were only on Mingyu.

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dreisphere #1
Chapter 10: Soonyoung and Seokmin managed to tug at my heart. Huhuhu~~ T_T
dreisphere #2
Chapter 9: Awwww!! Such cuties!!! >.<
dreisphere #3
Chapter 7: Jihoon and Seungcheol are really cute. ^_^
dreisphere #4
Chapter 5: Meanie couple for the win!!!! They're so cute!! >.<
dreisphere #5
Chapter 5: "Maybe... He's to pure?" Hahahahahaha! Jisooo!! Hahahaha!
superjuniormylove #6
Chapter 7: Why didn't it affect Jisoo though?!
Chapter 10: so glad that soonseok are restarting their relationship and that the reverse potion actually worked
*loving ooopss
Wow im so late but this story is amazing :3333 lovubg the characterization and the plot development<3
Jazminderr #10
Chapter 10: Ah this was very sweet