Chapter 3: An Odd Visit

It's Not Forbidden


Jungkook's eyes flutter open slightly, he blinks once, then twice. He looks beside him, Seokjin's arms wrapped around him and his head resting on the younger's shoulder. He looked so peaceful, so calm, it gave Jungkook a light feeling. "Are you done staring now?," Seokjin asks all of a sudden, eyes still closed as Jungkook looks away from him to hide his reddening cheeks. "I-I w-wasn't staring," he stammered, the older could only look at him with a small smile on his face. "It's okay, Kookie. I know I'm handsome," the wolf boasts, Jungkook scoffs and finally pushes his hyung off of him so he could stretch out. "Yeah, whatever." the younger replies and got up, heading into the kitchen for a glass of water. Seokjin stayed in the living room, sprawled out on the couch with a blanket messily draped over him as he waited for Jungkook to come back. 


When the younger comes back to sit on the couch, Seokjin decides to cook since their parents would be awake soon. Yes, he considers them as his parents too. He got up, fixing what he could before heading into the kitchen. Jungkook whined at first when his hyung had left him, but then his mind wandered off to the thoughts of a good breakfast and just decided to stay quiet and let Seokjin do his thing. But after a few minutes, he started to get bored, not really having anything to do or anything to entertain himself. He didn't live in the city and for some reason had lived in a forest which was just a minute away from the metropolis. But it was nice having a calm life, their village was starting on its modern side anyway. He's only experienced city life for a few months, and so far, he hated and loved it at the same time.


"Hyung~," he called out, walking into the kitchen where Seokjin was already setting everything up on the table. "I'm hungry~," Jungkook whined. The older chuckles and gestures for him to sit down, "The food's just right in front of you," he says. The scent of food wasn't hard to miss even by the two adults who were in a deep sleep in their room. They had already woken up and had arrived at the kitchen's doorway in a minute, thanking Seokjin again for cooking them along with some apologies from Jungkook's mother saying that she hasn't helped out, but Seokjin brushes it off and says it's okay and joins the whole family for breakfast. 




There was a knock at the door, and Jungkook's parents immediately perked up, they rarely get any visitors. His mom runs to the door, opening it and peeking out, "May I help you?," she asked as she sees a man waiting outside. "Ah, yes. May I speak with you for a moment?," he asked. She looked back at her husband and he just gave her the 'go' look. Hesitating a bit, she steps out and closes the door behind her. Then here comes the curious one, Jungkook running to the window to look out and see what was happening. "Hyung, why are they here?." he asks and points at a group of people who looked like any rich person you'd see on the news or like the ones you'd see showing off in the street with their expensive things. The older shrugs, "I have no idea," that's all he could say.


After a few minutes, Jungkook's mother comes back in with a worried look on her face. Her eyes drift to Seokjin, the look of sadness and fear evident in her expression. "Umma, is there something wrong?." Jungkook asks while his father had made her sit down to let her explain everything. "I think they know," she mumbled. "Know what?," Jungkook asked, curious as usual. "Seokjin," she whispered, though it was audible enough for all of them to hear. "It's a hunter clan," she said with a disappointed tone. "Those rich dudes are hunters?," Jungkook asked, also disappointed. The younger doesn't hesitate to run up to him and hug him, "They can't take you away," he said. Seokjin could only hug him back, "They won't," he tried to reassure him.


"How did they even know?," Jungkook's father asked, his wife explained everything, since she's been in the city the most, that the clan they've just encountered was actually known to capture werewolves, torture them, have them as pets or slaves and even force them to battle their fellow kind. The thought of that made Seokjin shudder, a chill running down his spine. It reminded him of countless horrible memories from before, when he hadn't been taken into the family yet, when he was still with a pack. This people were trouble, so they all had to watch out. Seokjin was now part of their family, and he would always will be, they weren't going to let these people take him and use him for their own sick needs. Jungkook wasn't going to let them, he loved his hyung, and he just couldn't let some hunters get in between them.


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 16: Wowww..beautiful and lovely
Natashabird #2
Chapter 16: I liked the story very much :)
Chapter 16: Totally Kawaiii!!!! (the ending i mean)
Chapter 11: nooo Seokjin T.T
Chapter 7: oh my, poor SeokJin and Kookie.
Chapter 4: poor Jin T.T I'm glad Kookie is trying to protect him!
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 16: Great story..i'm happy that finally they are safe..the ending is so beautiful..just perfect!

Thank you for this great story.. ^.^
LilyClover #8
Chapter 13: Is Taeyeon a witch?? (No offense) and thanks for the update~~
kpoplover_160 #9
Chapter 12: ^.^ *might be chanting* Jin is safe I love Jhope