The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)

Oxycontin, Cigarettes, and Sunflowers

    “Where are you going to move to?” Kyungsoo asks while they’re watching a documentary on sleep.

    “Huh?” Jongin questions, slightly turning his head towards Kyungsoo, but his focus and eyes are still on the bright television screen.

    “When you’re able to be on your own,” Kyungsoo restates. “Where will you move to?”

    “O-oh,” Jongin says, taking his attention away from the documentary. “I guess back to my old place.” He looks a little sad and Kyungsoo is biting his tongue to keep from letting his inner saint out.

    “Where is your old place?” Kyungsoo questions as he takes a sip of his drink.

    “France,” Jongin replies easily and Kyungsoo spits his drink out. “What?”

    “Sorry,” Kyungsoo mutters, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “I just thought you would say Gangnam or something like that. Not a whole other continent.”

    “It was convenient,” Jongin explains. “Yixing invited me to move there after my first lead with him.”

    “Yixing?” Kyungsoo asks. “Who is he?”

    “He’s the leader of the troupe I’m in. He also composes and choreographs some of our original pieces.”

    “Then why are you in Korea?” Kyungsoo knows it’s probably not because Jongin realized he loved him too and came searching for him, but there’s still a small part of him that hopes-

    “Performance.” It’s short and quickly smashes any more of Kyungsoo’s thoughts.

    Kyungsoo chews on his lip and contemplates bringing up this conversation, but he feels that he has to. “Does, uh, does Yixing know about you?” Kyungsoo asks, looking down at Jongin’s leg. Jongin goes quiet and Kyungsoo takes it as a no. “Jongin-”

    “He’s called me everyday since he asked if I wanted the lead,” Jongin says. “He said he made the role with me in mind. Dyo, that’s huge!”

    Kyungsoo breathes out and puts his hand on Jongin’s shoulder. “He needs to know, Jongin.”

    “I-it’s just-what-” Jongin takes a breath to begin his sentence anew. “What if the doctor was wrong. What if I am able to dance again.”


    “Yixing stills has to choreograph all of the parts, finish all of the songs, find venues, find dancers, all of it. It’s a long ways away, so maybe I could just put off on telling him until I know for sure I can’t dance.” Jongin’s eyes are pleading and Kyungsoo is about to speak when there’s a knock on the door. The tension in the air suddenly drops and Kyungsoo rubs his face before getting up and opening the door.

    It’s just Sehun and his stoic face. “Is Jongin here?” he asks and Kyungsoo scoffs, opening up the door all the way to let Sehun in.

    “It’s not like he can really go anywhere,” Kyungsoo utters under his breath. He follows Sehun into the apartment. Jongin puts on a happy smile for Sehun and they begin talking about whatever and Kyungsoo walks past them both and into the kitchen. He can feel a headache coming on and opens up the cupboard for aspirin when he sees Jongin’s orange bottle of painkillers. He chews on his bottom lip and taps on the side of the wooden cupboard door. Jongin hasn’t taken any after the second day and has only been taking over the counter pain killers. These prescribed ones aren’t being used and Kyungsoo is really itching to swallow two or three of four.

    He looks over towards the living room and can see Sehun and Jongin focus in on some kind of action flick, so he snakes his hand up, snatches up the pill bottle and stuffs them into his pocket. He closes the cupboard door and walks back to his bedroom where he hangs out for the rest of the evening.


    He’s holding one of the pills in his hand, looking down at it when there’s a sudden knock on his door and Kyungsoo jumps, sending the pill flying across the room. “,” he hisses, grabbing his heart as he searches around the room for it with his eyes.

    “Hyung?” Jongin peeks his head into the room and Kyungsoo rolls his eyes.

    “I’m a day older than you, Jongin. You don’t need to call me that.” He gives up on it for now and quickly slams his bedside table drawer when Jongin walks into the room to hide the bottle. “What do you need?”

    “Sehun just left,” he informs and Kyungsoo nods.

    “Okaaaay,” he draws out, wondering why Jongin would think he cared as to when Sehun left.

    “I-” Jongin stops, pursing his lips. “Nevermind, it’s late. I’ll talk to you about it in the morning.”

    “No, Jongin, come in,” Kyungsoo says, motioning him in with his hand. “What did you want to talk about?”

    “It’s just,” Jongin starts, walking to the edge of Kyungsoo’s bed, “I don’t think you like Sehun?”

    Kyungsoo blinks at him. “Is that a question or a statement?” Kyungsoo jokes and Jongin plops down on the bed.

    “It’s an observation. I’ve noticed, even when we were college students, that you’ve just never really been nice to him.”

    Kyungsoo sighs. “Jongin, I don’t hate him, I just don’t see what all the fuss is about with him. He’s not particularly nice and doesn’t have much of a personality besides always looking angry.”

    “That’s just how he looks, but he’s a really nice guy and I think you two would be really good friends if you just gave him a chance.” Jongin is giving him puppy eyes again.

    “Where did this come from anyway?” Kyungsoo asks, arching one eyebrow.

    “I think that if both of my best friends were best friends then I would be really happy.” He smiles his little innocent smile that made Kyungsoo fall in the first place, and Kyungsoo has to look away to keep from blushing. “Anyway, just think about it,” Jongin finishes and taps Kyungsoo’s leg before getting up and hobbling back to his room.

    Kyungsoo lets out a long sigh and rubs his chest. He’s doing it again. He’s making him fall in love with him all over again. Kyungsoo is now determined to find that pill he flung across the room and down it quickly to get this stupid feeling out of his chest.

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I took a break from writing because I had a three day weekend, but I'm working on a chapter now. Thanks for waiting!


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Chapter 19: you got me staying up late despite my headache reading this sad story.. but I'm so happy it's all over and thank you for this story, because it really ruined my insides... don't realy know how to describe how I feel but that's maybe because I want some more kaisoo sweet moments :') I loved it and hated it, so thank you for making me feel like that lol
Azcarl97 #2
Chapter 19: I was vouching for Kyungsoo to die in this story. Just to let Baekhyun and Jongin know how awful Kyungsoo has been living all this time
CrossingTheBoundary #3

but man i misses seeing this title come up in my notifs
_chanchan #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: in not even rooting for anyone or anything anymore lol I think all of them need to get their straight (well, besides baekhyun I guess) but all of this is like argh lol I don't know how to describe the feeling, I just want to like rewind back the time when Kyungsoo was genuinely more of his "reality self" so I can be like "stay away from these certain people so they won't hurt you in the future Soo" lol but I mean, I can't do that *sighs* maybe it would be better for him to go to France but at the same time he needs to realize if jongin loves him , but doesn't love him (woahhh confusinggg lolol) he should try to seek someone else to idk get his priorities and health straight and omg I feel like I'm talking to something that's actually happening in real life when it's just a fanfic xD sorry authornim haha
Chapter 17: Que KyungSoo regresara ha fue un gran paso, pero eso no significa que eso vaya ser todo para que Soo vuelva a ser el mismo, primero tiene que amarse el mismo, cerrar heridas, y que Baek y Jongin lo ayuden en esa búsqueda.
Gracias por actualizar >°°<
Chapter 17: ... ok then jongin
diaw25 #7
Chapter 17: Baekhyun and Jongin should have tried to understand where Kyungsoo was coming from. I mean he's obviously severely depressed so it's not gonna be easy for him, and making everything seem like his fault is not gonna help but cause him to be even more sad. so I see why he ran away for awhile cause he probably felt like it would be better for everyone if he was gone.
CrossingTheBoundary #8
Chapter 16: baek and jongin should've understand kyungsoo better tho its not he's playing victim but i guess he wants to be assured that they do care about him..... well that is what i thought
Chapter 16: Estoy feliz por que Kris ayuda a KyungSoo en esta etapa tan difícil de su vida.