Pacify Her

Oxycontin, Cigarettes, and Sunflowers


    Kyungsoo grabs his phone and and angrily screams, “Leave me the hell alone, or I’ll call the police!” He’s been having problems with a creepy old man who keeps dialing Kyungsoo’s number and asking for his grandson. That would be fine, except Kyungsoo has no idea who the man is and no matter how many times Kyungsoo has tried to tell him that no one lives here by that name, the old man continues to call.

    “Kyungsoo?” Kris asks from the other side of the phone and Kyungsoo freezes. He suddenly wishes it was the old man. He quickly pulls the phone away from him when Kris begs him not to hang up.

    “How the hell did you get this number?” Kyungsoo hisses.

    “One of your coworkers gave it to me,” he answers shyly and Kyungsoo reminds himself to interrogate every single one of them until he finds them so he can rip them a new one.

    “Don’t ever call me again.”

    “Kyungsoo, please. Can we talk?” Kris asks softly and Kyungsoo almost believes that maybe he has changed, but he has to remind himself that he hasn’t. No one changes.


    “My mom died,” he says. His voice is weak and sad. “I need to talk to someone, but there’s no one that I can talk to.”

    “Maybe you should have thought of that before you ruined all of our lives,” Kyungsoo answers coldly and when there’s silence from Kris’s end, Kyungsoo sighs. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. Look, I wish I could help but I can’t. I’m going through a lot of right now and I wouldn’t help you much. You can ask for a grief counselor or find someone else.”

    Kris is still quiet so Kyungsoo adds. “I’m sorry about your mom, Kris.”

    “Thanks,” he says quietly and Kyungsoo hangs up.


   “Go fish,” Baekhyun says and grins as Kyungsoo lets out a breath and reaches into the huge pile of cards on his overbed table and plucks one out.


    “I win.” Baekhyun lays down the last pair in his hand and leans back in victory as Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and throws his cards down on the table.

    “You cheat,” Kyungsoo accuses and Baekhyun shakes his head.

    “I play fair and square. You just .” He slides the chocolates over to him. “Come to papa.”

    “Speaking of papa,” Kyungsoo says. “Did you guys ever find out if Taeyeon is pregnant?”

    Baekhyun scoffs. “Dude, that was months ago.”

    “She’s probably in her second trimester now, right?” Kyungsoo asks and Baekhyun’s face falls.

    “Yeah, she would be, huh?” Baekhyun says to himself as he scoops chocolates into his pockets. “Time flies.”

    “Would be? What does that mean?” Kyungsoo asks.

    “She had a miscarriage. Something about her baby holder being a weird shape,” Baekhyun says casually as he finished putting the rest of the candy in his pocket. “Oh well, it’s a lot less stress on us both.”

    “Did you even go to nursing school?” Kyungsoo asks and Baekhyun just gives a soft laugh. “Hey, I’m sorry man. When did it happen?”

    “A couple of months ago,” Baekhyun answers and shrugs.     

    “Why didn’t you tell me?” Kyungsoo asks and Baekhyun gives him a look.

    “I tried, but you were so preoccupied with shooting up and crying yourself to sleep that you never had time for me,” Baekhyun says. It’s probably too harsh and Kyungsoo winces a little at the hard truth,  but he knows Baekhyun is right.


    Baekhyun shakes his head. “Don’t. Anything that happened in the past three months is all one, big, touchy subject for me and I’ll cry if I start thinking about it.

    Kyungsoo nods and looks down at his hands for a little while before saying, “I didn’t shoot up, by the way. Just drowned myself in painkillers and antidepressants.”

    Kyungsoo meant it to be a funny, but Baekhyun has to bite his finger to keep from letting a tear slip. “Can we talk about something else?” Baekhyun asks, his voice cracking. “Like why the hell you were screaming your head off yesterday with Jongin.”

    Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and rubs his forehead. “It’s a long story,” he says and Baekhyun raises his eyebrows for him to continue, but Kyungsoo just shakes his head. “I don’t feel like reliving it right now.”

    “Okay, well when you do, you know where to find me. Mrs. Kim always has me trapped in her room watching old dramas with her,” Baekhyun says in mock disgust and Kyungsoo rolls his eyes.

    “Oh please, you love watching those with her.”

    Baekhyun gives a sly smile and stands up to stretch. “My break is over. I’ll see you when I get off work, okay?” Kyungsoo nods and Baekhyun walks out the door where he’s greeted by Jongin.

    “How is he doing?” Jongin asks, biting his fingernail. He’d been sitting outside the room almost everyday doing nothing but staring at at a wall as time passed by.

    “He seems better, but he’s always been good at hiding things, hence why he’s in the hospital now,” Baekhyun says, taking a long breath. He fixes his scrubs and gives a pat on Jongin’s shoulder. “It’s sweet that you come here and sit outside his door like a guard dog, but it’s not healthy. I’ll talk to him for you, but until then, you should get some sleep.”

    Jongin nods and Baekhyun gives him another pat before walking away and leaving Jongin to stare at Kyungsoo’s door.


    “Hey where were you today?” Baekhyun asks when he catches Kyungsoo in the locker room after work. “I tried to come and get you for lunch, but I couldn’t find you.”

    Baekhyun stuffs his work clothes into his backpack and zips it up. “I was swamped. Three people coded and everyone was asking for pain and then other people were taking tons of breaks so I had to cover…” Kyungsoo shakes his head and swings the backpack over his shoulder. “Tomorrow?” he asks and Baekhyun shakes his head.

    “My day off,” he answers and Kyungsoo frowns.

    “Since when?” Kyungsoo questions and Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

    “You really were swamped, huh? When you get busy you always forget things I tell you,” Baekhyun says. “I already told you that I’m taking tomorrow off. Taeyeon got tomorrow off, too, so we’re gonna spend some time together.”

    Kyungsoo nods and when Baekhyun starts to say something, his phone buzzes and he fishes it out of his pocket to read the text.

    where r we meeting?

    “Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun asks. “Did you hear me?” Kyungsoo quickly replies back and shoves his phone back in his pocket.

    “Huh? Yeah. We’ll get lunch another time, then,” he says hurriedly and scurries out.

    “That’s not what I said,” Baekhyun says in defeat and shakes his head. “Whatever, see you later.” He’s aware that he’s the only one left in the locker room, but he doesn’t care as he strips out of his uniform and into regular clothes.

    Kyungsoo keeps his head low as he walks out of the hospital. He crosses the road and into a park where he texted that they would meet. He pulls his jacket up farther and fixes his backpack while he stands under the tall trees of the park and waits.

    “Here,” Kris says walking up behind Kyungsoo. “Oxycontin, just like before.” He hands the little baggie to Kyungsoo who grabs it hastily and shoves it into his jacket pocket.

    Kyungsoo grabs a wad of cash out of his other pocket, but Kris puts his hand up. “I don’t want your money, Kyungsoo,” he says and Kyungsoo shoves the money at him anyway.

    “If I don’t pay you then it means that we’re friends and I already told you-”

    “That you hate me, I know. But keep your money, I’m just doing this to help you,” Kris answers and Kyungsoo scoffs.

    “I wouldn’t call buying drugs off of my ex-boyfriend helping,” he jokes and Kris looks sad. “Look, I’m going through a really tough time right now, okay? I just need something to keep me up.”

    “You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Kyungsoo. I’ll always love you no matter how messed up you are,” Kris says softly and for a moment Kyungsoo remembers all the good he actually had with Kris. The laughs and smiles and sincere kisses and ‘I love yous’. For a moment he actually finds himself leaning in towards Kris before he hears an ambulance speed past them and into the hospital and he springs away.

    “I’ll pay you next time whether you like it or not,” Kyungsoo says and walks away.

a/n: i'm actually really surprised with how everyone reacted to the last chapter. i was pissed at kyungsoo but everyone was angry at jongin. idk i guess i just get angry when everyone is always thinking of themselves and carry grudges or bad memories for years. who knows. anyway, if you hadn't noticed the italics and past and that happened and i'll be explaining basically everything. i got the idea from htgawm bc that show is perfect. 


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I took a break from writing because I had a three day weekend, but I'm working on a chapter now. Thanks for waiting!


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Chapter 19: you got me staying up late despite my headache reading this sad story.. but I'm so happy it's all over and thank you for this story, because it really ruined my insides... don't realy know how to describe how I feel but that's maybe because I want some more kaisoo sweet moments :') I loved it and hated it, so thank you for making me feel like that lol
Azcarl97 #2
Chapter 19: I was vouching for Kyungsoo to die in this story. Just to let Baekhyun and Jongin know how awful Kyungsoo has been living all this time
CrossingTheBoundary #3

but man i misses seeing this title come up in my notifs
_chanchan #4
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: in not even rooting for anyone or anything anymore lol I think all of them need to get their straight (well, besides baekhyun I guess) but all of this is like argh lol I don't know how to describe the feeling, I just want to like rewind back the time when Kyungsoo was genuinely more of his "reality self" so I can be like "stay away from these certain people so they won't hurt you in the future Soo" lol but I mean, I can't do that *sighs* maybe it would be better for him to go to France but at the same time he needs to realize if jongin loves him , but doesn't love him (woahhh confusinggg lolol) he should try to seek someone else to idk get his priorities and health straight and omg I feel like I'm talking to something that's actually happening in real life when it's just a fanfic xD sorry authornim haha
Chapter 17: Que KyungSoo regresara ha fue un gran paso, pero eso no significa que eso vaya ser todo para que Soo vuelva a ser el mismo, primero tiene que amarse el mismo, cerrar heridas, y que Baek y Jongin lo ayuden en esa búsqueda.
Gracias por actualizar >°°<
Chapter 17: ... ok then jongin
diaw25 #7
Chapter 17: Baekhyun and Jongin should have tried to understand where Kyungsoo was coming from. I mean he's obviously severely depressed so it's not gonna be easy for him, and making everything seem like his fault is not gonna help but cause him to be even more sad. so I see why he ran away for awhile cause he probably felt like it would be better for everyone if he was gone.
CrossingTheBoundary #8
Chapter 16: baek and jongin should've understand kyungsoo better tho its not he's playing victim but i guess he wants to be assured that they do care about him..... well that is what i thought
Chapter 16: Estoy feliz por que Kris ayuda a KyungSoo en esta etapa tan difícil de su vida.