Apologies & Secret Admirers

My Love Knows No Bounds
Farisyah couldn't wait for school to end. She hated being the centre of attention and here she was the talk of the school. It felt like everyone was staring at her. Myungsoo was also in a funk and wasn't talking to her. She decided to spend her free period hiding out in the library away from everyone. When she entered, she saw Edward sitting at the very first table. She was about to turn on her heels and leave when he grabbed her hand. "This is becoming a habit" she snapped pulling her hand away. "The meetings or me grabbing your hand?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Both!!!" She answered getting annoyed, leaving both Edward and the library. She moved far out into the yard and went to sit under a sprawling tree. With her headphones on, she leaned her head against the tree as she tried to relax. Her peace was disturbed when Myungsoo lay down beside and put his head in her lap. She knew he was there but chose to ignore him. "Mianhada Princess Moonie" he whispered. Knowing how much she hated the attention, she blamed Myungsoo in part for things blowing out of proportion. He hugged her around the waist and placed his head on her tummy. She sighed but decided he needed to suffer more. The next moment she screamed in laughter as he tickled her. "Noooo, stop Myungsoo, stop" she begged. "Say you forgive me" he bargained, still tickling her. "I...forgive...you" she gasped as he still tickled her. "Say Myungsoo is the King of the world" he demanded. Farisyah hit him over the head and pushed him away... "Yah Myungsoo, you are too much" she exclaimed as she got up and walked back to class. "Ahhh Princess don't be mad again at me. You know I hate it when you are mad at me" Myungsoo whined all the way following her. "Fine, but please stop this temper tantrums. Edward was very sweet to me, apologizing even though it wasn't his fault" she explained once again. "Ya, but I don't like the way he looks at you" Myungsoo mumbled as they both entered class. Farisyah didn't know what to make of that statement and chose to ignore it. 
The next day was just another normal day, except for a poem that Farisyah found in her locker. 
Like the moon full and aglow
Your beauty shines through
Pale and pure
Calling me to you 
"Wow! She thought, this was so beautiful." But there was no name to the note and it was typed out, so she there was no handwriting to recognize. She couldn't wait to show the girls. Maybe they would have a clue. "Omo!!!" Lya shouted, as Farisyah tried to get her to keep her voice down. "But it's so romantic" she whispered loudly. "Awww. Do you know who wrote it?" Diana asked curiously. "Annio, maybe they put it in the wrong locker?" Farisyah suggested, she didn't think anyone would write this about her, but it really was too sweet. " Wae?" Both girls said simultaneously. "It refers to the moon. Who else is called Moonie??" Lya stated emphatically. "Ne,  it's definitely you" Diana agreed. "You have a secret admirer". Farisyah blushed, but was really happy about it. She was not really a romantic, but this gesture was just too much. She secretly liked it all.
At lunch time the girls were still busy trying to figure out who the secret admirer was. Myungsoo was mumbling  "He's staring again" he stated testily. "Who?" Farisyah asked as she turned to look behind her. Edward wiggled his fingers at her in a cute wave, causing her to flush as she whipped her head forward. She turned slowly to look again and he winked at her, causing more blushing. Myungsoo grunted in disgust. Lya bumped shoulders with her and whispered "Do you think it could be him?" Farisyah looked blankly at her "Your secret admirer?" Lya said  raising her eyebrows.  "Ohhhh" Farisyah said her eyes widening at that thought. She was surprised when Myungsoo abruptly got up and left the cafeteria. Sungyeol threw her a look off disgust as he chased after him, "Yah Myungsoo wait up". Farisyah looked at Diana wondering what the hell just happened. Diana shrugged her shoulders also bewildered. Lya just tilted her head frowning. Farisyah turned back to where the cafeteria doors were just closing behind Sungyeol.
Over the next week or so, Farisyah received a new poem everyday. She still didn't know who it was from. It couldn't be Edward... besides being so hot, he didn't seem the shy type and he hadn't made any attempt to speak to her. Just the staring and finger waves.  Myungsoo was acting like himself, but she was worried about him. To her it all seemed like just a front but he wasn't willing to share what was going on, so she backed off. Her secret admirer though was slowly stealing her heart, one line at a time. She found herself thinking about those poems and who it could be, all day long. 
Farisyah was late going home that afternoon. She had just finished up her tuition with Yebin and she swore this girl was thicker than bricks. She just couldn't seem to grasp any concepts causing the tuition to run over. Grasping her bag tighter over her shoulder she walked nervously through the quiet school corridors. This place after hours gave her the "eeby geebies". The sound of her footsteps seemed louder and just added to the spookiness of the place. She picked up her pace and walked headlong into what seemed like a brick wall. Once again she found herself on the floor on her behind. "This is becoming a habit" Edward said as he grabbed her hand to bring her up to a standing point. "Mianhae Edward" she mumbled embarrassed
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Gomawo thank you for the feedback
tikook #2
Chapter 8: sweeet....
Beep_beep_me #3
Thank you @laMimi it's completed. Read, Comment, Vote!!
Looks interesting ^_^ ... good luck