The Fight

My Love Knows No Bounds
Farisyah raced to the school grounds, her heart was beating so fast as she tried to catch her breath. The closer she got, the thicker the crowds became, forcing her to slow down. She had to forcefully push her way past people. "Aish! Move people!!!" She screamed in frustration. After what seemed like hours, but was in actual fact mere minutes,she reached the top stairs to the grounds. She stopped to get her bearings and saw them!!!There they were, in middle of the grounds facing each other, like two combatants. Farisyah raced to the bottom of the stairs and over to the two boys. "You don't even deserve to go first" Myungsoo screamed, as he threw a punch at Edward. He hit him across the nose causing it to bleed. Edward wiped a thumb across his nose and looked at his bloody digit. "Oh that's gonna cost you" he said to Myungsoo as he tried to punch him in the gut. Using some sort of martial arts Myungsoo was easily able to block the blow, but Edward had a backup plan and used the momentum of his block to swing an elbow against his head dazing him. 
A frantic Farisyah screamed at the fighting boys. "Yah!!! Stop it!! What's wrong with you?"  Myungsoo shook his head to clear it and ran straight at Edward. He wrapped his hands around the tall boy's wrist and flipped him head over heels onto his back. He was about to pounce on him when Farisyah stepped right in front of him, hoping her raised arms would work as a form of protection. 
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Gomawo thank you for the feedback
tikook #2
Chapter 8: sweeet....
Beep_beep_me #3
Thank you @laMimi it's completed. Read, Comment, Vote!!
Looks interesting ^_^ ... good luck