
My Love Knows No Bounds

He came closer and stared into her eyes. "Oh my Princess Moon, the one who's beauty even the moon is jealous of. How I wish that you would be able to shed some of that glow over a mere mortal like me." Myungsoo sounded like a poet. Omo!!! Farisyah'a eyes widen in realization. He was her secret admirer. Myungsoo was her Poet!!! She flung herself into his arms and he easily caught her as squeezed him tight. He returned the hug, bending to  place his head against hers. She pulled back to smile at him "You're him!" She stated and hugged him again. "You're him!" She screamed in joy. "I like you very very much Farisyah, my Princess Moon, I think I might even love you" Myungsoo confessed. "I like you too Myungsoo, I'm sorry that I couldn't save my first kiss for you" she said sorrowfully. Myungsoo lifted her head so that she was forced to look back at him. "It wasn't your first, if you didn't consent. May I?" He asked. Farisyah shyly nodded her answer and watched as her came closer still. She wasn't brave enough and closed her eyes at the last second. She felt incredibly soft full lips press against her own. They were warm and caused a flurry of butterflies in her tummy. She heard and felt him say "Breathe" against her lips and only then realized that she had been holding her breath. She smiled in return and kissed him back, as she took some breaths. They didn't do much for her spinning head. This waa definitely her first kiss!! Finally she pulled back & hit Myungsoo across the arm. "Aish!! What's that for?"  Farisyah looked at him in mock anger, "You were willing to call him back for me" she said as she aimed again for him. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, as he whispered "My love for you knows no bounds. Princess Moon, the love of my heart, will you be my girl? Farisyah noises and this time she initiated a kiss... Just one more of many to come.

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Gomawo thank you for the feedback
tikook #2
Chapter 8: sweeet....
Beep_beep_me #3
Thank you @laMimi it's completed. Read, Comment, Vote!!
Looks interesting ^_^ ... good luck