
My Love Knows No Bounds
Farisyah raced to the school grounds, her heart was beating so fast as she tried to catch her breath. The closer she got, the thicker the crowds became, forcing her to slow down. She had to forcefully push her way past people. "Aish! Move people!!!" She screamed in frustration. After what seemed like hours, but was in actual fact mere minutes,she reached the top stairs to the grounds. She stopped to get her bearings and saw them!!!There they were, in middle of the grounds facing each other, like two combatants. 
Rewind the clock to two weeks ago and you would learn how they had gotten to this stage. Who would have thought things could have gotten so out of control so quickly. 
Farisyah was late for school. Watsapping, IG updates and a little bit of studying had contributed to a very late night which in turn resulted in a struggle to get up this morning. Racing through the corridors as the first school bell rang, she came screeching around the corner and ran right into an immovable object. The force with which she clashed, had her fly back, landing hard on her . "Ouch!!" She said stunned. A hand reached down to offer assistance. Instead of taking the proffered hand she looked up, up and up to one of the most gorgeous, tall boys she had ever seen. With beautiful twinkling eyes and hair that was a stunning mix of reds, oranges and browns, he really was the epitome of manliness. He gently smiled at her, reaching to grab her hand "Gewnchana?" He asked in a y American accent, as he lifted her to her feet. His cold hand stunned her and she snapped alert. "I'm fine, but I'm late" she smiled apologetically as she continued racing down the hall. She could feel his gaze on her, but she didn't have time for this. She barely made it to her 1st class before the main bell went off.
On the way to the cafeteria, Farisyah met up with Lya who grabbed her hand as she excitedly started chatting about the new transfer student. "His name's Edward Cullen and he's transferred from Forks, USA... Like forks, you know like fork & spoon?" Lya bubbled. "Ne Lya, I understand..F.O.R.K.S" Farisyah spelled out indulgently. She assumed that this was the boy she had run into this morning. They made their way to their usual table where Jiaa, Diana, Sungyeol and Myungsoo were sitting, while Sunggyu stood talking to the two boys. "Gyu Oppa" Lya squealed running up to and jumping into her boyfriend Sunggyu's arms. Farisyah smiled at her as she took her usual seat between the boys. "I heard you took a tumble this morning, Gwenchana?" Myungsoo questioned softly. "Nan gwenchana Oppa, it was my fault." Farisyah said ruefully. "Late again Moonie?" Sungyeol laughed, as Farisyah hit him on the arm.  She sensed him before she heard him. "Hi, I just wanted to check if you were ok." Farisyah turned to see Edward standing behind her. "I'm Edward Cullen" he said introducing himself at her silence.
She sensed Myungsoo standing up and stood up as well. "Yah you dropped Farisyah?" He questioned, getting in Edward's face. "Hey Myungsoo stop it. I told you it was my fault, I ran into him. Yeolie was right, I was late again." Farisyah urgently explained to the angry boy. "Your name's Farisyah?" Edward questioned and at her nod "Can I buy you lunch as an apology? He asked. Everyone in the cafeteria was watching this like a scene from a movie. An embarrassed Farisyah gestured to her packed lunch "I always bring my own lunch to school. Besides you don't owe me an apology"  Edward laughed as he teasingly said "Then maybe you should buy me lunch", causing her to blush and shake her head no. "Ok another time then" he said as he walked away. Farisyah quickly sat back down, dragging a stubborn Myungsoo with her. He kept turning and giving Edward dirty looks. 
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Gomawo thank you for the feedback
tikook #2
Chapter 8: sweeet....
Beep_beep_me #3
Thank you @laMimi it's completed. Read, Comment, Vote!!
Looks interesting ^_^ ... good luck