New guy

Dramas, lies, tears. Welcome to the Teenage Years.

I opened up the door to the auditorium to find everyone already gathered onstage with Mr Richards. I closed the door and walk towards where they were. mr Richards was talking to some guy, which i've never seen before. mr Richards turn to look at me and held out a hand. 

"And that is our star, _____" 

i simply smiled. 

"_____, this is Hoya, our new member. Hoya this is _____, as i said earlier she's our star. Since you are new, she will help you out till you get along fine" 

"*reaches out hand for handshake* Hey, glad for you to join us" 

"*shakes hand* Thanks *smiles*" 

"Alright, since today is the start of a new term, you can go and practice on your own" 

Everyone got up to thier feet and went to a space where they could practice either in groups or alone. I approached Hoya. He seems shy and nervous. I hopped on the stage to sit beside him. 

"So, how are you getting along?" 

"Great, the school's not bad" 

"East High, what can you say? *laughs* how did you came about here?"

"Through my cousin. You know Troy Bolton?"

"Troy Bolton? Like duh he's like the most popular guy in this school. He's your cousin.. wow I can't imagine" 

"Yeah.. he told me to enroll in this school. He say it's good. And yeah, it's true" 

"It's very cool once you got to know everyone.. come on, since you are new, why don't you show us some of your moves? I know you got the moves like jagger *winks*" 

"Sure why not?" 

"Great! Everyone gather round. Our new member here will show us his moves" 

Everyone got round, sitting in the front row. Jason the music. Hoya started smoothly. Hiis moves were super sleek, not a single mistake. halfway through the song, he burst with energy. I've gotta admit he's better than me. He finished off with tap. Everyone burst into cheers and applaud loudly. Mike called out from his spot; 

"Hey _____! You've got a competition huh!" 

"I have to agree on that Mike!" 

Evryone burst into laughter. i showed a thumbs up to Hoya. And I have to say that this guy got swag.

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