and the story continues

Dramas, lies, tears. Welcome to the Teenage Years.

Wake up only to the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. I squinted my eyes and stretched myself on the bed, turning to look who's at the door. Mum came in and patted my leg. "Wake up sweetie pie, time for school". "grhfmn.." I grunted and sat up. I yawn and got out of bed to get ready. 

After showering and wearing my green floral dress along with my beige cardigan, i went down to have breakfast in a sad mood. I played with my cereal even after several warnings from my mum telling me to eat. I look at the clock and decided to go to school. I grab my schoolbag and went for the door without kissing my mum goodbye. "You didn't eat your breakfast!" Mum called after me. I ignored. I walk down the pavement lazily, sighing. Thinking back about the incident yesterday night made me not want to go to school today. Lola. Sigh. I walk the rest of my journey lazily. 

As i walk down the school corridor, everyone shot me pitiful glance. Some even reassured me not to bother about what Lola said. But i just can't get it out of my head. I walk to my locker and open it up only to see a pink note sticking out of my math book. I pulled it out. On it were the words, "YOU :)". Sigh. I crushed it into a ball and look at myself in the mirror only to see Lola and her drones walking towards me. I shut my locker and turn around to face them. "Whatsup loser" she ed. She walk pass with her drones snickering at me walking down the corridor with their high heels. I should tell the principal to ban high heels. Sigh. Kelsi came up to me and side hugged me. "Just ignore her, she'll grow tired". Hope so. 

"I can't believe she would say those things about you" Gabriella complained. "Doesn't she have anything else to do besides pick on girls, ing, pick on girls?" Taylor said with an annoyed tone. "She'll do whatever she wants to.." i sighed. We walk down the stairs at the side of the cafeteria. "Let's just focus on the yearbook okay?" I tried to drift them away from the Lola topic. They all nod their heads. As we reached the landing. Lola stood up from her table with a nachos in her hand. She tripped and the nachos went flying in the air. Nachos. Lola biting her index finger in a y way. Nachos gonna drop. Taylor panics. Nachos. Gabriella gasped. Nachos heading my direction. Plop. Nachos landed just in front of me. Thank God. I felt a strong grip on both my arms. "Oops sorry" Lola "apologised" [fakely]. I turn around to see who it was who saved my life from the nachos. Hoya. "You okay? That nachos almost fell on you" He asked with concern. "Yeah.. i'm okay" I replied, brushing my dress. Lola, trying to make the nachos land on me. FAIL. Big FAIL. 

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