Into a Nightmare

To Turn a Blind Eye

Chapter 2-

Into a Nightmare


The room was silent. The sun shone through the cracks in the curtains but other than that there was very little light. Three people sat there, one who was reading by the window, one who was napping on the couch, and one who just stood against the wall dazing out.

"Hey guys!" a voice called out as the door slammed open. In walked a guy with bright blond hair and a scowl on his face. "Just what do you guys think you are doing in here? Joonmyun-hyung, you can't read like that with very little light," the man scolded and the one reading looked up at him just to be blinded.

"Baekhyun, tone it down will you? I can't read with you shinning like the sun either," Joonmyun replied to the boy.

Baekhyun pouted but did stop shinning. Instead he went around the room and lit the candles to allow for some light. He looked at the guy who was leaning against the wall. "Kyungsoo, earth to Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo shook his head and stopped dazing out. "What is it?"

A sigh came out of Baekhyun. "Why are you all just sitting around? Aren't you guys excited?!" he exclaimed and pushed the boy who was still sleeping off the couch. The boy landed with a thud and immediatly jumped up and would've hit Baekhyun if he didn't manage to move in time. "Tao, no matter how much you sleep your eye bags will never dissapear."

Tao just grumbled about how he didn't have eye bags and sat back down on the couch.

Joonmyun put his book down on the table besides him and leaned forward in his chair. "Why would we be excited?" he asked Baekhyun.

"Because the Knight Exams are in a week!"

Tao's face immediatly lit up. "I completely forgot! This is great, I'll be able to finally get some exercise."

Kyungsoo walked over to the window by Joonmyun and opened to curtain to glance out. He look at the town below the cliff they were on and watched all the small ant size people walking around. "And that means we will be able to see the others soon."

In his chair Joonmyun turned to glance out the window too. "Yeah."


"Who is Chloe?"

The girl in front of me looked at me as if I had two heads. She held up her hand in front of my face. "How many fingers?"

"Uhm, four?"

She then took a few steps closer and put the back of her hand on my head. She stayed like that for awhile. "No fever. Are you sure that headache is gone Chloe?" the girl asked me.

I pushed her hand away. "Will you stop calling me Chloe? My name is Cleo." The girl just stood and stared at me. I sighed and said, "Look. Can you tell me where I am? I have no idea what this place is or how I got here or even how this body is me but doesn't look like me!" My voiced had slowly started to raise as I was speaking and eventually I had started to panic. Just where the hell is this place? Who's body is this? Why am I here? The questions kept pouring into my head one after another. I couldn't stop them.

Will I ever get home?

The girl stood in silence in front of me. I could tell she was thinking as she ran a hand through her brown hair. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she ran over to a shabby bookshelf that I hadn't realized was there. "Come over here um... Cleo?" she called out.

I hummed in response and moved towards her. I stood to her side but made sure there was a bit of distance since I still didn't know who she was. I don't even know her name but she knows mine, and this body's name.

She pulled out a leather bound book which was surprisingly in good shape. She flipped through it until only a few pages were left in what seemed like a thousand page book and pointed at bolded letters. "This book here is the Book of Records. Each family has one, and whenever something new happens it appear in here," she explained.

I looked at the book as I was letters start to appear near the bottom, which subsequently moved a few words onto what I guessed would be the next page. "How does it do that? Is is magic?"

The girl glanced at me and smiled breifly before looking back at the book. "Yes it's magic. Do you not have magic where you come from?" I shook my head in awe but she didn't see. She must've took my silence as a no since she didn't ask again. Instead she pointed at the bold words again. "This section here is about the people who come here from another world. We get a few occasionally, but as you can see there's not very many." I skimmed through the list but couldn't find my name. "Your name's not here," she continued. "but that must be because you're in Chloe, my sister's, body. I've never heard of an outsider coming here and taking over anothers body but I guess there's a first for everything."

"So something like this is normal, but not at the same time?" I asked.

She nodded but then she frowned. Looking at me she asked, "Is my sister in there with you?"

I thought for a second. I tried to see or feel I guess if there was something else with me. I couldn't feel or hear anything. "No." The girl's frowned deepened and I realized that she must've been worried about her sister. "Don't worry, she could be in my body back in my world," I tried to reassure but I had no idea if that was true. "I'll keep this body safe until I return home. When should that be?"

The girl shook her head and placed the book back. "I have no idea. That is something not in the book."

I frowned but decided that I would probably go home soon. "What is this place anyways?"

Again the girl smiled. She opened her arms wide, guesturing to everything around. "This is the Exo Kingdom, and you're in the capital Soo. Oh, and I'm Tala."

I grinned. There was nothing I could do at the moment except to go along with things. "It's nice to meet you Tala."

There was an awkward silence. Rubbing my neck I glanced around the house again. It was shabby, but at least it was something. "Can I, stay here?"

Tala laughed and held her stomach. "Of course you can stay here, you're in my sister's body and both of us live here."

I nodded and thought of another question. "So, what am I supposed to do?"

She thought for a moment. Sounds of children laughing and adults trying to bargain filled my ears. I glanced towards the window and a smile formed on my face. This seems like a nice place. A place where there's no care in the world. "AH!" Tala suddenly exclaimed. I looked back at her. There was worry writen all over her face. "Say, in your world, were you taught to fight? Like to wield a sword or anything?"

"No way. People don't really learn those things in my world." Tala bit her lip and mumbled something under her breath. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked her.

"I said I guess I'll have to teach you. My sister, well she just signed up for the Knight Exams and they're in a week."

I held up my hands and started shaking my head. There is no way I am taking some sort of fighting exam.

Tala pouted. "Please? Can you learn just in case my sister doesn't come back in time? She reeeaallyyyy really really wanted to be a knight. Please Cleo?" she begged.

I sighed. I can't do this. This is a nightmare. "Alright, I'll learn how to fight and take this Knight Exam."


Well, there's the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and please comment!

Cleo isn't going to actually meet Exo until probably chapter 4 or 5, but please continue to read To Turn a Blind Eye

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Chapter 7: This is getting really interesting!!!
Can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 7: hi authornim! i'm a new reader and i absolutely love this story! the plot is really cool. I'll be waiting for the next update! :)
Chapter 6: OMO...OMO Kyungsoo watcha doin' boy? XD I'm so ghetto XD
candyschmidt #4
Seems interesting. Can't wait to read more! :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #5
Chapter 4: Wow i wonder how D.O. figured out that she was not from there world.
Misstwilightfan1416 #6
Chapter 1: I like it so far^^ Can't wait to see how she is going to adjust and what her first meeting with EXO will be like!