Onto Training

To Turn a Blind Eye

Chapter 3-

Onto Training


"I thought this would at least be cool. You know, that I'd at least have armour and a bigger sword than this," I grumbled as my sore arm held up a thin sword mad of what seemed to be a mix of bronze and iron. It would've been a nice sword if it didn't look so old. The dents it had showed how much it had been through and it hadd a bit of rust on it as well. I was afraid that it might break if it was hit right, but despite its age and its size (it was the size of my shoulder to my elbow) it was surprisingly strong and sturdy. "How 'bout we take a break you know? We've been at this ever since four days ago. My arms hurt," I whinned.

It had been five days since I arrived here in Exo. It was hard at first, adjusting to this life, but I liked to think I was getting the hang of it. The town was a lot nicer than our little shack of a house. The streets were cobbled and the buildings all had flowers in front of them, which was apparently due to the curtesy of Tala who I had learned was the only florist in the capital. It seemed wierd to me that even though she got a lot of business, that our house was in the shape it was. The house could've been much better but when I asked her about it she just smiled and hummed. I think she liked the little shack on the edge of the town. To my dissapointment though there was no electricity. No plumbing either. The electricity I  could live with but the plumbing? No way. When I was first taken to the river to gather water for a bath I almost cried. camping was not my thing.

But hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to stay clean. Tala had commented that it was weird how often I took baths since she took them once a week. My response to that was that I was too lazy to take them everyday like I would in my world (I took baths every other day here). Speaking of which, I could  use a bath right now.

"Don't mock that sword. It was our father's... I mean, mine and Chloe's father. Anyway though, I guess you're right. You've been working hard, and it seems like my sister's body remembered how to fight. You've almost lived up to the name you're taking," Tala smirked at me.

I fell down onto my , exhausted. I had been training everyday for four days since the first day Tala let me relax and showed me around the town. She had pointed out the castle, the gold one on the cliff with the stained glass windows that I had seen from my right eye back in my world. It was much more awe inspiring seeing it with two eyes though. She told me that if I were to pass th Knight Exams that I'd live there. When I had asked her what exactly the Knight Exam entailed all she did was shake her head and tell me that nobody knew. That had been a real confidence booster. Tala was right though when she had said Chloe's body remembered how to fight. I had learned pretty quickly how to wield the sword and how to dodge, the only problem that I still had was knowing where to strike. Sometimes the body reacted on it's own and striked but most of the time my mind would stop me and I'd hesitate. That was the only thing I needed to work on, and I hoped it wouldn't keep me from becoming a knight.

"Good, I think I'll just go take a bath. I really need one," I grumbled and got up to almost fall back down again since my legs had become really sore. Even if Chloe's body was used to fighting, it apparently wasn't used to this much fighting. I heard Tala in hale sharply and I looked up at her. "Don't worry, I'm alright. Only a little tired is all."

Tala's face became even more started the more I spoke. "Those words..." she whispered.

"Huh? What was that you said?"

She looked me straight in the eyes and there was only seriousness left in her face. "Those words...one and...only... never say them."

"Why?" I raised my eybrow at her. Why am I not allowed to say such simple words?

Tala swallowed and I could tell she was getting ready for a long explaination. "Those words are sacred and can just be used to refer to The One, the ruler of all of Exo, and The Only, the person who supports The One. The One is called that for he is the hana to rule over and guide us. The Only is named as such for she is the person who can support The One, and nobody else can. The One is the King and the Only is the wife. Instead of saying o-one we say hana and we just use other words for o-only, since it is disrespectful to those who take care of us."

Ok. Maybe that isn't as long as an explanation as I thought it was going to be. "So all I have to do is not say those words unless refering to the king and queen?" Tala nodded. "That's wierd but I'll try my best. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go and take my bath."

"Just watch your words alright?" Tala asked as I turned my back to her. I held my hand up to tell her I understood and not to worry. As I continued to walk though I thought I heard her voice carried on the wind, "Or you could be executed."


Joonmyun sat at his desk in his room. He was sorting through the papers that the pawn had given him. He sighed and put them down on his desk and leaned back in his chair. As he hugn his head back he saw Kyungsoo in the room and shutting the door. Joonmyun smirked. "As silent as ever aren't you?"

Kyungsoo ignored that and instead nodded towards the stack of papers on the desk. "How many?" he asked.

Joonmyun sighed and turned his chair around so he actually faced the younger boy. "Fifty-seven."

If at all possible, Kyungsoo's eyes widened. "Wow. That's a lot isn't it hyung?" He walked over to the desk and picked up the papers, looking through them.

"Not really. It's been nine years since the last exams." Joonmyun smirked. "You remember that don't you?"

Kyungsoo nodded. "There's a lot of girls this year too," he mumbled.

The older nodded his head and said, "Yeah, there's thirteen of them. Though I'm sure they won't pass. They all seem to be the fan girl type. We should probably go easy on them." He looked up at Kungsoo just to see him staring at one of the entries. He stood up to look over the yonger's shoulders. "Chloe Pasteur?"

The younger continued to stare at the entry and hummed. "Is this name familiar of am I imaginging things hyung?" he asked.

Joonmyun shook his head. "I've never heard of a Chloe before."

"No," Kyungsoo said and looked at the other boy straight in the eyes. "Pasteur. I believe we've all heard that last name before."

Shrugging his shoulders Joonmyun turned away, taking the papers from Kyungsoo. "Maybe it's just a common last name."

"I doubt that," Kyungsoo mumbled and followed the older out of the room.

When they walked out of the room the two ran into a frantic looking Tao. The boy's eyes were wide and his hair a mess. Tao would never be seen with his hair in a mess like that. "Hyungs, there you are! We need to find Baekhyun-hyung quickly!" he shouted and glanced around the hallway even though there was no one there but the three of them.

Joonmyung put his hands on the youngests's shoulders. "Hold on Tao. What exactly is going on here?" Tao looked at him and he could see just how frantic the youngest really was.

"The river," he huffed. "There's been a fight at the river. An innocent girl was knocked in."

Kyungsoo looked at Joonmyun with even wider eyes than he normally had. "Hyung, the river is still dangerous given that heavy rain we had six days ago."

Joonmyun nodded. "Kyungsoo come with me. Tao, continue to look for Baekyun and meet us there as soon as possible." The other two nodded and they all ran. Tao ran down the hallway while Joonmyun and Kungsoo ran to the river.

Why do I have such a bad feeling? Kyungsoo thought as he burst through the castle doors before Joonmyun. You better be safe girl.


Cleo couldn't breath. She couldn't move her body. Her mind was frantic as she tried to figure out what to do. I'm sorry Chloe. I'm sorry I'm so weak. I just don't know what to do. Help me!


I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of To Turn a Blind Eye! Please comment and please continue to support my story~

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Chapter 7: This is getting really interesting!!!
Can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 7: hi authornim! i'm a new reader and i absolutely love this story! the plot is really cool. I'll be waiting for the next update! :)
Chapter 6: OMO...OMO Kyungsoo watcha doin' boy? XD I'm so ghetto XD
candyschmidt #4
Seems interesting. Can't wait to read more! :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #5
Chapter 4: Wow i wonder how D.O. figured out that she was not from there world.
Misstwilightfan1416 #6
Chapter 1: I like it so far^^ Can't wait to see how she is going to adjust and what her first meeting with EXO will be like!