Into the Exo Knighthood

To Turn a Blind Eye

Chapter 7-

Into the Exo Knighthood


"Kyungsoo, why did you do that?" Baekhyun hissed in my ear.

After my declaration the counselors had announced that they will rethink their decision, which they were currently doing now in the center of the Colloseum. I had calmly returned to my seat and sat down, which is where I currently was, surrounded by the other knights. "I just believe that Evie girl will need a female friend and that Chloe did better than Junsoo," I said as I crossed my legs.

"That first part is bull and you know it!" Baekhyun seethed.

Joonmyung put a hand on Baekhun's shoulder. "Calm down Baekhyun. Kyunsoo won't get into trouble for this little outburst. Besides, Chloe did do better than Junsoo. I mean, Junsoo wasn't really affected by me distorting the water in his body, but he didn't hit me like Evie did. And Chloe was affected by your light, but she pushed through it when everyone else would've given up, and she did give you a pretty nasty fleshwound."

Baekhyun pouted and mumbled to himself.

"He just doesn't want the girl who almost one-upped him to be a part of us," Tao teased.

I rolled my eyes as Baekhyun hit the youngest at the moment on the head. I ignored their squabbling and looked up to where that girl was sitting. She had her head burried in her hands and was obviously distressed. Why is she upset? Shouldn't she be happy that she is being reconsidered? I don't understand her at all. I shook my head and looked back towards the counselors who seemed to be just about wrapping up. A hand landed on my shoulder and I looked up to meet Joonmyung's eyes.

Joonmyung smiled. "Let's hope that your outburst was worth it."

I nodded and looked back at the center of the colloseum. The counselors had separated and the head counselor raised his hand to quiet down the audience who had been whispering this whole time.

"We have not changed our decision on Junsoo. He will still be one of the Exo Knights."

I stood up abruptly. Anger serged in me for some unknown reason. "What the hell is this?!"

The counselor looked at me with tired eyes from his peripheral vision. "Sir Kyungsoo, if you do not watch that temper of yours in the future then there will be consequenses. If you had allowed me to finish, I would have announced that Chloe will be a fourth addition to the Knights."

For some reason I sighed and sat back down. I looked towards Chloe to see some hope and cheerfulness has returned to her eyes.

"However," the counselor said, calling my attention back to him. "since you are so concerned about Chloe, it will be your personal duty to train and take care of her." He looked back towards the crowd. "Your new knights have been decided. The exam is over and now you may leave, the knights have a lot to learn and we need to begin right away."


I walked through the halls of the castle in awe. I've never seen anything this grand. It was amazing, the high walls, the tasseled carpet, the family portraits of greatly decorated people. I swore my mouth was open as I and the other new knights were led by the Counselors and the Knights to the coronation room. Once we reached the room the new knights were called in one by one to talk to the Counselors and then they could leave to go say bye to their families, so I was forced to wait.

It was really awkward once I was the last new knight left waiting. The old knights were leaning against one wall and I was just standing in the middle of the hallway. I kept my gaze down at my feet.

"Ahem," someone coughed.

I looked up, startled, to see Sir Baekhyun holding out his hand towards me. He looked at me pointedly and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"My blindfold. You still have it."

"Ah!" I shouted in realization, startling all of them, I reached into my pans poket and pulled out the blindfold. As I handed it back to him I smiled brightly. "Thanks for letting me use this. I was afraid to go blind ag-" Immediatly I shut myself up. I had almost slipped up. Luckily Sir Baekhyun didn't seem to notice but something in the way Sir Kyungsoo looked at me made me wonder what he was thinking. "A-anyways, what's going to happen next?" I asked them.

"Well," Sir Joonmyung spoke up. "After you get your power and say goodbye to your families, you'll have to wait around here for your ring to be made. As you four are waiting on that you will be staying here and training, while we go out and gather up the rest of us."

I pouted. "Well that's no fun. I've gotten enough training this past week," I mumbled under my breath. Louder so that they could hear I asked, "So the other knights aren't here?"

Sir Joonmyung scratched his head and was about to say something when the door to the coronation room opened and out came Evie. She glanced at me briefly before walking right past me and I swore there was a coldness radiating from her. I took it as my symbol to go in though and shot the knights an apologetic look before heading into the room just to have the doors close behind me.

Looking up I saw the three Counselors sitting on chairs in front of me. They were staring down at me and I swallowed, unsure what to do. The one in the center was playing with a ring in his hand. "Chloe Pasteur," he spoke up.

"Yes sir?" I squeeked out.

His eyebrow seemed to twitch at the waver in my voice but other than that there was no change in his face. "You may or may not know this, but a relative of yours was once one of the Exo Knights, so we have you ring right here." He raised up the ring he was twirling around. "However, instead of your family being born and raised in the palace like the other knights, your family was raised in the town. That is because your relative made a mistake and angered the One, and so he was cast out of the knighthood and it was supposed to be that his family never again step foot into this palace." The Counselor's face hardened as he looked me straight in the eyes. "You are allowed to be here though since Sir Kyungsoo petitioned for you. Since he has, you will be trained by him specifically. That means that you will travel with him and the other knights, as well as Mikhail, to gather the rest of the knights to bring them back here."

I squinted my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't really follow you. I thought that me and the other new knights were supposed to stay here and train because of the rings, but now me and Mikhail are leaving? Plus, why are the other knights not in the palace?"

The Counselor on my left sighed. "The kingdom of Exo has had... a bit of trouble lately. Unknown to the public, the One has yet to find his Only. When the One does not have his Only, all of Exo goes out of balance since the Only is the hana-person who can help the One keep things steady. Without both of them, everything turns to chaos. With that being said, the outer towns have started to experience some disasters, and we have had to send the knights out to help."

The Counselor on my right then spoke up. "To answer the reason why you and Sir Mikhail are going too, it is because your rings are already made since your ansestors were apart of the Exo Knighthood before, which also means that your powers are also already chosen for you since the power always stays with the family it was granted to. Unlike your ansestor though, Sir Mikhail's ansestor left on his own accord. The other two new knights are staying here solely because they do not have chosen powers or rings yet."

"Now then," the one in the middle spoke again. He stood up and walked forward until he was right in front of me. He took my right hand and slid the ring onto my ringfinger. I looked at it. The band was silver and the stone was black. The stone wasn't an ordinary stone though since its shape was that of two spirals spinning in the opposite directions and crossing each other. "With that ring," the Counselor spoke up. I looked up to meet his eyes. "You, Chloe Pasteur, are now an Exo Knight and you are hereby known to be the holder of the shadows." I blinked at him and this time he actually smirked. "Your power is control over the shadows. I'll let you figure out what that means. You are dismissed now, you may say goodbye to your family and you are to return here by dawn to set out tomorrow."

I nodded at him, still in shock over everything. As I left the room the knights weren't there anymore and I was left to find my own way out of the palace.


Hey guys its 2morrowsdecision. Im sorry that it's been awhile since I've updated and I'll try to update more often again. I know this was short but I hope you enjoyed this chapter of To Turn a Blind Eye. I know its a bit confusing at this point with who the Pasteurs actually are and with what is going on in the world, but it will all be revealed in later chapters.

Please comment your thoughts and please continue to show this story a lot of love even if updates are slow~

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Chapter 7: This is getting really interesting!!!
Can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 7: hi authornim! i'm a new reader and i absolutely love this story! the plot is really cool. I'll be waiting for the next update! :)
Chapter 6: OMO...OMO Kyungsoo watcha doin' boy? XD I'm so ghetto XD
candyschmidt #4
Seems interesting. Can't wait to read more! :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #5
Chapter 4: Wow i wonder how D.O. figured out that she was not from there world.
Misstwilightfan1416 #6
Chapter 1: I like it so far^^ Can't wait to see how she is going to adjust and what her first meeting with EXO will be like!