Into the Water

To Turn a Blind Eye

Chapter 4-

Into the Water


I had felt that I had just been going with the flow, but now my mind screamed at me to actually do something. This wasn't a dream, this was reality, and if I didn't start treating it as such right now then my life would be gone for sure. So I ran.

I dropped my bucket and ran towards the river, past the two guys who were still fighting, and hesitated for only a second before I jumped into the water after the girl. Just moments before I had arrived at the river to see two guys fighting. It started out as a simple argument but soon escalated. The girl nearby who was getting water was unfortunate enough to be too close to the guys when they had started to get physical and was pushed into the river. It was an accident of course, but neither guy paid any attention since they were too busy with their little brawl. I didn't know what to do at first, andd I had just stood there, but as the girl never surfaced from the water Chloe's body over took my mind and I ran to save the girl.

There was one minor complication though that I realized when I dove into the water. I may be able to swim, but I was definitely not on the swimming team back home. This waters current is too much for me to handle. I struggled to open my eyes as I went under and when I finally managed to open them all I could see were bubbles. Slowly my eyes adjusted and I was able to see the rocks and the plants under the water. Where is she?

I looked around and finally spotted her. Her long blond hair was sticking up and her eyes were closed. I swam towards her but as I got close the current pushed me away. I reached out my hand and tried to swim against the current. It was hard, I could barely breath and the water pushed against me with so much force that it took everything I had not to open my mouth and gasp. As I reached my arm forward a bit more I grasped the girl's fingers and pulled her into me. With her back against me and my right arm around her waist I tried to swim towards the surface with my left arm, which I immediatly regretted. My left arm's too weak, but I c can't risk changing arms and losing my grip on her.

Another hard current pushed against me and this time I couldn't hold back my gasp. I inhaled water and my eyes were getting blurry. I was close to passing out and it took all my will power and the rest of my strength to finally break through the surface. Immediatly I inhaled the air and looked at the girl to find her turning blue. I looked to my right and tried to swim towards the edge of the river but as soon as I tried to move my back stung and I was almost pushed back under. The current pushed me around the rock my back had just hit and automatically I reached out to grab hold of it.

My grip on the rock was weak. As soon as I grabbed it I knew that I couldn't hold on for long. I tried to pull myself and the girl closer to the rock but it was impossible. The current was too strong and it kept slashing water into my mouth whenever I went to take a breath. My eyes grew even blurrier and as they were closing my hand was letting go of the rock. I'm sorry girl, I couldn't save you. I'm sorry Chloe.

"Don't let go!"

My eyes shot wide open and stregth came out of nowhere as I pullded myself and the girl closer to the rock. Suddenly the rock trembled and rose up into the sky, taking us out of the water. The unexpected movement mad me lose grip on the rock and I started falling back towards the water, still holding the girl. I closed my eyes tight and inhaled as much as I could, expecting to go back under, but I didn't.

I opened my eyes weakly as I felt an arm wrap around me and another take the girl away from me and wrap around her. I looked up and found myself staring into the warm brown eyes of who had the be the most handsome guy I had ever seen before. He smiled at me and whispered, "Don't worry, you're both safe now. You did a great job," before my head fell into his shoulder and my eyes grew heavy. Before I passed out I could've sworn I saw his feet holding himself casually on the surface of the river.


"Don't let go!" Kyungsoo shouted as he ran towards the edge of the river across from a girl with short black hair who was holding onto a rock for dear life with her left hand, and another girl with long blond hair in her right. He stomped on the ground when he saw the girl tighten her grip on the rock and sent the rock into the air.

Joonmyun ran passed him and ran right onto the water's surface, only stopping when he was right under the girls and he held his arms out to them as they fell. He caught the black haired one in his left and the blond haired one in his right. Kyungsoo could see his hyung whispering something to the black haired one before she lost consciousness. "Hyung! Hurry and bring them over here!"

The older quickly ran back, carrying the girls as best he could to stop them from falling back into the water, and laid them down once they reached the edge. Quickly he put his hands on both of their mouths and as he raised his hands he pulled the water out of their lungs.

At this point the four of them had managed to grab the attention of a crowd, but so had the two guys who were still fighting. Tao came running up to them with Baekhyun right behind but Joonmyung yelled out "Go stop the fight!" and the two immediately changed direction.

"Are the girls aright?"

"What exactly happened?"

"Look, its the Exo Knights."

People were talking all around them but neither Joonmyun or Kyungsoo paid attention to them. They were both focused on one girl in particular. They wer in awe about how courageous she was. They knew how the girl jumped into the river to save the other and were both amazed that she, a common girl granted a beautiful one, was willing to throw her life away for that of another. They were knights, but they still found it hard themselves to be able to do so at times. It was only when the blond began to cough and wake up that Joonmyun looked away from the black haired girl.

Kyungsoo didn't.

He was lost in thought as he stared at the girl that was still unconscious. There's something... not right about her. As if she isn't from this world, but she can't be.

"Are you alright?" Joonmyun asked the girl who woke up.

She looked at him, and even though she was still tired and not completely in her right mind, the girl still blushed as she met with his eyes. She bowed her head. "I-I'm fine. Thank you for saving me Joonmyun-nim!" she said hoarsely and continued to bow her head again and again.

Joonmyun smiled softly at her. "No need to thank me. This girl here was the one who jumped into the water to save you."

The girl looked over to the other who was still unconscious and looked back up at the knight. "Chloe-unni did?" The girl smiled brightly then. "Well then thank you for saving Chloe-unni! She's the best unni ever, besides he own unni of course."

Kyungsoo bit his lip and toned out Joonmyun's conversation. She can't be from another world. We've been keeping a very close eye on the book, watching for any sort of update and there hasn't been. If there was then we would've reacted in case it was h- Wait. Did that blond girl just call this one Chloe? He looked up to the blond and asked, "What did you say her name was?"

The girl finally looked at Kyungsoo. "Um... Chloe-unni."

"What's her last name?"

The blond looked at Joonmyun as if for confirmation since Kyungsoo's tone was a bit harsh and the older nodded at her. "Pasteur."

The older knight looked at the other. "That's the name that you saw on the applications right?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Oh that's right!" the blond exclaimed. "Unni wants to be a knight! Please take good care of her and don't just count her out because she's a girl. She's really strong!"

Joonmyun blinked, confused, but patted the girl's head. "Don't worry, we won't. Do you need me to bring you home?" he asked her and her blush darkened.

"There's no need," a voice called out and Joonmyun looked up to see a tall and burly man standing over him a girl with long wavy brown hair next to him. A frown was on his face as he picked up the blond girl in his arms.

"Daddy!" the girl shouted and pouted.

The man nodded at Joonmyun and he nodded back. "I'll take my daughter home. Tala," he then turned towards the girl. "Are you alright taking Chloe by yourself?"

Tala smirked at the man. "Of course, who do you think I am?"

The man genuinly smiled as he said, "A Pasteur of course." And with that he left as his daughter wave over his shoulder to the knights.

Joonmyun waved back and then turned around to find Tala lifting up Chloe and throwing one of the unconscious girl's arms over her shoulder. Kyungsoo seemed like he wanted to help but when he met eyes with his hyung he backed off. "I took all the water out of her lungs. She should wake up soon, just keep her warm."

"Yes sir," Tala said and saluted just to immediatly catch Chloe who started to slip. She then walked away, leaving the two knights as the other two knights came running over.

"Joonmyun-hung, the fight's all over," Baekhyun notified.

"What's going to happpen to them?" the oldest knight aksed.

Tao smirked. "Oh, their mothers are taking care of them."

Kyungsoo shuddered at the thought but said nothing about the topic. "Come on, lets go back to the palace. Our job is done."

As they walked back all of them had the same thought. Just two more days until the exams, and then all of us will be together again.


Over in cities outside of the capital chaos ensued.

A man was flying down a moutain side that appeared from nowhere to try and save the villagers left in broken down houses and bring them up to the top to rejoin their families.

A boy with doe eyes moved rocks from the enterance of a minning cave.

A man blanking out the world around him focused solely on regenerating the crops of a poor farmer. Another man helping him clear the snow off the fields.

A man with a giant grin seemed like he was having fun deflecting lightning bolts coming from the storm that had lasted nine days from hitting the terrified villagers.

A boy huddled together with villagers underground, doing his best to keep them warm and the fire lit.

Two boys together were saving villagers whose homes were wrought by neverending tornadoes. One was moving the tornadoes else where while the other teleported away those who got too close.

All were missing their home.


Hi 2morrowsdecision here~ I hope you enjoyed the lastest chapter of To Turn a Blind Eye and I hope you continue to read this story.

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Chapter 7: This is getting really interesting!!!
Can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 7: hi authornim! i'm a new reader and i absolutely love this story! the plot is really cool. I'll be waiting for the next update! :)
Chapter 6: OMO...OMO Kyungsoo watcha doin' boy? XD I'm so ghetto XD
candyschmidt #4
Seems interesting. Can't wait to read more! :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #5
Chapter 4: Wow i wonder how D.O. figured out that she was not from there world.
Misstwilightfan1416 #6
Chapter 1: I like it so far^^ Can't wait to see how she is going to adjust and what her first meeting with EXO will be like!