Into a Portal

To Turn a Blind Eye

Chapter One-

Into a Portal


Ow. I grumbled in my head as I made my way to the first class of my freshman year of college. I removed my glasses and rubbed my eyes just to put my glasses back on and have the same reaction. Ow. Why are my glasses hurting my eyes?

Ok, let me start this again. My name's Cleo Pasteur and my freshman year of college has just started. I am actually American even though I'm going to college in Korea. I wanted a fresh start, away from all the snickering and name calling, you know? No, I suppose you don't know. You see, I am astually almost completely blind in my right eye, I have been since I was born. Back in America I was constantly bulllied for it so I decided to get away and go to college in Korea where no one would know about my eye.

Obviously though, being pretty much blind in one eye is not an easy thing to hide. That's where my glasses come in. I recently saved up enough money to buy a special pair of glasses that allows me to see out of my right eye. Well at least at first.

I walked into my class and bit my lip. Great, it's the first day of classes and my glasses are bothering my eyes. How I am supposed to concentrate like this?

Sitting down I looked to my right and saw a group of girls looking my way. They moved their chairs so that they could face each other and not be overheard. By the way they were looking at me they must've been saying something about me. Sighing I looked back to the front of the class where the teacher was standing and fumbling around in his bag looking for something. I heard giggling coming from the girls and decided to try and listen to what they were saying. Istead of blatently turing towards them I glanced towards them out of the cornere of my eye, forgetting for a second that they were on my right and that my glasses didn't fix my peripheral vision.

When I glanced over I got dizzy since I suddenly couldn't see. I looked back to the front immediatly just to be blown away.

From my left eye I could see my teacher finally pulling out a notebook from his bag. Another person  walked into the room and sat down in the front row. It was the classroom as I knew it.

From my right eye though I saw a castle high up on a cliff. It was beautiful, a golden color that shimmered in the light and the stained glass windows where huge and seemed to cover the many trees surrounding the castle in a ranbow of colors.

I freaked. I ripped off my glasses and rubbed my eyes which had started to sting even more. I blinked a few times, making sure that the only thing I saw from my right eye was blurs of the colors of the classroom before I slid the glasses back onto my face. Both eyes saw the classroom and when I looked around the girls were still laughing with eachother, students were still filling into the class, and the teacher was writing his name on he board. I sighed in relief and slouched into my chair.

A few seconds passed and the teacher cleared his throat in order to start calling attendance. I lazily raised my hand when he called my name, suddenly not in the mood to pay attention to the lesson. What was that? Why was there suddenly a castle there that I havenever seen before? The more I thought about it the less my eyes hurt and the more my head hurt. Before I knew it the class period was up and everyone was exiting the room. I silently followed and made my way to my next class.

I rubbed my head as my headache grew worse and shut my eyes for a bit as I walked. When I opened my eyes I bit my lip.

I was still in the hallway of the school and people were still walking by my. At least, on my left side that was.

On my right I was in an arena of some sort, almost like a colosseum. It was a bit dusty but I saw a desk in front of me and a man sitting there. He was dressed in silver armour and his plate had a golden symbol on it that I couldn't make out. His lips moved as her said something that I couldn't hear and he reached out his hand. I saw my own hand reach out towards him even though I knew that I didn't move my arm since I was now leaning against the wall of the school. My hand held a paper in it that was handed over to the man. I caught two words on the paper but then dust blew in the way and I removed my glasses to rub my eyes.

When I put my glasses back on I was back in the hall again and a few people were looking my way. A girl came up to me and asked if I was alright. I assured her that I was before I continued towards my class.

I thought about the two words that I saw on the paper. Chloe Pasteur? Who is that?

The rest of the school day went by uneventful except for the fact that my headache had gotten so bad that by the time I got back to the dorm I went straight to lie down on my bed without even greeting my roommate.

"Well, I didn't think that your first day at school would tire you out so much. What happened to all that confidence you had earlier huh Cleo?" Soora, my roommate asked with a smirk.

I rolled over to face her. "Oh shut up," I grumbled as I threw my little bear stuffed animal at her.

She avoided it and her face lost the smirk. "Was it really that bad? Do I need to beat anyone up for you?" Even thought I had only met Soora two weeks ago we had bonded really quickly. We had a lot of similarities as well as likes and dislikes. She was actually a year ahead of me and as of such she treated me as her little sister.

I smiled at her. "No. I just have a really bad headache is all."

Soora rolled her eyes. "Is that all?" I hummed in response and she got up. "Well I guess I'll go and see if the nurse will give me any pain relievers for you."

I sat up and shook my head. "You don't have to do that. I'm sure if I take a nap that it will go away in no time." Soora didn't listen though and left the room anyways. I sighed and laid back down on my bed, closing my eyes as I did so. I opened them expecting to see my ceileing but only saw half of it. The right half I saw a different ceiling from my white one. It was made of brown straw that was bound together so that it would be able to hold and keep the rain from coming in.

Oh no you don't. This is not happening again. I reached up to remove my glassed but a sharp pain went through my head that caused me to grab my head instead of my glasses. I shut my eyes tightly and suddenly the pain dissapeared. Opening my eyes hesitanly I no longer saw my ceiling and instead saw only the straw ceiling. I sat up and looked aroung. This is not real. I was not in my dorm room anymore and was now in a small hut. The place was shabby and only consisted of one room which was a mess with weird looking clothes strewn everywhere as well as eating utensils.

"What is this place?" I muttered to myself. "Where am I?"

I looked around the room again to discover that the hay bed I was on was only the first of two beds in the room. As soon as I realized that the only door in the hut opened and in came a girl with long wavy brown hair and tanned skin. Her eyes were a hazel that seemed to light up as she saw me and ran over to me.

"Chloe! You're alright!" she exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight embrace. She pulled back, keeping her hands on my shoulders, and looked me up and down. "That headache is gone now right?"

That made me think for a second. My headache is gone. I reached my hand up to rest it on my head only to find that my glasses were missing. How can that be? I may be seeing something strange but I am still seeing clearly without my glasses on.

I got up, startling the girl, and made my way over to the only mirror in the hut. When I looked in the mirror my jaw dropped.

My long, straight jet black hair was now boy short. My hazel eyes were not frammed by glasses at all, which I had already figured out. My pale skin had tanned to a similar shade as the girl's and my Black Butler t-shirt was now a green button up shirt that seemed like it should have a collar like a dress shirt but didn't. I looked down to find that my skinny jeans were replaced by some sort of wide, black silk pants and that the Christmas socks that I had been wearing since I had run out of sock were gone and that my feet were now bare. I looked back into the mirror, still shocked by what I saw. Even though the person in the mirror was not the me I was used to seeing, there was no doubt about it that the person was me.

"Chloe? What's wrong? Stop scaring me," the girl said from behind me.

I turned around to look at her with wide eyes. I shook my head at her slowly. "Who's Chloe?"


Hey! I'm 2morrowsdecision.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first story. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will continue to show this story some love~

I will try to update every week end but we will see what happens with school.

Please comment what you thought, what I can improve on, and even your thoughts on where this story might go! I appreciate any comments and will make sure to read every one of them. Thanks agian for reading To Turn a Blind Eye

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Chapter 7: This is getting really interesting!!!
Can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 7: hi authornim! i'm a new reader and i absolutely love this story! the plot is really cool. I'll be waiting for the next update! :)
Chapter 6: OMO...OMO Kyungsoo watcha doin' boy? XD I'm so ghetto XD
candyschmidt #4
Seems interesting. Can't wait to read more! :)
Misstwilightfan1416 #5
Chapter 4: Wow i wonder how D.O. figured out that she was not from there world.
Misstwilightfan1416 #6
Chapter 1: I like it so far^^ Can't wait to see how she is going to adjust and what her first meeting with EXO will be like!