Chapter 3: Abomination

Lovesick: The After Story

[ Noh's Point Of View ]



The rest of the morning went as I had planned. I went to the washateria and did the laundry. Then came back to the house and folded everything in place. When I was done, I called my mother and invited her to the grocery store. She accepted gladly to my proposal. It had been two weeks since the last time we had seen each other and she missed me as much as I missed her. I had developed some sort of dependance over my mother. If I didnt see her in a week, I would surely miss her. For the past two years, we had created the habit of spending the weekends with my family. We would grill meat and drink beer along a movie. It had turned mandatory unless we had to work over time. The band that performs on weekends weren't able to perform so my band had to take their place, thus we couldn't reunite with my family last weekend. I really missed her cheerful personality. 

Once she arrived at my place, we took a taxi and started heading to the grocery store. "So how is the great Phun Phumiphat doing?", My mother asked on our way to the grocery store, breaking my train of thoughts. I smiled at the nickname she had used for my boyfriend. She had been infected by me in the past year, it seems. "He's been swamped with homework lately but doing fine.", I let out a sigh as I remember what had happened this morning. 

At my conflicted expression, my mother responded concerned, "Is there something bothering you?" I shook my head and faked a smile, "There isn't. I'm just a little tired from doing the chores." I decided to lie to her and not to worry her with this matter. She had been a witness to all the wounds that Phun parents had inflicted in us. After Phun was thrown out of his house, she had welcomed him into our house, developing some type of resentment towards his family in the process. "Throwing your children away is unacceptable.", she would always express. 

If I brought this matter to her right now, I was sure that she would be against it. Not because Phun didn't deserve to be with his family but because his family didn't deserve Phun. So I decided against it, at least for the time being. However, inside of me, there were concerns and insecurities. Phun was a stubborn person. He could hold a grudge for a long time. If he had refused to listen to his mother, then what were the chances that he would listen to me? I needed to find a good way to approach him.

After doing the groceries, we returned to my apartment to cook for Phun's arrival. Before I could touch the kitchen, my mother made me seat on the table. "Let me do the cooking! It's been a long time since I last was able to cook for my two children!", she told me cheerfully as she started bringing out all the ingredients and frying pans she was planning to use. "Is there anything I can help you with?", I asked her and she shook her head. I sighed in defeat, knowing how independent my mother was. She didn't like to get help from anyone, especially not when she cooked. 

Feeling a little useless, I decided to take this chance to take the shower I had forgotten about. I excused myself from the kitchen and started heading towards the bathroom. I started the shower and without much thought, jumped inside. I let out a sigh at the warm droplets of water as they made contact with my skin. 

As I clean myself, I let my mind wonder to this morning's events. Phun's mother looked desperate for help and very remorseful for everything she had done to us. She had finally accepted us. She had finally accepted me. I mean, she even called me "Son In Law". My mouth forms a smile at the memory. I've always wanted to hear her say that at least once. She used to be like my second mother, after all.

But then on the other hand, there are all those ugly memories that they had created and that up to this day can't be forgotten. All those words that they had said and that had humiliated us and tore us apart. I remember being humiliated to the point where I could see clear no more. I can still recall being broken emotionally by them. But if I had been broken then, how much more had Phun hurt? Being continously humiliated by his own parents, the pain must have been unbearable. 

I know that Phun has good reasons to refuse them. Now that he has healed, I'm sure he doesn't want to go through all of that and get broken again. He looks happy now but.. he isn't fully happy and I know it. I know how much he misses his parents and how lonely he feels at times. Sometimes when we are with my family, I've noticed the melancholic look in his face as he wishes that it was his family. I've heard him cry in his sleep as he calls for his parents. I know how affected he still is. For that reason, I want to find a way to reunite him with them and make peace. So Phun can be fully happy. So I can be fully happy. Because my happiness depends on Phun's.

How did I let everything turn out this way? All of this had happened because of my fault. We had been caught for my fault. If we had kept everything a secret, then would he still have his family's approval? But then, the truth always comes out in the end. The truth is unavoiable. One day or another, but it will surely come. I've always known that but.. if it had been at the right time and in another way, perhaps..


I let my mind return me to that time, when everything went out of our control: the day when Phun's family discovered about me. It happened a few months after my family found out about our relationship and accepted us as we were. My father was still a little reluctant and didn't talk to me, but at least, he was letting Phun into the house without insulting him.

Phun and I were both free of any responsabilities due to being Sunday, however, we had a party to attend to. Ohm's boyfriend, Mick had turned seventeen and Ohm had planned a surprise party to celebrate. It had been a fun party despite being held in such a small home. Those who attended were requited to bring food so we had a feast of all types of junk food. Like it was expected from me, I got very drunk that night.

After the party had ended, we decided to head back home. I suggested to go to my house but Phun took us to his, saying that if my father saw me this drunk he would murder him for not watching over me. Like I've mentioned, I was very drunk. It was a struggle to keep myself on my feet and to see clear. Everything was a blur of colors and incoherent thoughts. 

Phun, on the other hand, had managed to keep himself sober enough to take care of me. I couldn't help but to stare at the guy beside me as he watched over me with concern. He looked so gorgeous it was tempting. He had combed his hair back with gel, letting me take a better look at his facial structure. He was wearing a leisure shirt and a pair of tight leather jeans. Some of his buttons were undone, exposing his collarbones. I'm not the ually aggressive type -normally, Phun would be the one to initiate any physical contact- but in that moment, all I wanted was to eat him up. I barely managed to hold myself back inside the taxi.

When we entered the house, all lights were turned off, making me gain confidence. Since it was past midnight, I expected his parents to be deep asleep. As soon as I walked inside, I couldn't take the craving any longer. I pushed Phun to the nearest wall and ed my body against his. He, on his part, moaned in surprise. "What do you think you-", Before he could finish his sentence, I attacked his lips, forcing my tongue into his hot cavern. There was some resistance at first, but it didn't take him long to kiss me back with the same passion. He placed his hands on my hips and brought me closer, ing into me as he searched for some friction. 

We kept kissing each other for a long while until he broke the kiss. "Noh, we should stop ourselves before-", Once again, I hushed him with a kiss before answering in a hoarse voice, "What if I tell you I don't want to stop? Would the great Phun Phumiphat me in the couch?" Dear Jesus. I still can't believe I said those words but back then, I was under the influence of alcohol and not thinking rationally. Once he heard what I had to say, he attacked my lips in a forceful kiss as his last bit of self control was thrown out of the window.

He started pushing me towards the couch as he kissed me thoroughly. I fell into the couch and he straddled me, leaning down to kiss me as he kept grinding himself against me. I enveloped my arms around his neck, bringing him as close as I could. He started to undo the buttons of my shirt hurriedly as I on his lower lip. Getting desperate, he decided to rip my shirt open instead. Once my skin was exposed, he left my lips to on my neck, making a pattern of hickeys along the way. When I felt his tongue play with my earlobe, I couldn't hold my moans anymore. The surroundings were forgotten as I concentrated on the pleasure he was giving me and on how much I wanted him. I didn't even notice that the lights had been until I heard a horrified voice speak, "Phun?! Noh?!"

At the unsteady voice of his mother, Phun stopped in his track and stared at me in shock. Behind his back, his mother stood frozen. She was wearing the same horrified expression my mother wore the night she found out. However, her horrified expression was replaced by anger as she looked furiously at me. In that moment, I knew that we weren't going to be as lucky with Phun's parents as we were with mine.

In the next second, she ran towards us and forced Phun off of me. "What do you think you are doing?!", she screamed at Phun while hitting his chest with her fist and cried. "Mother, I can explain..", Phun's worried voice spoke but she interrupted him, "Explain what?! That my son had been ing another man behind our backs?! Is that what you want to explain?!"

I stood up from the couch, feeling more sober at the scene in front of me. Before I could bring myself to say a word, she pointed an accusing finger at me, "And you! You have betrayed us! I trusted you! But how did you repay my trust?! You turned my son into this!"

"I didn't mean to betray you! Please believe me! I just fell in love with your son!", I don't know where the courage to reply back to her came from but in that moment I screamed out my feelings. But my feelings weren't welcomed nor understood. Before I realized it, she had slapped me hard. I stumbled backwards and fell to the floor from the impact.

Phun pushed his mother aisde and approached me, falling beside me with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay, Noh?", he asked me with concern as he placed his arm around  my neck for my support. I was pale from the shock and my eyes were lost. 

"How dare you say that you love my son?! There's no way you can love him! You are both men, for god sakes! You are just an abomination! And you intended to turn Phun like you! How could you?! I trusted you!", The woman who once was so nice towards me was screaming at me with huge hatred and I didn't know how to fight back. I stood frozen as every harsh word she said made their way to my heart. I can't remember how many insults she said that night. All I can remember is that the pain they caused was huge.

"Abomination", thats the only word I can remember. I never had considered myself that. Even when I knew that what we were doing was against the norm, I never had seen myself as anything but normal. But that night, that word broke the deepest walls of my mind, making me believe in it. I was slowly having a mental break down as I lost myself in my thoughts.

Phun, in his attempt to help me, had forced me to look at him as he kept repeating, "Don't listen to her, Noh! You're precious! This isn't your fault! Everything will be okay!" He kept telling me soothing words, but no matter how many times he repeated them, I couldn't believe in him. I felt dread grow inside me as I thought that this was the end of us.

"What is happening in here? Why are you making a fuss so late at night, woman?", A fourth voice joined the living room and Phun turned towards his father with fear in his eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to look at his father in the eye. I feared the look he would give us once he found out. Instead, I lowered my face and focused my eyes on the floor.

"What happens is that this thing", I didn't even need to look at her to know that she was pointing her finger at me, "has turned our son into a ! Can you believe it?! We trusted him into the house and what happened? He s around with our son!"

Phun sent a glare to her mother's way and tried to defend himself but his father hushed him with a firm voice, "Is what your mother saying truth, Phun?"

There was a moment of silence as Phun prepared his answer. I didn't know what I hoped his answer would be. If he denied our relationship then things would be over between us but if he accepted his mother's accusation, would we still be able to see each other? Either way, I knew that our relationship would take a huge turn. I wasn't sure whether it would be for the best or for the worse.

Seconds later, Phun finally spoke on a firm voice, "What my mother is saying is.. true. The person I have been in love with has been Noh all this time.. I'm sorry you should find out about it in this way.."

The next thing I knew was that Phun's father had held tight grip of my arm and dragged me to the door. Phun and Pang had followed us, begging him to stop. But he didn't listen to their pleas. "Never come near my son again or I'll have to take extreme measures.", with one last threat I was thrown out of the Phumiphat's residence and left in the dark night.

I stood still in the middle of the street as I swallowed in everything that had happened. Phun's parents knew about us and it had gone just the way we had feared. They were disgusted by us. No. they were disgusted by me. This was the end of our relationship and I would probably not be allowed to come near Phun again. My heart stopped at the realization. Everything was game over. I wouldn't be able to see Phun again. 

The skies started to pour rain on me as I began to walk towards home. I felt like an empty shell. I was confused and conflicted. It felt as if the floor below me had crashed. I was shirtless in within a rainy night and the chilly breeze was hitting my back. I would probably get a cold because of it but in that moment, I couldn't care less. I was way too busy trying to understand the situation to care about my surroundings.

Part of me was hurting because I wouldn't be able to see Phun again, but the other half was telling me that this was for the best. He would live a better life without me and I was sure mine would be better without him as well. But.. if I would be able to live without him, I still didn't know.

After what seemed like an eternity, I arrived home. I walked inside the house and met with my mother. She was wearing her pajamas and drinking a glass of water. She probably woke up in the middle of the night because she was thirsty. When she saw me standing there, she came running towards me with a worried expression, "Noh? What are you doing here, dear? Weren't you spending the night at Phun's place?"

When she realized I was shirtless and damped, she ran towards the bathroom and returned with a towel to help me dry. As she dried me, she questioned me, "Why are you shirtless? What happened?" When she noticed I was not responding to her questions, she held to my cheeks and forced me to  look at her, "Noh? Tell me what happened?"

"They.. know..", With trembling lips, I managed to pronounce two words. My mother didn't need to hear more to know what I meant. Without a second thought, she held me tightly. Inside my mother's arms, I finally allowed myself to break down in tears. "Everything is over and it's all my fault!" I cried out as tears and tears came flowing like a cascade. That night was  one of the worse I've lived. I spend it crying as my mother consoled me. I wondered if Phun was having it as hard as I was. And even till now, I still wonder how that night went for him. He keeps refusing to talk to me whenever I bring it up. Back at that night, I thought that the war was over. That we had lost. I didn't know that the war was barely beginning.


Once I am clean enough, I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I grab a towel and start to dry myself. As I dry my damped body, I hear the front door open and that familiar voice that I so much cherish announce his arrival. I hurry to put my clothes on so I can go and welcome him home. Once I'm inside my clothes, I head to the living room hurriedly, where I encounter the person I love the most in the world. His eyes brighten up when he sees me. He gives me that smile that he reserves for me and greets me, "I'm home, my love."

I smile back at him and throw myself into his arms, "Welcome back home."





[ Writer's Note ]


Hello, everyone! Well, I decided to give you all a third chapter because it's halloween! ( I don't even celebrate halloween but I know that most of you do, so..) Anyways, I wanted to make the whole scene with Phun's parents more dramatic than this but then again, I know that too much drama kind of ruins things, either way, I tried my best and hope that you all enjoy! Please subscibe and comment!

PS:) This might be the last update for now. See you in two weeks~!






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IcahXi #1
Chapter 19: Cant wait to read what would happen next. ?
Chapter 19: Glad to see you back, this is one of my favorite Love Sick stories!
Chapter 19: What happened to noh and Phun? TT-TT
Chapter 19: I love how you wrote an after from the series. I miss that book and drama so much. I hope they boys gey their happy ending.
Are you going to add to this?
Chapter 19: Quite bittersweet..... Painful. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 19: Haha I jumped into the fandom a couple weeks ago and finding this fanfiction I was so excited but then I saw the last update was months ago and I was terrified it would never be completed. Welcome back and thanks for updating this story!! I really felt for Noh when we cried for Phun... It was well written.
PamWond #7
Chapter 19: Welcome back! I spotted you on Wattpad, I was confused for a while then realised it was our Jongkeyhistory with a different name! A wonderful chapter, such a good story!
Chapter 19: Thank you. Very touching and emotional head. I support the idea of translating history into Russian. :-)
Chapter 19: Great chapter.
Lots of angsty goodness
Chapter 19: A very emotional chapter . Extremely well versed and absolutely worth waiting for ! Great comeback !
And as always , I love you and if there is anything I can help you with (and even just listening) please don't hesitate to ask .