Chapter 12: Happy Family

Lovesick: The After Story




[Phun's Point Of View]


As Noh stares at Kai's figure, growing further and further until it turns around a corner and disappears, I feel the anxiety from before return to me. I continue gazing at the empty corridor in front in silence, waiting for him to speak, but the seconds pass and he remains silence. At this moment I have no idea what is happening inside of his mind, and I'm too afraid to look him in the face. Is he working up the courage to break up with me? Looking for the right words, those that will hurt me less, and finding the appropriate moment to speak them?

If you are planning to say it, this is your chance, Noh.

Break my heart already. Throw all of our years together in the trash can.

Or are you planning to take me out, sweeten the moment and then end it again like last time?

Before I realize it, my hands are forming a fist as the anger arises within me at the memory. But as the darkness wraps me up in a load of negative thoughts, a warm hand holds to mine, easing the tension that had build up. "Are you ready to go?", The owner finally speaks, his voice soft and tender, no sign of shame or fear of being seen holding another's man hand. Nodding my head slowly, I watch him smile before starting his pace, pulling me along. 

As we walk along the empty corridor, I remain silent and concentrate on watching him closely. He is holding my hand with conviction and smiling carelessly, as if there was nothing to worry about, as if I hadn't made him cry just last night. He was like this that night too, I remember well. He allowed me to hold his hand and we laughed carelessly as the movie played at the theater. Without a care in the world. As if the world was a perfect place to be. As if my parents hadn't done him wrong. As if everything was perfectly fine. He laughted till tears that night. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he laughed, people turned to give him odd looks, some of them hushing him down. I remember wondering why he was laughing so hard. The movie wasn't even that funny. But now when I think about it, I understand.

"I see you have kept Kai's friendship.", He says, bringing me back from my thoughts. "I am glad. He seems to be a nice guy. You really need more friends, you know. Someone to talk to about your emotions when I am not there.", He continues ranting and I watch him in silence, wondering why would I need someone to talk to when I had him.

"Oh, should I? But won't that make you jealous?", I decide to joke a little to see him react and watch as his smile becomes wider. "It won't.", He says confidently, making my heart ache a little. Shouldn't he be a little jealous over me? At least a little bit? I would be jealous for sure if he were to have a close friend. (Ohm being an exclusion, of course.) Suddenly, he turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow, his finger pointing at me and landing over my nose. "As long as you only see him as a friend, of course!", He says in a booming voice, making me widen my eyes. 

"But if you were to start seeing him as something more than a friend, then I'll definitely feel jealous.", He turns to look in front and continues as I am still trying to digest his last words. "And if you cheat on me, I will cut your balls.", He says in a threatening voice, without fear of being watched or heard. Despite that sentence being a threat, my heart thumps in joy and a smile forms in my face as I slowly begin to relax. He seemed normal. He couldn't be thinking of ending it all. He just couldn't right?

"So what made you want to pick me up?", I ask him with a nonchalant voice. "What? Can I not come and pick my boyfriend up for lunch?", He says in an obnoxious voice that was just so Noh. "It's not that. It's just that it isn't you.", I tell him and take a gulp of air before continuing, "The last time you asked me out was because you.."

Suddenly, he stops in track and looks at me with a hurt expression. "Phun.. You don't think I'm planning to break up with you again, right?", He says in a soft voice, that is full of love and hurt at the same time. I take a gulp as I realize what I'm about to do. I am reproaching him again. That I am denying him my trust. I said that I would not do that again and here I am, being an insecure bastard. Shaking my head rapidly, I try to deny it, "No. I was just saying. That it's kind of new for you to ask me out.", I laugh awkwardly, hoping for him to believe me. "You should do it more often.", I lasly say. 

Letting out a weary sigh, he takes my hands inside his and speaks again, "Phun.. Can you please trust me a little more? I already told you, didn't I? That I am not planning to repeat what happened again. That I won't make that mistake again. Can you please believe me?" I look into his eyes and see honesty in them, making me feel like an for my behavior. Taking a hand out of his grasp, I caress his cheek and bump my forehead against his lightly, "Noh, I am so sorry. It's just that the fear wins over me sometimes."

"Fear of what?", He asks me, but his expression tells me that he already knows. "Fear of losing you.", I respond, my voice sounding desperate and pleading, although I don't really know why. "But you wont lose me, dummy. I promised you already. But alright, I will promise you again. I promise I won't leave you and will stick to you like a gum until we die, get that into your thick skull already!", He tells me and as I stare into his eyes, I see so many emotions -love, honesty, tenderness, gratitude, loyalty- and realize that he is putting his heart into this promise.

"Okay,okay, I'll get that into my thick skull, I promise.", I promise him and realize for the first time that i am crying. Tears of joy are rolling down my cheeks and he is wiping them with his thumbs before I can bring myself to do it. I laugh a little at myself before kissing him in the lips. It's a very short touch of lips. I know we are in a public place and although he is not resistant today, I don't want to force him too much. He leans down and gives me another brief kiss before straightening himself up and looking through the corridor. "Well then, we should go now!", He says and starts pulling me with him before I can react.


[Noh's Point Of View]


"So where are you taking me?", Phun asks me as he puts his seatbelt on. Once it's tied, he turns to look at me with a cheeky smile, "So you finally decided to use my car, huh?". Since Phun's university is so close by, there's days he leaves his car and walks there. In those days, I am allowed to drive his car to the groceries or to the washateria or anywhere I want. I usually prefer to use my scooter (because I'm too scared to screw it up and ruin his car) but I thought that I would need a car tonight so when I saw Phun's keys in the drawer, I took them and drove here. 

 "Why? Didn't you say I could use it?", I turn to him with a playful grin. "Of course, you can use it. I just thought you would never take my offer. What makes you take it today?", He asks me with curiosity as I start the car. I can feel his round eyes on me, watching me expectantly, his insecurity long gone. 

"I thought that it would be more romantic if I was driving a car than a scooter. And since I don't own one, I decided to take yours.", I give him a glance, hiding the true reason why we would need a car today. "Romantic? Why? Where are you taking me? A restaurant?", He asks me, expectant. 

"Actually, we aren't going to eat.", I say as I concentrate on the road, but I can feel him furrow his eyebrows beside me. "We are not? Then where are we going?"

"We are going to get you a gift.", I give him a clue, and his face brightens up as he thinks of something . "Don't get your hopes high. It's not a ring.", I warn him and I watch him pout and turn to look out the window, muttering disappointedly, "Eh..You should've got me a ring."  Smiling at how cute he was, I continued, "But it's something I'm sure you will like." 

"Really?!", he turns back to me with interest, "What is it then?!" 

"Be patient, prince Phun. You'll see when we get there.", I tell him and he stomps his feet unpatiently and whines, acting childishly only to annoy me. I roll my eyes and concentrate on the road for the rest of the trip. He puts come music after a while and we sing along to english songs neither of us understand completely.


Half an hour has passed when I finally spot the building I'm looking for in a shopping center. I give Phun a quick glance, who is absently looking out of the window, and enter the shopping center, directing the car to the parking lot. "Well, we are here.", I announce as I park the car in front of the building, getting him to look through the front glass to our destination. His eyebrows furrow and he turns to look at me puzzled, "Why are we in a pet hospital?"

"This is not only a hospital, this is also a animal shelter.", I tell him as a matter of fact, while undoing my seatbealt. "Well, that doesn't explain what we are doing here?", He stares at me with questioning eyes and I lean down to undo his seatbelt.

"Awe. Why are you staring at me like that? Didn't you say you wanted a pet?", I ask him and watch his expression change as he slowly understands what I am trying to say. "Yeah. I really wanted a pet but you told me that the owner didn't allow pets into his apartments.", He reminds me with a calm voice although I can already feel his heart speeding up in excitement. 

"Well, I took the time to go and bribe him.", I grin at him and watch him stare at me incrediously. "For real? You bribed him?!", He asks me loudly, hurting my ears and I nod my head. "Oh my god, Noh! I ing love you!", He exclaims as he wraps me up in a bear hug that takes the air out of my lungs.

Although Phun have never been fond of animals, I had heard him say that he wished he could have a pet multiple times before. He had watched Ngern and August get a pet and since then, his desire of getting a third member to our family started growing. Lamentably, it was forbidden to have a pet in our apartments by the owner's rules. This morning I had to basically get on my knees to get him to make an exception for us. It had been hard to give him a part of my savings but as I look at him smile widely, I realize that it had been worth it. (Plus, I also really really wanted a pet!)

I allow him to continue hugging me for a few more minutes, until I finally push him lightly and tell him, "Okay, okay! That was enough! Let's go and get the third member to our family, shall we?" He nods furiously and opens the door to get out. I stay in the car for a few more seconds, watching him hop his way to the sidewalk and smiling to myself. This little . Look at him. Hopping his way like a child! How is he? Seven? I think to myself, feeling a warm feeling wrap my heart and realizing once again how much I love him. "What are you waiting for?! Aren't you coming?!", Phun screams and waves his hand at me, and I finally decide to open the door and join him.


"So what kind of animal do you want?", I ask him as we open the door to the shelter which was beside the hospital, getting greeted by many different types of animals and pet supplies. "I don't know, actually. A dog?", He says as he walks hurriedly to the glass cages to stare at all the pets they had available. "A dog? What about a cat? They are cleaner and less smelly.", I comment as I point at a glass cage, where two kittens were displayed. One of them white, while the other completely black. Ying and Yang, I thought.

"But dogs are more playful and loyal! Look at this little buddy! Hey little one! Do you want to come with us?", He said as he stared at the white furball that was on the other side of the glass. Walking to join him, I stared at the white puppy. His two black eyes full of mischief and curiosity, while he jumped around the cage, trying to get out. "I still think a cat is better.", I muttered to myself miserably as I stared at the cage with the kittens, the two of them laying peacefully over each other. If I am honest, I kind of wanted a cat. They were just adorable and seemed to be less the trouble. 

"Hmm. Alright, alright. Let's get a cat.", He said as he walked to the cage with the two kittens. "Which one do you want to get?", He asked me as he leaned down to look at the two kittens. Feeling his presence, one of them woke up from his nap, and started stretching and yawning. Walking towards him, I insisted, "No, we can just have the puppy. You kind of liked him. And this is a gift for you, after all. Let's get what you want."

"Nah. I also want to have a cat. I think they are less troublesome since we live in an apartment. We will get a dog when we get a bigger place.", He responds before looking at our surroundings and grabbing my hand slowly, he assures me, "Noh, don't worry. I am happy with all of this." I watch him as he smiles that smile that erases all the worries from my mind and replaces them with happy thoughts. Without hesitating anymore, I interlace my fingers with his and nod my head, watching him widen his eyes in surprise at my boldness. 

Suddenly, a person coughs behind us and we turn to look at a woman, who has appeared from nowhere. By the white hairs that are beginning to grow, I recognize that she might be more than fifty years old. She is wearing an uniform and by her name tag, I realize that she's a employee here.  "May I help you?", She asks us, taking a quick glance at our interlaced hands before looking at both of us with a judgametal expression. I gulp down the awkwardness but don't let go of Phun's hand, who seems to not have noticed the way she is looking at us.  

"Oh yes. Actually, we are interested in adopting these two kittens.", Phun tells the woman, and I look at him in surprise. "The two of them?", I ask him and he nods his head, and whispers to me, "I'll be paying for the adoption fees, don't worry." "But-", I'm about to tell him that I will be the one to pay when he says, "But you'll be paying for the food, supplies and bedding."


After we are done with the adoption process, we finally return to the displays and watch as the woman opens the cage, allowing us to hold the two furballs for the first time. Phun goes ahead and picks the white kitten up and takes him into his arms. The creature's blue eyes staring at Phun with curiosity. Stimultaneously, I pick the black kitten and hear it meow, making my heart jump in happiness. 

"So how should we name them?", Phun asks me as he leans down to caress the black kitten too, getting him to purr in satisfaction. "Hmm..", I think for a moment before continuing, "This one will be called White!", I inform him, making him raise an eyebrow. "White? But he is black!", He exclaims and I roll my eyes. "So what? Can I not call him White only because he is black?", I ask him defensively and he just shakes his head, "Call him whatever you want, but this one will be Captain!"

White and Captain, our two new family members, I think with a smile.

"Would you like a box to carry them? We usually provide one for free when you adopt more than one pet.", The woman tells us, her hostility long gone. "Yes, please.", Phun accepts and the woman disappears through a door, as she leaves to provide us with a box.

Although I'm happy with how the day went, I still have something to do before I can be satisfied. 

"Phun..", I pronounce his name softly, but is enough for him to look at me. Leaning down to him, I press my lips against his, the two kittens in our hands bumping against each other. I feel him tense by being taken aback but I continue kissing him until he relaxes and presses against me. I know that the woman might come but I no longer care. I just need to do this so things can be okay the rest of the day. We continue to kiss for a small while that feels eternal until I let go hesitantly.

"Well, what was all that about?", He asks breathlessly, the kitten in his hands becoming restless. "Phun..", I speak his name softly as I try to find the words that won't ruin the moment. "What is it, Noh?", He finally asks me as he puts the kitten back into the cage to concentrate on what I had to say.

"Would you talk to your dad for me?", I tell him softly, looking at him in the eye and seeing a worrisome expression. "I... I don't know if he would want that.. I am afraid to get hurt again.  As if I was not his son, as if I was a stranger, I am afraid that he will look at me like that. I don't want to see that look again. ", He finally says and I move to put the kitten beside his sibling, before taking his hands in mine. "I can't guarantee you that he won't, but.. I think you need to at least try.", I tell him, looking him in the eye, finding only sadness in them. I can see that he is about to cry. I needed to take a different approach.

"Phun.. Do you want to know why I am so desperate to make peace with your family?", I ask him and see as he looks at me with a clueless look. "Because you want me to be happy?", He responds, but I can feel that he isn't even sure. "Well yeah. That's one of my reasons, but not the main one.", I tell him and he looks at me, secretly asking me for an answer. "The reason why I want you to be in good terms with your family is so I can ask them for their approval to marry you.", I confess to him, and he widen his eyes.

"Phun.. I want to marry you, of course I want to marry you, more than anything in this world. I want to spend the rest of my life beside you. I want to be able to tie you to me, and seal it with a ring. But I also know that your parents would hurt if they came to know that they were excluded from this decision. I want us to do the right thing and get your parents opinion on this. We already have my parents approval, now we just need to get theirs..", I explain to him as I hold to his hands tightly and look into his eyes, trying to get him to see my honesty.

"They won't be okay with that, I am sure.", He says pained, but I shake my head. "I know. But at least we tried. If they don't accept, it won't matter anymore. We did what we could and we'll be able to get married with a clean mind. Because we tried and there will be no regrets.", I continue, getting him to look at me, trying to see if I was being serious.

"So.. does that mean that we are still getting married to each other, whether they accept it or not?", He asks me, his eyes full of hope. I nod my head and then look at the kittens, who have fallen asleep by now. "I know that I should've gotten a ring instead, but I wanted us to get to talk to your parents first before getting the rings, so these two will be the guarantee of the promise that i'm making to you for now.", I tell him before looking into his eyes once again.

We look at each other eyes for a moment. I know he is expecting me to say something else and I know what that something is. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself to say the next line, "Phun, will you marry me?"

As if this was the antidote to all of his worries, his face brightens and he quickly pulls me into his arms, holding me with so much tenderness and emotion that I feel the need to cry in joy. "Yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you!", He accepts and I can hear his voice breaking as he begins bursting in laughter. "Hey! Why are you laughing?!", I ask him as I caress his mop of hair fondly.

"I am crying of joy and so I am laughing at myself. Sorry, I am just way too happy.", He says and I push him lightly to prove that it's true, there's tears rolling down his cheeks. "Crybaby.", I joke and bring my fingers to wipe his cheeks. "You're a crybaby too! You are also crying!", He brings his hands to wipe my cheeks. And just like this, we stay for a while. With our forehead pressed together, and our eyes staring at each other, enjoying this unforgettable moment of happiness. 

"I am here! Sorry that it took so long, I just couldnt- Oh! Sorry for interrupting.", A voice is heard and apruptly stops as she realizes that she's interrupting our beautiful moment. I turn to look at the woman and caught her blushing furiously, standing awkwardly by the door she had disappeared in. "It's alright. Don't worry about it.", Phun says, and looks at me with a cheeky smile, "We were just talking, right Noh?"

I nod my head and proceed to take the box from her hands. "If we want to go supply shopping, we better leave now.", I tell him and watch him nod his head before proceeding to pick up the sleeping kittens from the cage. "Our happy family?", He asks me as he puts both kittens in the box, and I nod at him, feeling my mouth form a smile, "Yes. Our happy family."

No matter what happens from now on, this will be our happy family.

Although it might not be much now, lets continue moving on forward until we achieve complete happiness.


[Author's Notes]

Hello, my friends! I am back, after months? Sorry to make you wait but it's been a chaos and I don't find a moment where my mind is clear from troubles. I hope you understand and enjoy this chapter. Sorry for my cheesiness hahaha I MEAN CATS ARE ADORABLE LIKE JUST IMAGINE PHUN AND NOH WITH KITTENS AND NOH REALIZING IT WAS A BAD IDEA BECAUSE THEY WOULDNT SHUT THE UP LOL AND I HAD TO NAME THEM WHITE AND CAPTAIN LMAO DONT THANK ME 




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IcahXi #1
Chapter 19: Cant wait to read what would happen next. ?
Chapter 19: Glad to see you back, this is one of my favorite Love Sick stories!
Chapter 19: What happened to noh and Phun? TT-TT
Chapter 19: I love how you wrote an after from the series. I miss that book and drama so much. I hope they boys gey their happy ending.
Are you going to add to this?
Chapter 19: Quite bittersweet..... Painful. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 19: Haha I jumped into the fandom a couple weeks ago and finding this fanfiction I was so excited but then I saw the last update was months ago and I was terrified it would never be completed. Welcome back and thanks for updating this story!! I really felt for Noh when we cried for Phun... It was well written.
PamWond #7
Chapter 19: Welcome back! I spotted you on Wattpad, I was confused for a while then realised it was our Jongkeyhistory with a different name! A wonderful chapter, such a good story!
Chapter 19: Thank you. Very touching and emotional head. I support the idea of translating history into Russian. :-)
Chapter 19: Great chapter.
Lots of angsty goodness
Chapter 19: A very emotional chapter . Extremely well versed and absolutely worth waiting for ! Great comeback !
And as always , I love you and if there is anything I can help you with (and even just listening) please don't hesitate to ask .