Extra Chapter: Loyal Puppy

Lovesick: The After Story

[Third's Person Point Of View]


Amid one of the numerous corridors of the six floor university, stood two boys in utter silence. The calmer of the two boys, leaned against the cold surface of the wall. With his arms crossed over his chest, he gave his friend a concerned stare. He didn’t know how many minutes had passed now, but he was slowly, growing desperate. Just hang in there, a little longer, just a little longer, he told himself over and over, without knowing to whom those sentences were directed. To himself or to his friend, Phun, who was going nuts in front of him. Walking in circles with a panicky expression and muttering inaudible words to himself, as if he was a patient at a mental institute. Ignoring his presence completely. In the furthest corner of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder, did Phun knew that he was standing there or had he forgotten about that as well?

Kai was thankful that no one was there to witness the scene. It would’ve not only put Phun to shame, but embarrass him as well. It was break time and every student had left the building for lunch. Usually, students would gather in groups and eat at restaurants near the area. Lunch time was time to socialize. The only time to socialize, as a matter of fact. Being a very prestigious university, studying was everyone’s priority. You rarely saw anyone socializing inside the building. But outside the building, was a different story. They would all gather up and spend their times talking about their lives and the usual gossip. The two of them would usually tag along, although they weren’t exactly “close” to any of the other students. But it was better to spend the time with them than alone, so they would join them and pretend they knew what they were talking about. However, this time they had stood behind to wait for Phun’s boyfriend, Noh. He had called earlier and told Phun they had something to “discuss”. And apparently it was a serious matter as he even requested Phun to skip today’s class. This, as expected, set Phun’s worry off. If Phun had been worried about Noh before the call, he wasn’t any better now. He was having a hard time breathing and Kai feared he would faint any time soon, if he didn’t faint before him.

Kai knew he could’ve left long time ago. He could’ve left his friend to wait on his own. He was old enough to be able to do that. He wasn’t a child who he had to keep a look on. He was a full grown adult. He should’ve left him by now. It was his boyfriend they were waiting for, after all. Not Kai’s business. No loss from it, but no gain either. Just like every other time he did something for the latter, there was no loss but no gain either. No gratitude. No recognition. Not even a small smile. No nothing. And it’s not like it mattered, anyways. Kai had never expected anything from the latter. He knew that the other only had a heart and a mind for Noh. Noh and no one else. It had always been that way. Phun’s life only revolved about Noh. Noh this, Noh that. Noh was everything he would talk about. He just wouldn’t shut up about him. Noh was the only thing that mattered. everyone else. His only family. His only friend. His whole entire life. And it’s not like it bothered Kai. He had grown accustomed to it by now. But sometimes, just sometimes, before realizing it, he wished that the other would forget about Noh for just a moment. Forget about Noh and look at me. I’m right here, can’t you see? Kai would call out for him, inside his mind. But the latter would never look at him, because he didn’t own a place in his heart like he did.

And no. This wasn’t what it sounded like. The feelings he had for Phun were not like that. He never looked at Phun and thought, I want to have his in my or vice versa. He couldn’t even fathom why someone would want a shoved in their , to be honest. He wanted to be close to Phun, but not that kind of close. Platonic love, perhaps? A feeling that was so familiar to him. Just like Phun was familiar to him. He reminded him of someone, someone who he had lost. Someone who just like Phun, had never noticed him. Who had never thanked him for his efforts on staying loyal. And he could see it coming. The story repeating itself. Once Phun graduated, he was going to turn into a stranger, if he wasn’t that already. And it terribly pained him, for some reason. If you know the outcome, what are you still doing here? He would ask himself often, especially at times like this one. Why are you wasting your time on someone who would never let you in his life?

It’s not like he couldn’t replace Phun with someone else. There were many other students, handsomer and smarter than Phun. Not that those things were what kept him here. And it’s not like Phun would hold it against him if he left him. He was possibly, even hoping for him to leave him. Especially in moments like this one, where he was just a stone on the other’s way.  But for some reason, he had forced himself to stay beside him, even when he was slowly losing it as well. There was always something inside those deep eyes of his. Something that spoke of loneliness. Something that told Kai to stay beside him like a loyal puppy.

Kai knew that Phun had lost his family and was currently alone. He remembered when it happened. There was a time when Phun didn’t come to class for a week. Kai had called him numerous times but the other just wouldn’t answer. That’s when Kai got to meet Noh. Before then, Kai didn’t know Phun’s uality. Honestly, he didn’t know anything about him. They would talk every day, but Kai still didn’t know nothing. This was when Kai realized that he didn’t mean that much to Phun. The week after then Kai was mixed up. On one hand, he was dead worried about Phun, but on the other hand, he felt that it was unfair. Wasn’t he Phun’s best friend? Shouldn’t he know at least this much about Phun? Nevertheless, he still kept Noh, who wasn’t that bad, informed. When Phun finally appeared, he knew that there was something wrong right away. The hollow look in his eyes and the loss of weight told him.  He wanted to hug him but had to force himself not to. Not because he felt uncomfortable by knowing Phun’s uality but because Phun probably wouldn’t want him to. Instead of a hug, he decided to help Phun meet with Noh. That was probably a thousand times better than a hug, right? The weeks that followed were horrible. Phun was absent minded most of the time. He would barely eat. And he wouldn’t talk. Kai would do most of the talking. He would talk about the things that we had in common, trying to get some reaction. But nothing. The only thing that got him to react was Noh’s name. But the reaction wasn’t the best. He would always cry and close up even more. After a while, Kai resigned to just be beside him. He would grab a book and read it to him, knowing well that he wasn’t paying attention. Just hang in there, a little longer, just a little longerKai told himself, without knowing whom those sentences were directed to. The weeks passed and nothing changed. Phun would still be in his state of zombie ness.

Kai thought Phun couldn’t be more broken than he was back then. But then things got worse when Noh broke up with Phun. Phun became a ghost. Kai wondered if he was still alive, or if he had committed suicide and this was a ghost of him. That thought gave him goose bumps. But he stood beside him. Then he heard the news. Phun was getting married to the daughter of a prestigious minister. Kai wished that he had heard those news from Phun himself, but he hadn’t. The rumor had divulged throughout the school, and everyone knew. Some were even invited to the wedding. He tried talking to him about it but nothing. He just simply evaded any questions concerning his arranged marriage. Once again, Kai didn’t deserve to know. A month later and after the wedding incident happened, Phun came back to school after a week of being absent. He looked like a different person. He looked better, but at the same time, he looked lonelier. That was the first time Kai snapped at him. What the hell happened with you? Why haven’t you answered my calls? I was worried about you. And that was also the first time Phun opened to him. I’ve been disowned from my family after refusing to get married and I’m currently living at Noh’s. Sorry I didn’t answer your calls and messages. I just got my phone taken away by my parents. After that moment, Kai decided that he was going to stay beside Phun. He felt pity for him and he also felt that immense, platonic love for him. But sometimes, like in this moment, when he was a shadow, he kept asking himself, why are you still here? But there was no answer. He was here because he wanted to. Because having little of Phun was better than not having Phun at all. Just like in the past. When having Kyung was better than not having him at all.

“This doesn’t sound right! Something is definitely wrong!”, Finally Phun spoke in a alarmed voice, breaking Kai from his thoughts.

“Noh wouldn’t pick me up for no reason. He is too lazy for that! There has to be a reason why he suddenly decided to pick me up!”, Phun walked in circles, making Kai slowly become dizzy. Round and round. Relentlessly.

Please stop Phun.. You are going to make yourself sick.. And it seems he heard Kai’s silent plead, because he did. Gasping, he looked at Kai in terror, “What if he breaks up with me?!”

“He won’t, Phun.”, Kai finally left the wall to walk beside Phun. “You need to calm down.”, He added as he hesitantly placed a hand on Phun’s shoulder.

“Then why is he picking me up?”, Phun asked him, his eyes glittery with tears. Because he is your boyfriend, goddamn it, Kai wanted to say but opted for a better choice of words, “Because he wants to spend time with you. Think about it. You fought yesterday. He probably wants to fix things up with you.”

“Bu-“, Phun began but Kai had enough of “buts”, so he placed a finger to Phun’s lips to hush him. “No buts. You’re going to calm down, because you are honestly scaring me.”, He said sounding threatening unintentionally, getting the other to nod in respond. “You seriously need help, dude.. Oh, and Jesus. You surely need Jesus.”, Kai told him, before walking to his previous spot and seating on the floor.

After half a minute, Phun decided to join his side on the floor. “Hey.”, He said, bumping his arm against the other one. “Hey.”, Kai said, letting out a sigh of exhaustion. “I’m sorry that you had to see me like that..”, Phun apologized, making the other turn to look at him. “No. It’s okay. That’s what friends are for.”, He said and regretted it a second after. Friends. Could he call himself Phun’s friend? Did Phun see him like a friend?!

“Yeah, I guess. But, I haven’t thanked you before.”, Phun said, getting Kai’s heart to speed up. Oh my god. Was he about to thank him? “Thank you, for standing beside me. I know I don’t show it enough and I’m often in my own world, but I do notice you. You’ve always been there for me, so thank you.”, Phun said, with an honest smile. In that moment, Kai felt like crying. Because for the first time, he felt that all his effort hadn’t been in vain. He wanted to hug him so bad. But could he? Maybe he could. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?

He wouldn’t get to know now, as a voice was heard, “Phun! I’m sorry that I’m late. I got caught in traffic.” And then there was Noh. The person who Phun belonged to. Standing in front of the two boys, sweating and breathing heavily. It had been a long time since Kai had seen him but he hadn’t changed a bit. Still the thuggish buzz head boy that he was the last time he had seen him. Kai wondered what was so special about him. What made Phun crazy for him? He looked ordinary, in his point of view. Actually, he looked like someone he wouldn’t fall in love with if he rolled that way. But then again, he didn’t know him that well to judge either. All he knew is that Phun loved him so dearly and that he was the one that made him happy. And if it was like that, he had no remedy but to be thankful towards him. For making Phun happy, despite his loneliness.

Standing up from the floor, Kai proceeded towards Noh. “Hello, Noh.”, He greeted him with a friendly smile. “Hello, Kai. Long time no see.”, Noh said with that obnoxious smile of his. That smile that reminded you of the elderly but that was contagious.

“You’ve got this boyfriend of yours driving me crazy.”, Kai told him, getting them to give him a puzzled look. “I mean, he is been so worried about you, thinking you might break up with him. You should’ve seen him. I almost thought he would have a heart attack. You should assure him now before he explodes.”, Kai said, making Phun blush and Noh to stare at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Anyways, Ill leave him at your charge now.”, Kai palmed his shoulder and started walking away.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. His footsteps echoed through the empty hall way. 

Until a voice made him stop in track.

“Kai, come visit us one of this days, okay? You’ll love Noh’s cooking! It will be something you will never forget!”, Phun said.

"Wait, what?", Noh asked in bewilderment.

"My cooking will make you want to cry, but come either way, okay?!", Noh screamed, getting Kai to smile.

Visit, huh? That definitely sounded great.

“Okay, I will!”, Kai said with a smile, before making his way through the hallway. 

Maybe being Phun's loyal puppy wasn't so bad.


[Author's Notes]


Hello! This was just an extra chapter I suddenly came up with. Because come on, we all want Phun to have more friends. 

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IcahXi #1
Chapter 19: Cant wait to read what would happen next. ?
Chapter 19: Glad to see you back, this is one of my favorite Love Sick stories!
Chapter 19: What happened to noh and Phun? TT-TT
Chapter 19: I love how you wrote an after from the series. I miss that book and drama so much. I hope they boys gey their happy ending.
Are you going to add to this?
Chapter 19: Quite bittersweet..... Painful. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 19: Haha I jumped into the fandom a couple weeks ago and finding this fanfiction I was so excited but then I saw the last update was months ago and I was terrified it would never be completed. Welcome back and thanks for updating this story!! I really felt for Noh when we cried for Phun... It was well written.
PamWond #7
Chapter 19: Welcome back! I spotted you on Wattpad, I was confused for a while then realised it was our Jongkeyhistory with a different name! A wonderful chapter, such a good story!
Chapter 19: Thank you. Very touching and emotional head. I support the idea of translating history into Russian. :-)
Chapter 19: Great chapter.
Lots of angsty goodness
Chapter 19: A very emotional chapter . Extremely well versed and absolutely worth waiting for ! Great comeback !
And as always , I love you and if there is anything I can help you with (and even just listening) please don't hesitate to ask .