Chapter 2

Out of the Ordinary
The sound of the camera's ter made Baekhyun lift his head from where he sat under the Cherry blossom tree and turned towards his right to see a man standing a few meters away from where he sat. A smile graces Baekhyun's face and he pushes himself off the seat and faces the man. With one foot in from of the other, Baekhyun runs toward the man until he is right in front of him. The man holds out both his arms and smiles at Baekhyun.
"Baek, I've missed you. Let me embrace you." The man whispers softly to Baekhyun for him to come closer. He does. He collides into the mans chest and wraps his arms around his neck while the other wraps his arms around Baekhyun's waist.
"I've missed you too. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for so long but you've never shown up." By now tears were spewing out of Baekhyun's eyes as he pours out his heart and clutches onto the man even tighter. Suddenly everything turns darker and the man is dissipating within Baekhyun's hold. Baekhyun cries harder and tries to hold onto any part of the man before he disappears altogether.
"No! Come back! It's not time yet!" Baekhyun falls to his knees and breathes hard. 
"I don't even know your name." It was such a soft whisper that even if one were to listen very carefully, it would be a strain just to decipher the words.
Baekhyun woke up to the song of Girls' Generation's newest song, Lion Heart. Sitting up in his bed Baekhyun signs thinking back on his dream. It's been so long since he dreamt of that fateful day. That was the day he had met his soulmate. At least he liked to believe so. It was that feeling in his stomach that told him he was the one. The one that he was meant to be with and spend the rest of his life with. When they were in each other's arms everything felt right. The sturdy arms wrapped around him to keep him safe. The loving words whispered into his ears that made him feel like he was the only one in the world that mattered. But things went ended as soon as it began. One moment he was there and the next he was too lost in his excitement of moving to Seoul that he forgot all about his soulmate.
After getting refreshed and ready for school, Baekhyun went downstairs to join his parents for breakfast. Baekhyun walks into the dining room to see the table filled with all kinds of food. Rice, kimchi, eggs, soup, everything and anything one can think of.
"Mom why'd you make so much?"
"That's what I asked but your mother just glared at me and continued to cook." His father said softly as to not let his wife overhear him. He looks to his son and whispers that she is just mad at him because he is going back to the country side today.
"Don't worry dad, mom will get over it. It's not like she doesn't visit you every weekend." Baekhyun replies to his dad and starts to eat some rice and soup. 
"Of course but you know how your mother wants me to come live here so that we can be together. I keep telling her that there needs to be someone back home to keep the restaurant going and we all know that your uncle is not capable of doing that." Baekhyun understood what his father meant. The last time his dad let his uncle watch over the restaurant for a week, he set the place on fire. Of course it was an accident but the man was so clumsy people often wondered if something was wrong with him.
"Mom's just feeling emotional. In no time she'll be back to her old self and is with her friends shopping at the mall or something. Well I have to get to school now." Baekhyun stands up and kisses his father on his cheek, "byes dad."
"Bye sport."
Baekhyun runs to the kitchen to hug his mom and to peck her on the cheek. "Bye mom, the food was delicious and I'll see you later."
"Bye honey and make sure to get to school safely."
Baekhyun grabs his bag and puts on his shoes before going through the front door. He takes his usual route to school, the one with the little stores and trees that overlook the city. Baekhyun wonders of he is going to meet the little guy from last time. The one who self proclaimed himself as his friend. Baekhyun's believes his name is Luhan. 
Baekhyun checks his phone and realizes that he left his house fifteen minutes later than usual and if he doesn't hurry he is going To be late. With that realization, Baekhyun starts running down the hill in an attempt to make it on time.
With five minutes to spare Baekhyun rushed to his locker and ran to his first class. By the time he reached his seat he was out of breath and was panting hard. 
The teacher looked at the clock and signed when the big hand finally hit 12. Class was finally over. "Okay students, class dismissed," Mr. Kim told his class before he started to pack his belongings.
"Um, Mr. Kim?" The teacher looked up and found the Baekhyun kid right in front of him.
"Yes Baekhyun?"
"Ugh I was wondering, would it be alright if I worked alone for the project that was assigned today?"
Mr. Kim gave the student a curious look before he nodded and said it was fine as long as he fulfilled all the requirements. Giving one last look and nod he left the student and the rest of the class behind to go to the teachers lounge. 
"Kids these days. You know what I mean Mr. Kim?" Mr. Lee, one of the math professors, complained as he entered the teachers lounge. 
Mr. Kim turned towards him and nodded as in agreement. "Tell me about it. But there are some that are so well mannered."
"Yeah. There's this kid in my 1st class. Names Byun Baekhyun."
"Hmm don't know him personally but I have heard of him. The one that always get picked on?"
"Yeah that one. I don't understand why people hate him so much. He is such a kind person. Maybe it's because of how he looks you know?"
"Oh yeah! Isn't he really small and looks feminine?"
Mr. Kim looks at the other teacher thoughtfully and puts his chin on his hands in thought. "Hmm I've never thought of it that way but now that you've mentioned it, I can see that. He is really small isn't he?"
"If I didn't know any better I would believe he was a high schooler."
That's ironic considering he is one of the older students." Mr. Kim says while nodding in agreement to Mr. Lee's statement.
After Mr. Lee leaves the lounge to do whatever he needs to do, Mr. Kim takes out his laptop to plan for tomorrow's class. Before he can even start anything there is a loud crash outside.
Mr. Kim stands to take a look and when he opens the door he pokes his head out to see what happened. The hallway is deserted with a few students loitering around the area. The scattered students are all looking in the direction of the cafeteria. Mr. Kim shakes his head before heading back instead all the while muttering under his breath about dumb kids being dumb.
Baekhyun happily leaves the lecture hall after Mr. Kim gave him permission to work alone on the project that was assigned today. The project consisted of observing man and nature in a span of three months. The directions were very vague so students had to be creative to complete the project. This semester the class would be focusing on the romantic period known as romanticism. This period was known for the appreciation of nature and the emphasis on imagination and emotions. Baekhyun couldn't wait to start it because he was a romantic and he believed he can put all his feelings into this project. Even though he'll be working alone, Baekhyun feels there is some beauty to it since it'll just be him and nature. It's not like he would be able to find a partner anyway. People were always humiliating him or those who leave him alone try to avoid him. They wouldn't want to be seen with him and be dragged down the social latter.
There was only one more class Baekhyun has to attend before he was free for the day. Since the class won't be starting for another hour and a half, Baekhyun decides to head to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. 
Once inside the cafeteria Baekhyun grabs a tray and starts to line up. Today's specials were seafood pancake, galbi, and soondubu jjigae. Along with those were everyday usuals such as tteokbukki, rice, kimbap, and bibimbap. Baekhyun feeling hungrier than usual decided to grab a bowl of soondubu jjigae, tteokbukki, and rice with galbi. He also didn't forget to grab a glass of strawberry milk, one of his favorite drinks. Content with the items on his tray, Baekhyun heads to the cashier to pay for his lunch. 
"Afternoon Baekhyun! That'll be $10.50 today"
"Hear you go." Baekhyun hands over the money before waving bye to Taeyeon. 
Looking around the cafeteria Baekhyun realizes that it was more packed than usual. He thinks maybe it was not such a good idea to eat in the cafeteria today. Searching earnestly Baekhyun spots a table all the way in the back. With quick steps Baekhyun tries to hurry to the empty table without looking at any of the occupants in the room. When he is about three meters away from his destination Baekhyun didnt see the leg that was stretched out in front of him. His leg got caught with the outstretched one and before he can comprehend what just happened Baekhyun feels himself falling forward. Looking for something to steady himself Baekhyun grabs whatever is in reach. Instead of steadying himself he falls anyway. Rather than the hard surface that Baekhyun was expecting to meet face to face with, he is met with a hard but warm surface. Looking up Baekhyun realizes that in his way down he managed to knock someone down with him. That the thing he grabbed was a person and said person was groaning and seems to be cursing at him? 
"Ugh you , what the hell is wrong with you?! Can't you watch where you're walking? Don't you have eyes?! God should you get off me?!"
Baekhyun stares quietly at the man that is screaming at him. He is too stunned at the events that took place to know what to do. All he knows is that someone tripped him and he fell all the while falling on top of a person and now the commotion has garnered the attention of every occupant in the cafeteria. 
"Hey ! Aren't you going to get off of him before you infest Chanyeol oppa with your gayness?" 
Baekhyun turns his head to look at the girl that was also screaming at him now. Before he can push himself off of the man now known as Chanyeol, he is shoved off by said man.
"Now look what you've done! Do you know how much these costs?!"
Baekhyun stares at the mess that is present in Chanyeol's pants. The lunch that Baekhyun didn't even get to taste yet is all over the others lap staining the expensive material with no hope of ever disappearing. 
Baekhyun cowers when Chanyeol steps toward him but he relaxes when all he does is step over him and out of the cafeteria. Will all the attention on him Baekhyun lowers his head once more before cleaning up the mess. It took Baekhyun only a minute to clean up the mess since he wanted to escape the embarrassment as soon as possible and all the comments made him work even faster.
"He's done it now."
"Such a dumb kid."
"Poor Chanyeol. To have to come in contact with the as well as getting his pants ruined. What a horrible day he must be having."
"What's going to happen to him now?"
"Who cares about him. The faster he is gone the better for everyone."
"So true!" With the last comment Baekhyun throws away the mess and runs out of the cafeteria leaving the students behind along with their laughter. 
Baekhyun runs to the bathroom to wash his face and clean himself up so that people won't see his red puffy eyes. He rather not give people more reasons to jab at him. 
Not hearing the bathroom door open Baekhyun continues to wash his face but the tears won't stop coming out. Baekhyun jumps when he hears a deep voice behind him.
"Why the hell are you crying? You're not the one with the ruined clothes."
Baekhyun looks up and into the mirror to see Chanyeol standing right behind him. Baekhyun shivers involuntarily at the glare the other gives him. Before he can Ty to run away Chanyeol grabs both his shoulders and turns him around.
Leaning in close, so close that Baekhyun has to bend backwards that the sink is poking his back possibly leaving future bruises, Chanyeol stares at Baekhyun before whispering in a very low but threatening voice. "Don't think I'll forget about this anytime soon. I was going to confess today and now you've ruined it. If I fail today, which I won't, but if there is a chance that I will then know this. The punishment that I'll give you will be doubled. Understand?"
Baekhyun nods his head quickly not taking note of the punishment. He just want Chanyeol to let him go so he can escape this man as well as the whole school and be in his bed with the covers over his head.
Letting go of the small boy in his hold Chanyeol gives Baekhyun one last look before leaving the bathroom. 
Baekhyun slumps against the sink and has to hold onto it to catch his breath. He was so scared that the man was going to beat him or something worse. After the initial shock of Chanyeol's threat tears start to coming out again and this time Baekhyun didn't try stopping them. He was in too much shock and humiliation to care anymore. 
Not wanting to go back to class, Baekhyun leaves the school and heads home. 
The whole way back he dreads going to school the next day and is scared of what will happen.
Stepping into his house Baekhyun heads to his room after taking off his shoes and ignoring the concerned questions his mother directs at him.
Baekhyun slumps into his bed and throws the covers over his head before crying himself to sleep.
A/n: I don't really know what college is like, at least not yet, so I'm describing it as if it's high school. I'm sorry if that displeases everyone but it's the only schooling that I now how to describe. Also any food that I include in hear are ones that I am craving lol. I'm a food fanatic. Anyway how was this chapter? Let me know in the comments behind. 
P.S: I don't know if I'll be able to keep the schedule I had planned for updates since school is starting and now I have to worry about college things, ap classes, clubs, sports, etc. so I might not be able to update every week. 
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sunday6_93 #1
Chapter 5: Shiiiiit. Omggg Baek.
Chapter 5: T^T y u so mean like what he do imma go to this school and start defending baek and beat up everyone
Chapter 4: Just finished reading this T^T Hope I'll get to know what will happen next
Chapter 4: THINGS AREN'T GOING AS PLANNED IN MY HEAD (even though it isnt my story) wow Chanyeol changing my view of you
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 3: Kinda hoping for the person Chanyeol is going to confess to, to turn him down.... >\\\<
Chapter 3: All that food is too much for someone as small as Baekhyun? Depends on the portion ofc but since it's a cafeteria and anything like those I know one meal should have been enough- Tho 2 arent unheard of c:
Then about the way colleges are...I inky know university so idk but after high school most don't bully anymore -at least not the way you describe it. It's muh more subtle and a "talking behind backs" thing. Not physical and not so uhhhhh blatant? (I hope that helps?)

Uhhhh Chanyeol is mean too ;;;;; poor Baekhyun ;;;;; I hope Chanyeol won't hurt him or anything, I want some sort f Prince to save my sweet Baekhyun ;;;
Sue5sue #8
Chapter 2: This spuds good so far but so sad cause I feel so bad for him my little baekyuuunnnie :((( but I can't wait for an update
Infinitewoo #9
Sounds interesting! Always love baekyeol!