In that Grammar Class

J-hope, Backstage and Me
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The next morning I woke up and felt happy for no reason. That was how I thought for the first time. After several minutes blinking and changing my sleeping position under my blanket, I reached my phone. I remembered everything when I saw Jhope's smiling face on my lock screen. 


I quickly open the lock and open Line. 


 'Safe flight Hobi!' was my last message. And he had read it already, but no reply. 


I check the time and tried to estimate what time it is now in Korea, how long did the flight take time and whether they have already landed in Korea. 

I'm bad at this, especially because I don't know how long the flight is. I opened Instagram and saw the fanpics from last night when BTS enter the airport. I saw Jhope's photo again, and as always I loved his face, his body profile and also his smile. His skin looked incredibly soft and fair, contrast with his all black outfit. His hair was wrapped up under a baseball cap. His eyes looked tired but his smile is as genuine as I always expect. He's the kind of person who can make me smile just by appearing in my news feed, even in my worst time of the day he never fails to make me smile. 


I don't even know if this is a good way to start my morning, fangirling to an idol whom I believe to be always not reachable. But everything is different now. I can reach him, even if just through words, Line and WiFi signal. 


Tossing away my phone, I woke up and left my bed to take a short shower. Currently I am thinking whether or not I should tell my friends about this. Lauren and Val are very close to me and I could show them the conversation I had with Jhope last night as the proof that I am not lying. However, there is something that makes me unable to do that: Jhope's request to keep it a secret.


On one side, I just felt that I really have to keep my words about keeping the secret. On another side, I was such a selfish fan. I still want to explore this myself. I want this to be between Jhope and me, not anybody else. I know it's not far from the thought to have him for myself, which is so unacceptable for Val and Lauren if I let them know after some time. I thought about it during shower and came up with the decision to leave the situation like this for a moment. I will tell them what happened, but not now. 


I looked at the clock, it is 7.30 am, so it is 9.30 in Korea. There are some post notifications from Instagram of Jhope fan accounts. I opened one and found there their arrival in Incheon airport. So... He arrived already. 


I can't help but open Line and quickly typed "Good morning Hobi! Hope you gave a good day today :)"

I stopped for a moment and thought, is it too much? Do I look desperate by sending him a good morning chat, even when he has not answered my last message last night? Gosh I need to calm down, or he would freak out and think I'm such a fanatic fan. 


I changed my clothes and prepared for my class today. My class is at 9 so I have time to dress up and put on some light make up. I like to use it when I feel happy. Then I came out to the dining room and took a slice of toast while greeting my mother, father and my younger sister and brother. 


"Wow you seemed happy for a morning class. I thought you hate it." My mom teased me. 


"She went to BTS concert last night Mom. What could possibly turn herself down?" My younger sister, Nana, answered for me. 


My younger brother, Dio, continued to tease me "Mom, she might have dreamt about BTS last night. That's why she is that happy now." 


"I know right. She looked too excited for a morning class. Or maybe BTS just dropped another MV this morning?" All of them made fun of me, except my father who only knows BTS as a Korean boygroup who sings and dance. 


I didn't answer much and just chewed my toast and left them to the front door, and then I left for campus.


I liked my campus in the morning like this, so many trees and sunlight coming from among the branches. The weather is rather windy but not very cold. There sound of birds chirping among the sounds of cars and the bustling road in front of the campus. 


I stopped immediately when I heard a Line notification from my phone. I quickly pulled my phone from my trousers' pocket and check the notification. 


It was Lauren, who wanted to meet me before class and checked the grammar exercise together.


I was expecting for

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Nevrane #1
Chapter 10: yeeeeeeey you updated ;D I have sooo much Hobi feels right now :X
Chapter 7: This is great so far :)
Vladlette #3
Chapter 7: HI! *waves*

Really good so far, looking forward to more! :D