{ 10 }

The Things I Never Told You

How flustered you can be. 

I remember a lot of times when I made you blush. But what I really treasure, in this oh-so(not)-cold heart of mine, is when I finally—finally—confessed to you.

Kim Heechul keeps his promises. No matter how hard I try to forget about that damn thing Puff made me promise, I kept it. Because I should face the fact that I secretly wanted to do it. So damn much. And that she and that promise was just a push for me.

It was graduation day. Everyone except me, were crying. You were crying, telling me how I shouldn't forget about you. 

You're an idiot for forgetting that we got into the same college, and are roommates. 

I, on the other hand, was surprisingly nervous. Puff was watching you cry in front of me near the gate. Everyone was still inside and you pulled me out so you can cry (as if you hadn't already been crying inside) and she followed us. I didn't wonder why because it was pretty damn obvious that she wanted to see what will happen.

I stood there awkwardly, trying to form the right words inside my mind. You can say that I was very serious about this. Because yeah, I was. It's you we're talking about. 

We were both quiet. You stopped crying, finally; and I was glad that everyone was still inside the auditorium. 

"Jungsoo," I said, breaking the silence. I looked over at Puff who was standing behind a tree. "I have something to tell you,"

"What?" You wiped your tears with your handkerchief. 

"I..." I trailed off. "I... you look ugly when you cry." 

You hit me on the shoulder and I laughed, rubbing the spot. You asked me what I was really going to say. A sigh left my lips as I stared at you, clutching the diploma in my hand. "." 

"Are you okay?" 



". I'm in love with you."

You were obviously taken aback by this. And I saw the blush appear on your cheeks. Your eyes were still puffy from crying. Even though I just told you you looked ugly when crying, you were pretty damn cute.

And you became mine. 




So how's it going? Hehe. The first few weeks of classes aren't that busy, surprisingly; so this didn't take a year or two to be updated. I can't believe I've posted 10 chapters of this now! Though it's short, it's still rare for me to manage writing a fanfic this much.
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MayuHatsune #1
Chapter 10: Gosh these drabbles are the cutest stories I've ever read.
P/s: I love your 83line stories so much and I really want to share them to my Wordpress blog ( omeobeoantap.wordpress.com ).Do you mind if I translate your stories into Vietnamese? Thank you for your reply. OwO
fighter #2
Chapter 10: I love it
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh, I love this so much !! I love they way you writes these chapters, although short it tells us a lot! Keep up the good work >,<
Chapter 10: This is so short. I want more. More teukchul please...
MMEunHaeMM #5
Chapter 10: God, seriosly, He is so adorable when he is crying. It's been a 6 months, won't you write more? @_@
Chapter 10: It is one of my fav teukchul fic!! I am looking forward to the next chaps. Hope you do well on your school^^
Chapter 10: WHDKFJEIJFJWNDKSIUWOEUTHBEHEIJDME I had Teukchul feels so I reread this and cried because there isn't more ;;;;;
Chapter 10: It is so cute I like all
Jyotimeena #9
Chapter 10: awww...it's so cute. pls write more<3