Chapter 02: 나 때문이다. (Because of Me)

The Lost Memories

4 days before the accident...

"Congratulations on your debut! I'm sorry I couldn't come to celebrate your debut with you guys. I'm too busy with the racing this past week. I promise I'll treat you guys to dinner after the race!"

"It's alright Hana-ya! Jun here misses you already! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"Stop it S.coups hyung. See you soon Hana! The members miss you but I miss you more than they do. Saranghae!"

"See you soon as well. I'll hang up now, race is about to start. Make sure you guys watch the race alright?"

"Go do your best Hana!" Seventeen members shouted on the phone right before Hana hangs up.

"Turn on the TV! The race is about to start!"

The members were so excited watching Hana on TV driving really fast for the 1st place until...


The news was filled with Hana's accident. Even the famous idols heard about the accident as well. 

Jeonghan's POV

"Jeonghan hyung, will Jun hyung be alright? He haven't left his rooms every since Hana got confined." Ever since the accident, Junhui never left the dorm unless there's a schedule. Woozi and Vernon visits Hana whenever they have free time.

"He'll be fine. He's just adjusting to the situation. He'll visit Hana soon."

We're all hoping and praying that he visits Hana. S.coups hyung and I never left Jun's side this past 2 days.

"Hyung! Someone left us a voicemail! Hurry!"

A voicemail?

"Poor Seventeen, it seems that Junhui is never going to get out of his trauma. I'm actually at xxx hospital in front of Hana's room. I can kill her right now unless Jun agrees with the deal I'm going to give you. I wil let Hana live. Without her memories though. Erasing  ALL HER MEMORIES OF SEVENTEEN. Ohh~ It's like Tsubasa Chronicles. ( ̄▽ ̄) Seventeen will have to find that ONE thing that can bring her memories back. It's only one in this world. You will have to look for 13 rings and then find the place where the rings will become one. Good luck. I hope Junhui agrees to this. If not, he will marry Ms. xxx. Seventeen members will have to bring Hana to the wedding and give her the ring that contains all of 13 rings. She will remember everything while watching her boyfriend gets married.. I will see you soon Seventeen. Very, very, very soon." /tooooooot/

"Jun needs to make a decision. But right now, only us can know about this. Not even our managers, alright?"

"I hope so S.coups hyung. We do have to find those 13 rings y'know."

This will be harder than I thought. ㅠㅠ

Kai's POV

"What do you mean they have to look for 13 rings and a place to make those rings become 1? Did you talk about this with Jun? He has to know."

"But sunbaenim. He already knows. He's not speaking about it at all." The8 is having a hard time as well. :/

"EXO will try to help you look for those rings. Don't worry."


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