Chapter 05: The Last Ring

The Lost Memories

Author's POV

Days, months, hours, minutes and seconds have passed. Seventeen found 12 out of 13 rings in the said valley. Day by day Haneul (A/N: She's the girl I had to 'xxx' her name. I had no idea of what her name would be.) kept hoping that Junhui and the others wont find the last ring.

"Haneul, give up already they're down to one last ring. Why do you even want him back? It was your fault why he broke up with you in the first place." Sebastian said while reading his book.

"I regret cheating on him, okay? I want him back. But that girl has to suffer first." Said Haneul while monitoring Seventeen on the screen.

"You better stop that monitoring. It'll creep them out once they found out. Hana didn't even do anything to you! Crazy b-tch." Sebastian walks out of Haneul's room.


"We're down to the last ring yet we still can't find it anywhere inside that cold and scary valley!" Shouted Seungkwan who's really frustrated not being able to find the last ring for the past few days.

"Maybe it's Hana's ring. The one Junhui gave on their 1st anniversary of dating each other."

An idea suddenly pops out of Joshua's mind..

"Ya! Why don't we try her ring then? It might be the last ring y'know."

And so, Seventeen heads out to Hana's apartment to borrow her ring for just a few days.

Hana's POV

I do remember that I don't usually wear ring. But why on earth am I wearing one?

/ding! dong!/

"Who is it?"

"Uhhh. Hana noona! It's me Vernon, we came to borrow something from you."

Borrow what?

"Oh, sure. Come on in first. What is it that you want to borrow?" Now that you've mentioned it, there's nothing to borrow from me.

"Can we borrow that ring you're wearing right now? We just need to check something on it."

"Oh, sure, here you go." As soon as I gave them the ring I'm wearing they started pulling out shiny rings and it looks like they're reading something on it.

"It's the last ring! Jun, where did you bought this?" S.coups ask while looking at my ring.

"I don't--"

"He bought it at my small store back in China." And there's this old man who suddenly-- wait how on earth did he get in here?!

"You're that guy?! I can't believe you're that old man who suggested me the ring!" Junhui said frustrated.

"Ummm, sorry for interrupting but, why do you need those rings? It's just a ring. It's something every person on this earth wears."

"You'll know soon enough dear. Seventeen, you know what to do. You better hurry now. Time is running out." And then the old man suddenly disappears along with Seventeen.

Who on earth is that old man, why do I have a guy's clothes? Why do I know the fresh debut Seventeen? Who on earth am I?

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