It's War

Impossible Love

Chansung's POV

"What do you want?" I spat out each word with contempt, clearly showing my hatred of the person on the line.

"Ohhh, don't be like that Chansung sweetie! This is no way to greet your girlfriend!" came the overly sweet, happy voice.

"EX girlfriend, Eun Sun. EX." i replied flatly.

"Mmmm sure. Well I'm back to being your girlfriend now!"

"Right. Quite frankly something has happened to your bimbo brain to make you forget what happened 3 years ago."

"Oh wow, you're still holding a grudge over THAT? Puh-lease, that's old news. That was just a folly of youth, Chansung honey. Let's just forgive and move on, yeah?"

Anger gripped me, hearing her say those words. Old news? Folly of youth? What NERVE does this girl have to brush off something like that as though it was nothing?!

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSH*T!" I yelled angrily, then quickly lowered my voice as I felt Junho slightly stir. Through gritted teeth, I went on to say, "You may think that what happened was NOTHING. But to me, you destroyed my life. No way will I EVER go running back to you like the obedient puppy you think i am."

"Oh you aren't?" she replied nonchalantly. I imagine she's probably examining her nails at this point. "If i remember clearly, you were pretty much DEVOTED to me. Old habits are hard to change, hon." I could hear the smirk in her voice, and that only made me angrier.

I scoffed and said, "Sorry to disappoint you , 'hon', but I've already moved on, unlike you. And i'm not one to go back to my exes, especially when they haven't changed from the they are since the time we split."

i heard a "tch" in anger as she heard my words. I smirked. Being called a always touched a nerve in her. I heard her take a breath to regain her composure, then she said,

"You should be grateful, Chansung, that I'm allowing you a second chance. There's men out there who would do ANYTHING to be with me, the person labeled as 'Most Beautifiul Woman' in Korea."

"Mhm, you sure looked like one hot mess on the front page of the news puking your guts out half in a club bathroom. That was one hot scandal all right," I replied sarcastically. I smirked again when I audibly heard Eun Sun growl in frustration. Definitely hit a raw nerve there.

Dropping all composure, Eun Sun growled, "Look you, you're going to be my boyfriend and nothing will change about that. I don't care if i have to get my company's jewerly guards to come drag you over here and lock you in my apartment forever. You.Will.Be.Mine."

"Why? Last time I heard I was a 'disformed creature' in your eyes," I replied back drily. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

There was a long pause following my words. Finally she replied softly,

"...I realized my faults, Chansung. I finally realized I still love you. I don't care if you're disformed. I want you back. So please...won't you?"

I almost believed her. Almost.

I sighed and said, "You can't fool me Eun Sun. There's a reason why the movie you acted in flopped. You're the worst actress ever. You think I wouldn't be able to see through your act? I've known you for 3 years. I know a lot more about you than you realize. Now please, get real. What's your REAL reason?"

"I don't need to give you a reason for wanting you back, Chansung!" she replied back sharply. "A woman of my status doesn't need to give reasons for my actions! You will come back to me! You will!"

"Losing it that quickly, Eun Sun? I thought you were someone with a bit more class and composure. I'm dissapointed," I replied nonchalantly. "If that's all you have to say, I'm afraid i'll be hanging up now. I have more important things to do than talking to people like you."

"What changed, Chansung, what changed. You were always so willing to be with me, complying with my every wish and command. What changed?" She whispered angrily.

"A lot can change in a person over 3 years, Eun Sun. I've come out of that ordeal even stronger, and none of your slippery, snake-tongued words will undermine me. My heart has moved on, and i think it would be good if yours did too."

Silence then filled between us, the tension feeling like angry clouds brewing before a storm. The silence went on for so long i started to suspect she hung up on me when she finally said,

"So you found someone new, huh."

It wasn't a question. It was a stated fact. And from how bluntly she said it, i could feel she has something up her sleeve. I instinctively hugged my sleeping Junho closer to me, my protective instincts kicking in.

"What makes you say that?"

I heard her laugh, and then her sly composure came back. 

"You've always at concealing the truth, Chansung. I can tell in your voice there's someone else you love already. And since you think you know me SO well, you would know I do my research on anyone before I date them."

My breath hitched at her words. Oh no. She can't possibly know...

"Hmm from my informants, your current lover is Junho, yes?" 

She knows.

"And that he's also 'disformed,' seeing that he is without his voice. 17 years old and currently attending Seoul High School. Despite you being blind, you sure picked up a cutie, huh?"

"You better not do anything to him, Eun Sun," I quickly said, tightening my protective hug on Junho. "If you'll live to regret it."

I heard her laugh and then say,"Me? Regret? please give me a break. You're going to be the only one regretting anything if you don't comply with my wishes. I would HATE to have to disform your little cutie pie to get you back at my side."

"You.Wouldn't." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I can't promise you anything. There's MANY ways i can go about this situation..."she trailed off teasingly, leaving me to imagine the number of things she would do to Junho.

"You ! I swear if you do anything-"

"Nah ah ah~ make me mad and your little Junho's a goner!" Eun Sun said mischievously. "Glad I now got your attention. Look, i'll get in contact with you again soon. The next time we talk i expect you to be a bit more...compliant. And by the way, you really don't remember any details about your little tragedy, do you? Well, it's better that you don't remember. Well anyways, until then!~"


But she had already hung up. I gripped my phone angrily in revelation of what has just occurred. What does she mean by "details about my tragedy"?Why does she have to play her little games with me? Why...why does she have to come back now?! After everything was going so well...

You ok? 

I felt Junho lightly touch my cheek. Just his touch released all the pent up stress from that conversation. I sighed and hugged him tightly, burying my face in his neck. 

"Yeah, i'm fine," I whispered in his ear.

You sure? you seemed mad...I think I heard you swear and you never swear...

I almost told him what had just occurred. Almost. After all we told each other everything. But something held me back.

"really i'm fine," I said with a smile. I then lightly kissed him on the forehead and said, "now let's get you home. I'm pretty sure your brother is worried sick by now."

That's right. I can't let him get involved. This is my problem, and I'll deal with it on my own. I'll make sure to protect him, at all cost. I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to Junho because of me.

Thinking about how Eun Sun would stoop so low as to use Junho to get me rekindled my anger. It took all my self control not to let it show on my face. Eun Sun you's war now. It's war.

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kpopluver4 #1
Chapter 8: MBLAQ This is war...good song.
Meonggg #2
uuuh can't wait for the next onee~ so curious!
I hope Junho will be okay! >___<
Chansung! don't let anything bad happen to Junho please
blue_one #3
update soon! good work !
this is cool! i 've always loved cat-fight. I can't wait to see how Chanho can get through this hard time. Nice job! Good luck my lady. Saranghee!
elasticelastic #5
Awesome update~
alexaecyeon #6
updateee :DD
i really love this. Now i wonder if pains, sometimes, can bring happiness...Merry Christmas to you too!
Oh geez this is so beautiful <3 It shows that in love there are no bariers :333 so cute that I have butterflies in stomach ^__^ thanks for this beautiful fic keep updating :)
syirasapphire #9
yeayyy!!!!<br />
it's been awhile.. and this is great <3<br />
you scared me there for a while i thought this was the end..<br />
im really excited to know what's next..<br />
update soon please^^