Reimagine (Jaejoong)

The Blind Pianist

Love is blind and greed is insatiable.


I never understood how people could be so inconsiderate of others. When I was in grade school, I told my teachers that I could find my own seat and figure out which back pack is my own by myself. They insisted that I could not possibly do that because I could not see anything. I gave up on fighting after the first week because there was no way to convince them. If I was ever out on the street without Yoochun and people saw me feeling around, they immediately ran up and helped, telling me that I could not do find my apartment building. I knew exactly how many steps I had to take and exactly which way to turn to go down the street for my complex. I just wanted to memorize every little thing in case something suddenly disappeared and I could not use it anymore. Still, they held my arm and asked where I lived. I told them, giving in easily. I was never one to fight for my own right to take care of myself.


Not until now.


I believe Yunho saving me from getting hit by that bus was something that needed to happen. Even if I could not see it, I heard it. I probably would have had a broken leg from trying to hop backwards to get out of the way, but I could have saved my own life. That was why I got so angry with him. He was a stranger at the time and I was finally fed up with people helping me get through my every day life.


I crouch in the farthest stall in the bathroom, drawing my knees to my chest and burying my face in my knees. I try to stop crying. It is not my favorite thing to do, but if I need to I hide. I do not know what I look like when I cry, but I am sure it is not pleasant. I wipe away my tears and take deep breaths, calming myself down. I have my own little calm down session: You're fine, Jaejoong. It was just someone trying to care about you and watch out for you. He saved your life, you should be grateful.

My head pops up when I hear the door to the bathroom opening. I scramble over to the door of the bathroom stall to try locking it, but I am too slow. The perpetrator pushes it open, invading my space.


"I'm sorry," I apologize quietly. "I'll leave now." I stand up and try to dart past the man, but I am stopped by his arm. I catch a whiff of his cologne and realize it is Yunho.


"I am so sorry, Jaejoong." He pulls me in for a tight hug, squeezing me until I cannot breathe. I push lightly until he lets go a little. "I don't understand what it means to be you, nor will I ever, but I will do my best to hear you out and feel what you feel and rise to your expectations as a friend. Tell me what I need to do to get you to accept my apology. Please."


This catches me by surprise. No one, not even my own parents or Yoochun, has apologized for not being able to imagine what I live with. I do not think even I have tried to stand in the shoes of people who have eyesight. I have never thought people like Yunho existed--the understanding, selfless individuals that actually listen instead of seeking attention by talking non-stop. I let my guard down and lean against Yunho, allowing him to pull me closer. "It's okay. You're more than I could have imagined."


I feel him heave a sigh and smile to myself. I have not felt this happy in a long time.

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Please,don't give up this amazing fic!!
Please!!!Update again.
Chapter 9: Ohhh I love this fic!!...found it accidentally...and I love how you don't actually describe JJ's beauty and Yunho's manliness coz actually I am getting kind of bored of that...unless if its written beautifully...

author-nim...I'll wait for your update ^^
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 9: Now Yunho has a better understanding of what Jae's feel.....a step further to their relationship.
kimchoding91 #5
Chapter 9: Curious with this story
Chapter 8: YunHo you better apologize to JaeJoong right away.....
Thanks dear... love your stories
claire_yj #7
Chapter 8: Aww this story is so good. Will be waiting for your next update.
DragonArcana #8
Chapter 8: Yunho hurry and apologize before things become worse!

I'm loving this story so much author-nim. Keep it up ^^
Chapter 7: Yunhos cute in this^^
Chapter 7: Ahahaha YunHo will do anything to make sure JaeJoong will be in the same company and by his side I love this story very much dear