Road to Success (Jaejoong)

The Blind Pianist

Life would be pointless without the push and pull of sad and happy.


The days continue without anything remarkable happening. I continue getting calls from composers and big-time musicians alike asking if I will perform with them or start teaching them or someone they know to play. I decline every last one. I would love to help them, but the problem is they learn by reading the music; I learned by sound and touch. There is no way I will be able to tell them how to do it if I do not know how myself.


My friend Yoochun plops himself in the seat next to mine and nudges my arm. "Hey, how ya doing?"


I shrug and lean back against my chair. "These things really annoy me." I hear Yoochun laugh and start writing something, probably an idea for the next event.


The event he threw together for me today is for directors and composers only, especially since I need a job to start paying my parents back for the tuition. All of them offered great deals, but none of them appealed to me. They were all either too jam-packed that I would get even less sleep than I already do, or they were not going to pay enough that I could pay my parents off in a cinch. I know I cannot be so picky, but I need to keep my priorities straight. Otherwise, I will end up on the road to destruction.


Yoochun hums quietly. I do the same, but add, "I wish there were someone that would just adhere to my wishes, not make me try to accomodate to theirs."


I hear him start to say something like "I agree" or "I wish," but then he stops. The chair skids underneath him as he stands up. "Jung Yunho! What are you doing here?" He then realizes how rude that sounds and apologizes quickly, multiple times.


I laugh at him and listen to the two exchange apologies and acceptance. I sit there, waiting for Yunho to acknowledge me. He may not be here for me, though. He may just be here because he is passing through or has to hide from the paparazzi.


"Jaejoong, it's nice to see you again." I feel Yunho grab my hands and I can tell he is bowing by the way his hands shift a little. My cheeks go hot for a few seconds until I stand and bow back.


"Why are you here? Are you hiding from the paparazzi?" I joke.


"Actually, I came in because I saw you."


Yoochun stifles a snorted laugh beside me and I jab him in the side, getting him to cough out anything he might be ready to say. "Why?"


Yunho laughs quietly, sending shivers down my side. I hope he does not see it. "Well, you need a company to join, right? I was thinking you'd be interested in joining mine."


I am quiet for a minute. I never thought of Yunho walking into the building and asking if I would join the same company as him. I have so many questions to ask him: Do they endorse musicians as myself? How much do they pay? How is the contract? Are you even here as a representative for your company? Instead, I say, "Give me a reason to."


I can tell by the pressure in the air that I threw out a question he was not expecting. Right when I think he is about to back out, he begins laughing. A lot. I my head to the side and I know Yoochun is just as baffled as I am. "What's so funny?" I ask, standing up. "It's a legitimate statement. I need a company that adheres to my needs as a musician and knows what they're doing with my abilities and wants and needs. Will your company give me that kind of leeway?"


His laughing slowly dies down. He approaches me, and by the heat radiating off of his body, I can tell he is right in front of me. I keep staring straight forward, standing firm with my statement. I then feel his lips at my ear and I tense up. "If they don't, I'll make sure they know exactly what mistake they are making." He backs up after that. "Besides, you'll be the best thing to ever come to Shim Studios. The CEO is really cool. I heard him talking about you the other day and mentioned that I had met you. He even asked me to find you again so I can ask if you'll be a part of the company. So, what do you say, Jaejoong? Do you want to be one of my co-workers?"


I stand there in silence. Everything I have done in my life has not been leading up to this. This is not what I dreamt of. I wanted to be the lone prodigy that started from scratch and did not need any entertainment company to help me achieve my dreams. I wanted to go to Juilliard in America and perform at Carnegie Hall in front of a large crowd. I wanted the greatest musical influences of my time to get in touch with me and ask if I would perform with them across the world. But most of all, I wanted to become famous to earn money for an eye surgery and restore my vision.


Before I turn him down, I think about the privileges of being part of an entertainment company. If I join Shim Studios, I will meet a lot of hard-working individuals willing to put their everything into teaching me to improve myself. Yunho will be there to help me get through the days I do not know how to handle. And either way, people do not go from a nobody to a super star overnight. I will need to go through a rigorous training with a real entertainment company to prepare myself for the big leagues.


"I'll join." I point behind me. "But Yoochun needs to come with me." Yoochun begins freaking out and saying that it is not necessary, but Yunho just laughs once more, saying that it would nice having another manager in the company.


Hopefully this will be my road to success.

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Please,don't give up this amazing fic!!
Please!!!Update again.
Chapter 9: Ohhh I love this fic!!...found it accidentally...and I love how you don't actually describe JJ's beauty and Yunho's manliness coz actually I am getting kind of bored of that...unless if its written beautifully...

author-nim...I'll wait for your update ^^
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 9: Now Yunho has a better understanding of what Jae's feel.....a step further to their relationship.
kimchoding91 #5
Chapter 9: Curious with this story
Chapter 8: YunHo you better apologize to JaeJoong right away.....
Thanks dear... love your stories
claire_yj #7
Chapter 8: Aww this story is so good. Will be waiting for your next update.
DragonArcana #8
Chapter 8: Yunho hurry and apologize before things become worse!

I'm loving this story so much author-nim. Keep it up ^^
Chapter 7: Yunhos cute in this^^
Chapter 7: Ahahaha YunHo will do anything to make sure JaeJoong will be in the same company and by his side I love this story very much dear