Chance Encounter (Yunho)

The Blind Pianist

Nothing is more satisfying than meeting someone unique.


My manager flares his nostrils as yells at me, and every time I stifle a laugh he gets even angrier, making me laugh even more. Eventually he tells me that when my promotions are over, he will be keeping a close eye on me, making sure I do not get into any trouble. I just roll my eyes and tell him to leave me alone so I can live my life the way I want. I shove my hands in my pockets and turn on my heels, walking out the door. Even though I am in my own hotel room, I am the one that leaves. That is always how it has been for me.


Jung Yunho, the rebel. Jung Yunho, the cocky brat. Jung Yunho, the delinquent. I was taunted all through high school because of my parents. They were in the Top 10 Wealthiest Families in South Korea, so everyone assumed I was narcissistic, spoiled, and rude. I tried proving them wrong by treating everyone the best I could, but the view they had of me before they met me could not be altered. I grew so tired of it that I indeed turned into the person they always thought I was, but not without consequence. I became a bully. Anybody I saw an opportunity to make fun of, I did. I knocked the books out of their hands, pushed them against the lockers, threw a few punches their way, and started as many rumors as I could. The school board eventually heard too much about me and kicked me out of school. My parents disowned me when they found out what I was doing at school, saying, "You're a disgrace to our family name."


For the longest time, I believed them. I believed everyone. No matter how small the insult, I let it get in my head and the result of my reactions turned me into a homeless hood rat at seventeen. That was when I realized I needed to turn my life around. I began volunteering at the food shelters that kept me from starving to death for the weeks that I was stuck outside in a box with no way to feed myself. I hung around the nursing homes, making friends with the old ladies and men that taught me how important the idea of karma was and they let me use their showers so I could start looking for a job. Eventually I got hired at a noodle shop. It definitely was not everything I dreamt of, but it was something I could lean back on for a while.


One day while I was working the overnight shift, a ballad by H.O.T was playing on the overhead radio. I was collecting the dirty dishes and cleaning everything while singing along. I heard someone yell out, "Hey you! Sing a little louder." I thought they were taunting me, so I just took a deep breath and stopped, controlling my anger. Then they walked up to me and I looked at them. "I'm serious, sing a little louder." He smiled at me and I reluctantly opened my mouth to sing along with the song. When the high note hit, I cracked a little, sleep deprived and dehydrated. The guy still smiled bigger, handing me a flyer. I took it and read the headline: "Singing competition for the chance to become the next big thing!" My jaw dropped and I stared at him. He handed me a tip and walked out, leaving me baffled.


Needless to say, I participated in the competition and came in second place, Kim Junsu beating me out by a few extra points. Even though I felt defeated, I had gone all that way and did my best, so I was proud of myself. As I was leaving, someone ran up behind me and said he would like me to be a part of his company. That was what turned my life around. I joined a company and signed a contract for five years. I quickly became famous, especially with the guidance I had from my manager and fellow labelmates.


Now, as I walk down the street to the noodle shop that I worked at so long ago, I contemplate how I was going to handle the next year. It will be my last year with my company unless I sign another five-year contract. Will it really be worth it? I am always tired and working, and I never get to see my family, not even during holidays. I enjoy performing on the stage, though, and I think that is the most important part. I once told myself at the noodle shop, "If you do not enjoy your job, why stay?" This is the job that I enjoy more than anything else, but is it worth putting my health at risk?


I sigh and almost decide to run down the street and never stop until I am too worn out to go any further when I hear a horn honk loudly. I look around to see if I am in the street, but my eyes land on a man in black pajamas. He is standing right in the middle of the road, looking around like an idiot. That is when I realize it is the musician from before. I have no time to yell. I quickly run towards him and just barely grab the back of his shirt before the truck barrels past us. He lands on top of me, blowing the wind out of me. I lay there, groaning. My years of getting into fights at school did not prepare me for getting landed on by a full-grown man after saving him from being hit by a truck.


"Are you okay?"


I open my eyes and look up at him. He is holding his hand out towards the door of the hotel. It brings a small smile to my face. "I'm fine, but how are you doing? Did you get hurt at all?"


He stiffens up and turns to face the sound of my voice. I stand, brushing off any dirt and trying not to stand on my left foot. "No. Was I in the middle of the street?"


I almost ask how he did not realize it, but then I remember that he cannot see. "Yeah. You're lucky I was here to save you." I move forward to open the door of the hotel for him, but he growls, "I can do it myself." He then slaps my hand out of the way and pulls the door open, darting inside. I try to follow him, but my left leg crumbles below me, causing me to fall again. "," I mumble, grabbing my ankle. I probably sprained it when I fell. I slowly stand up again, making my way inside of the hotel. I sit in one of the chairs and call my manager, telling him what happened. He sounds reluctant, but he says he will pick me up. As I wait for him, I think of the musician. That was the second time I have seen him, but still do not know his name.


Maybe next time will be the one where we can meet peacefully.

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Please,don't give up this amazing fic!!
Please!!!Update again.
Chapter 9: Ohhh I love this fic!!...found it accidentally...and I love how you don't actually describe JJ's beauty and Yunho's manliness coz actually I am getting kind of bored of that...unless if its written beautifully...

author-nim...I'll wait for your update ^^
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 9: Now Yunho has a better understanding of what Jae's feel.....a step further to their relationship.
kimchoding91 #5
Chapter 9: Curious with this story
Chapter 8: YunHo you better apologize to JaeJoong right away.....
Thanks dear... love your stories
claire_yj #7
Chapter 8: Aww this story is so good. Will be waiting for your next update.
DragonArcana #8
Chapter 8: Yunho hurry and apologize before things become worse!

I'm loving this story so much author-nim. Keep it up ^^
Chapter 7: Yunhos cute in this^^
Chapter 7: Ahahaha YunHo will do anything to make sure JaeJoong will be in the same company and by his side I love this story very much dear